Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (2024)

It would take more than long-stemmed roses to change my view that you're a despicable cowardy custard and a disgrace to a proud family. Your ancestors fought in the Crusades and were often mentioned in despatches, and you cringe like a salted snail at the thought of appearing as Santa Claus before an audience of charming children who wouldn't hurt a fly. It's enough to make an aunt turn her face to the wall and give up the struggle. — P.G. Wodehouse

My Meema, her favorite show was 'Dallas.' She made the family watch. She loved to hate J.R. She passed away when I was 12, and I know she's looking down on me going, 'Oh, my goodness. How are you on the show? I am so proud of you and why in the hell are you playing J.R.'s son?' — Josh Henderson

My mom is proud of me. I just want to keep working hard so one day I can help my family. I am going to get a big house one day, and we all can stay in it and eat. — Ben McLemore

There are millions of people out there who live this way, and their hearts are breaking just like mine. It's okay to say, "My kid is a drug addict or alcoholic, and I still love them and I'm still proud of them." Hold your head up and have a cappuccino. Take a trip. Hang your Christmas lights and hide colored eggs. Cry, laugh, then take a nap. And when we all get to the end of the road, I'm going to write a story that's so happy it's going to make your liver explode. It's going to be a great day. — Dina Kucera

I just want to be able to have fun, make a living, feed my family and create something that I'm proud of, and I'm all those things. It's great. — Eddie McClintock

My grandfather did a lot of things in his life. What he was most proud of was raising his family. — Tagg Romney

My job doesn't define my kids in any way. When we go to places, it's about them and it's about us as a family. I think they're proud of me, but I'm just Dad. — Steve Carell

It's my job to see it."
"It's your gift," she corrected. "Your family must be proud of you." She spoke casually, began to eat again, then stared at him, baffled, when he laughed. "Why is that funny?"
"Pride wouldn't exactly be part of their general outlook to my way of thinking."
"People can't find pride in what they don't understand.Not all families, Keeley, are as cozy as yours. — Nora Roberts

I'm ridiculously proud of my children. More so than any of my books. I suspect I wouldn't have written any of them if I hadn't been lucky enough to have this huge family. — Debi Gliori

I wanted to share my life story and honor my roots. I am very proud of my family and mother. — Rocco DiSpirito

I just wanted to do something that had some meaning that I can look back and be proud of, that my family can look back and be proud of. — Big Sean

I wasn't in a position that some other memoirists are, dealing with families who fed them meth, or kidnapped them, or did something that would make the writer not want to see that family again. I wanted to see my family. I wanted to celebrate them. I was proud of who we were, in the wilderness, floating down rapids or hiking over glaciers, and everywhere else. — Leigh Newman

When I look at you, I still see the son I love more than my own life. But I also see a man who has become so far removed from what matters that his perception is skewed. Family is real, son. A home to settle into - that's real. People who love you and care about you. You've had a phenomenal career, and I'm proud of you. But it's time to stop basing your worth on championships and endorsem*nt deals. You can't buy happiness. You can't earn it. God isn't counting all the deals you're racking up - and neither is your family." He lifted his brow. "And neither is Lucy. For the first time someone's looking at the person inside - and you have to decide if you're going to let her in and be the man she needs you to be." His father turned his head toward a family picture on the mantel. "It's a risk. But one I've never regretted. — Jenny B. Jones

I am proud of my heritage and my family. — Brian Sandoval

I never thought of myself as anything but plain and ordinary until you came along. The way you look at me, the way you see me ... you pull something out of me. When I want to hide, you urge me forward. When I think I'm not good enough, you make me believe I am. When I feel anything but pretty, you convince me I'm beautiful. Just being around you makes me feel special. You don't think you're good at loving people, but you are. Your friends, your family ... the level of love that you have for people astounds me. You don't think people love you back, but they do. They fiercely love you. I fiercely love you. I've never met anyone as passionate as you, as kindhearted as you ... as amazing as you. You love with every fiber of your soul. You inspire me every day. And if you'll agree to be my husband, I'll do my best to make you proud of me, to inspire you. — S.C. Stephens

Well, I guess slave-runners aren't really my cup of tea. That is who you married instead, right? A slave-runner. Your father must have been so proud."
That wiped the grin right off her face.
"You leave my father out of this," she snarled.
"Oh, why?" I asked. "Tell me something, is he sore at you? Your dad, I mean. You know, for having Jesse killed? Because I imagine he would be. I mean, basically, thanks to you, the de Silva family line ran out. And your kids with that Diego dude turned out to be, as we've already discussed, major losers. I bet whenever you run into your dad out there, you know, on the spiritual plane, he doesn't even say hi anymore, does he? That's gotta hurt."
I'm not sure how much of that, if any, Maria actually understood. Still, she seemed plenty mad. — Meg Cabot

He's supposed to look out for you."
"I do!" Kieran sounded offended. "You should be proud of her. Hart requested her presence personally at the Drake coronation."
I closed my eyes briefly. We were doomed.
"You went to a vampire ceremony?" Grandpa asked evenly.
"He didn't know?" Kieran asked.
"No, he didn't."
Grandpa vibrated with rage. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my family!"
"It's different now," Kieran tried to assuage him. "I'm dating Solange Drake. They're a good family."
Grandpa went red, then purple. Kieran took a step back. I whacked Grandpa between the shoulder blades.
"Grandpa, breathe! — Alyxandra Harvey

We are strong and proud and beautiful and there are not enough stars in the night sky to measure our worth.
I will honor my mother and take care of my family.
Yes, I think. I am just a woman. — Kristen Simmons

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (19)

I am very proud of my mom and consider her the most courageous woman I know. With perseverance, sacrifice and hard work, she raised a family of Olympic athletes and gave us the tools and the spirit to succeed. That is something that my brothers and I will always be thankful for. — Diana Lopez

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (20)

Maybe this isn't the right thing to say, but I want you to know: When you ran for the stage, I've never been so proud of you in all my life. You've always been beautiful; you've always been talented. And now I know that your moral compass is perfectly aligned, that you see clearly when things are wrong, and you do everything you can to stop it. As a father, I can't ask for more. I love you America. And I'm so so proud. — Kiera Cass

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (21)

My message to all men is that you have to kill pride. You've been taught that pride is a manly thing, that pride is a good thing. But the problem with pride is that it stops you from growth. When you're so proud that you won't change, you've got problems. Male pride causes wars; millions of people have died because of male pride, because one man would not back down. Male pride will say, "I'd rather blow up my whole family than have everyone look at me as though I've lost." That is so dangerous. — Terry Crews

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (22)

My family is all lawyers. Most people when they come on shows like this, "I'm proud of the first member of my family to get a college education." — Rush Limbaugh

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (23)

My daughter, I'm proud to say, is senior vice president of ABC Family network. She could hire and fire me. She has hired me, but she has not fired me. — Jessica Walter

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (24)

I was never the kind of girl who said, "One day, I am going to be a beautiful bride, and I am going to have a family." I wanted to work and support myself and make my parents proud. All I did was work. I did three or four films a year, and felt like I was on a treadmill. Finally I said, "Nothing is exciting to me anymore." So I took six months off, which turned into a year, and said, "God, I don't miss it." That's when all kinds of interesting things crossed my path. — Sandra Bullock

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (25)

Whenever I'm in theatre situations I will go out of my way not to talk about my father, but in the film world I can be really proud of my family and say, 'You know what: my dad's a really, really famous theatre director,' because nobody has any idea. — Rebecca Hall

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (26)

I'm so proud that my offspring became a musician. I'm full of awe that we are able to have a whole family live the life of artists. — Maxine Hong Kingston

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (27)

It is my hope that this book helps those who know and love people with DID: family members, lovers, coworkers, and friends. It is also my hope that those charged with intervening in families in which there is violence will take away a more nuanced approach to their important work, informed by a deeper understanding of trauma.
Most of all, I hope that those of you who have DID know that the disorder itself is an incredible survival technique. You should feel proud to have survived. Trauma has had a major impact on my life, as it has on yours, but I've learned that my life extends beyond the pain and darkness. Survivors of trauma are full of life, creativity, courage, and love. We are more than the sum of our parts. — Olga Trujillo

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (28)

I keep my family out of my public life because it can be an awful nuisance to them. What's my mother going to tell strangers anyway? That I was a cute baby and that she's terribly proud of me? Nuts. Who cares? — Montgomery Clift

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (29)

My family's journey is something I am very proud of - in front of me, behind me and every part. — Marcus Samuelsson

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (30)

I'm extremely proud of my family's record of public service to Massachusetts and the nation. — Joseph P. Kennedy III

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (31)

Bad things are happening, Madame. Impossible things. I trained to be a soldier, to fight for my country and make my family proud. It was an honorable choice. What will be thought of us upon our return? What will be thought of me? — Kristin Hannah

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (32)

I'm raising my family in The Church, and I'm proud of that. — Brandon Flowers

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (33)

I'm happy with who I am inside. I'd hate to have accolades and all that and not really be happy with who I was. So I'm really thankful for my family and for the support system that I have for being the person that I am today. I'm proud of who I am. — Keke Palmer

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (34)

Mama sewed the rags together, sewing every piece with love. She made my coat of many colors that I was proud of. — Dolly Parton

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (35)

I'm a happy guy. I like to joke around. I'm irreverent. I love my family; I love my son. I was very happy with and proud of the birth of my son. I grew up a lot after he was born. I'm just an easy and happy guy. — Neymar

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (36)

The most important person to thank is ... my mother. She gave me four golden rules to live by: be a proud black man, take care of your family, make education a priority, and try to do the right thing. — Edward B. Lewis

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (37)

My mother was tickled and I think kind of proud when my father got hit on my an attractive middle-aged Asian lady who hadn't noticed he was with his family. He was certainly pleased about it. — Craig Ferguson

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (38)

I'm most proud of my familyMuhammad Ali

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (39)

As a fan of the books, I feel fortunate to be part of 'The Hunger Games' family. It was an amazing experience; I am proud of the film and my performance. I want to thank all of my fans and the entire 'Hunger Games' community for their support and loyalty. — Amandla Stenberg

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (40)

I am extremely pleased and proud of the achievements of Round Table India. I truly believe in their cause of educating underprivileged children and giving them a new and assured future. I would like to reiterate my support to RTI in providing education to children and would like to support all their endeavors going forward. I will also try and involve my friends and family from the industry to help in this great cause wherever possible. — Gauri Khan

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (41)

I love you. I know the real you too. You think I don't but how easily you forget I was the one who bailed you out of trouble over and over again as kids. I didn't ask the perfect Ashton to be my girlfriend when I was fourteen years old. I asked the only Ash I'd ever known. You changed all on your own. I'm not going to lie. I was proud of the girl you had become. My world was complete. I had the perfect family, perfect girl, perfect future. I let myself forget the other girl you once were. — Abbi Glines

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (42)

You are going to have a nasty scar," I said as I gently held pressure to stop the bleeding.
"All true warriors wear their scars proudly," he mumbled. "How can I be proud of this one?"
I looked up at him, horrified, as I realized what he meant. "What will your parents say?" I would be sent to Siberia. My whole family would be exiled. If not executed.
He shook his head. "They will know about the count before too long. My father will think that I failed to protect the public from this danger. It is I who fear being sent to Siberia."
"But ... wait. I didn't express my fears out loud, did I?" I dropped his arm and backed away, suddenly spooked by his silvery faerie eyes. "Can you read my thoughts?"
"Sometimes, when I concentrate." He winced and grabbed the bandage from me to apply pressure to the bleeding himself. "You are very easy to read. Most of the time. — Robin Bridges

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (43)

As for free will, there is such a narrow crack of it for man to move in, crushed as he is from birth by environment, heredity, time and event and local convention. If I had been born of Italian parents in one of the caves in the hills I would be a prostitute at the age of 12 or so because I had to live (why?) and that was the only way open. If I was born into a wealthy New York family with pseudo-cultural leanings, I would have had my coming-out party along with the rest of them, and be equipped with fur coats, social contacts, and a blase pout. How do I know? I don't; I can only guess. I wouldn't be I. But I am I now; and so many other millions are so irretrievably their own special variety of "I" that I can hardly bear to think of it. I: how firm a letter; how reassuring the three strokes: one vertical, proud and assertive, and then the two short horizontal lines in quick, smug succession. The pen scratches on the paper ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I. — Sylvia Plath

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (44)

My fight isn't so simple, it has very deep roots, from long ago, from earlier generations. Life weighs on me with the weight of my family history, my genes drag along a race of sons of plenty and sons of bitches who with a blade of a machete cleared the pathways of life. They're still doing it. They ate with the machete, they worked, they shaved, killed, and settled differences with their wives with machete. Today the machete is a shotgun, a nine-millimeter, a chopper. The weapon has changed but not its use. The story has changed, too, has become terrifying. Once proud, we are now ashamed, without understanding how, why, and when it all happened. We don't know how long our history is, but we can feel its weight. — Jorge Franco

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (45)

As I don't know what life would be like without my Chaplin connections, I work with them. I'm just really happy it's a family I can be proud of; it's not as if I'm related to some Z-list celebrity. — Oona Chaplin

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (46)

I am proud of my family. I am proud of my Duke championships and all my Duke teammates. And, I am proud I never lost a game against the Fab Five. — Grant Hill

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (47)

Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. — David Rockefeller

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (48)

I'm very proud of my love for Whitney Houston. She really changed my life. She made my life a better life. She was so beautiful in her love for God, her love for her family and her love for music. She truly loved her music. She could do everything! She had flawless rhythm, flawless pitch, flawless feeling, and flawless beauty. — Narada Michael Walden

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (49)

I wrote something when I was 9 that seemed pretty good for a 9 year old; it concerned flowers in our family garden - I was grateful my mother praised it. Of course, I found out later it was pretty silly, but it was the first poem I was proud of. — Brenda Hillman

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (50)

Still, to me, the bottom line wasn't about the Dark Book at all. It was about uncovering the details of my sister's secret life. I didn't want the creepy thing. I just wanted to know who or what had killed Alina, and I wanted him or it dead. Then I wanted to go home to my pleasantly provincial po-dunk little town in steamy southern Georgia and forget about everything that had happened to me while I was in Dublin. The Fae didn't visit Ashford? Good. I'd marry a local boy with a jacked-up Chevy pickup truck, Toby Keith singing "Who's Your Daddy?" on the radio, and eight proud generations of honest, hardworking Ashford ancestors decorating his family tree. Short of essential shopping trips to Atlanta, I'd never leave home again. But — Karen Marie Moning

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (51)

I'm proud of my family, very proud - I have ten grandchildren, four children, and one wife. — Dan Shechtman

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (52)

My wife is a thief...
She takes the last cookie
Takes forever to get ready
She takes her time in the shower
Takes all of the hot water
She takes my favorite seat on the couch
Takes the high road when I lose control
My wife is a thief...
She took my last name
Took the time to get to know me, love me
She took the back seat and let me lead
Took on motherhood and the emotional toll that it brings
She took care of me the many times that I've gotten sick
Took on the pain of pregnancy so that the Jackson legacy would live on
My wife takes, and takes, and takes...
I'm so proud of my perpetual thief who stole my heart and won't give it back. — David Jackson

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (53)

I want my children to be proud of their father and to say, 'My father is the best dad in the world.' And I want them to belong to a modern family, and live a path of happiness and calm. — Ricky Martin

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (54)

But in that moment when my brother took the field, all that washed away, and everyone was proud ... I looked up at my dad, and he was smiling. I looked at my mom, and she was smiling even though she was nervous about my brother getting hurt, which was strange because it was a VCR tape of an old game, and she knew he didn't get hurt. — Stephen Chbosky

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (55)

I leave CNN with the utmost respect, love and admiration for the company and everyone who works here. This has been my family and shared endeavor for the past 27 years, and I am forever grateful and proud of all that we have accomplished. — Christiane Amanpour

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (56)

I want to be affirmatively proud of what I have made my way through. And to do that, in the same way I had to tell my father and my family and my friends that I was gay, I need to not hide this anymore. — Christine Quinn

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (57)

Both my parents are Scottish, and although I grew up in Canada after moving over, all of my family are proud to be Scots. — Callum Keith Rennie

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (58)

Ian gave a sigh of exaggerated patience and glanced at Bones.
"Being related to her through you is a real trial."
This time, Bones didn't attempt to conceal his grin. "That's why you can pick your friends but not your family, cousin."
An emotion flashed across Ian's face before he covered it with his usual I'm-a-pain-in-the-ass-and-proud-of-it smirk. If it were anyone else, I'd swear it was childlike joy at hearing Bones call him "cousin". Recent events had revealed their long-lost human connection, making Ian both Bones's vampire sire and his only living blood relative.
That meant I was never getting rid of him. Then again, considering what my blood relatives had done, Ian was almost a saint by comparison. — Jeaniene Frost

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (59)

When it's all said and done I would like to look back and think that I help to make modelling a possibility for a greater number of people. I don't do things that I will regret in the future. I tend to err on the side of caution. Not to mention the fact that the present world I reside in would not have been possible without my past. I am most proud of being able to represent my family and community with honour and dignity. — Alek Wek

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (60)

I'm thinking of a legacy that I can be proud of and wealth that my grandchildren can use to go to college. So world domination - in terms of providing for my family - is absolutely my goal. — Nicki Minaj

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (61)

He says nothing. Not because he disagrees, or disapproves, but because he's crying. Faintly I hear my father sniffling and wiping away tears, and I know he's proud, just incapable of expressing it. I can't fault the man for not knowing how to say what's in his heart. It's the family curse. — Andre Agassi

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (62)

My sister Jennifer is an Emmy winning journalist and mother of three amazing girls. She brings an exceptional dedication to her job, her family, and her community, and has been a role model of mine for many, many years. I'm extremely proud of her. — Ron Livingston

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (63)

I feel very blessed that at a young age I was able to navigate my battle with drug and alcohol addiction, and through recovery live a sober life. There is such a stigma attached to addiction and it was hard for me to both confront and overcome it. I am very proud and grateful that with the support of family and friends, I was able to do so. — Cara Santana

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (64)

What I have most learned from my son is to respect him and to love him unconditionally. I believe that if parents respect their children and educate them with love and justice (and not just with words, but with their own behavior) the relationship with their children will be wonderful. Then parents will always be proud of their children, and children will always be proud of their parents. There will be peace in the family, and the home will be a sanctuary. — Miguel Angel Ruiz

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (65)

Earlier in life, I put family in front of faith. I've fixed that. But I always tried to keep work fourth on the list. I was proud when [my wife] Nellie told an interviewer, 'I never could tell whether John had a good practice or a bad practice, because he never brought it home' — John Wooden

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (66)

Although my road to writing seems like it may have come easily, there were a few bumps in that road. I didn't get a lot of encouragement from friends, although my family were great supporters. I also had many ... what you would call "mind-boggling" moments, when I would doubt myself and what I was writing. It has been said that we, ourselves, are our own worst critics.
All the hard work had payed off though, and I created a children's book that I am proud of, and an unforgettable little girl that will touch the hearts of many."-Nina Jean Slack — Nina Jean Slack

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (67)

'Marley and Me' was a book I was proud of and believed in, but I thought it would just have a modest audience because it is such a personal story about my marriage and my family. — John Grogan

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (68)

There are five kids in my family and I'm the only one who didn't get a diploma. All the kids got their diplomas hanging in my father's room and I got my gold records. I'd say he was more proud of the diplomas. — Ronnie Van Zant

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (69)

If there is one thing I can brag about and be proud of in my life, it's my dedication to friendship. If I call you a friend, I mean it. You are now on par with being a family member. Friendships are not made overnight; it takes time, effort, and energy. For me, friendships are tested not in the best of times, but in the worst of times. You don't always get a second chance to be there for someone when they really need you. So when I say I will be there, I mean it. — Leah Remini

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (70)

The nicest part of the prize, perhaps, is the effect on my friends and family. Each of them feels proud and happy to have the relationship with me that they do. In a way, it's as though they received an award too, and I like that very much. — Bruce Beutler

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (71)

AIDS can destroy a family if you let it, but luckily for my sister and me, Mom taught us to keep going. Don't give up, be proud of who you are, and never feel sorry for yourself. — Ryan White

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (72)

I'm thankful for all the things that this job has given me and my family. But probably the thing that I am most proud of throughout my career is that, not only myself, but my family and the people around me have just been regular people, which we are. — Brett Favre

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (73)

Drugs nearly killed my brother when he was a young man and I hate them. He fought back. And I'm really proud of him. But I learned something in going through that long nightmare with our family. And I can tell you, something has happened to some of our young people. They simply don't think these drugs are dangerous anymore. Or they think the risk is acceptable. — William J. Clinton

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (74)

Love. Family. Laughter. That's what I remember when it's all said and done. For so much of my life I thought I didn't do enough or want enough. I guess I can be forgiven for my stupidity. I was young. I want my children to know how proud I am of them, and how proud I am of me. We were everything we needed - you and Daddy — Kristin Hannah

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (75)

Anytime I think about a product, I think about my family and friends. Would they be proud of me if I put this out? — Vinnie Tortorich

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (76)

Most people go to college to get a job, and here I am sitting in class with a job, making exponentially more than whoever's teaching me, you know what I'm saying? At the end of the day, I wanted to finish what I started, and make my mom proud. A lot of people put a lot of hard work and investment to allow me to go to school, and for me not to finish would have been like a slap in the face to my family and those people. — Mike Posner

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (77)

Though I am born into a film family, I hardly had much exposure to shooting during my growing
years. My first film actually taught me about the breakdown of shots in a film. My aim is to do three
memorable roles in the next five years; films I can be really proud of. And I want to work with the best. — Alia Bhatt

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (78)

Whatever I was, I owed to my family and to all those who struggled with me. But my biggest debt I owed to my wife. She was the one who gave my life meaning. All I could pledge to her, and to all those millions, was that I would do all I could to justify the faith that she, and they, had in me. I would try more than ever to make my life one of which she, and they, could be proud. I would do in private that which I knew my public responsibility demanded. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (79)

My family is just embarrassingly proud of me. My brothers get a little protective ... overly protective. I've made rules now where I say: "You can't go outside and scream at people if they have cameras!" — Kristen Stewart

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (80)

I hope I will not be typecast as a Bond girl for the rest of my life. I'm very proud of being a part of the Bond family, but I don't want to be the sexy girl forever. I'm not meaning to complain, but I just want to be taken seriously. — Eva Green

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (81)

Like most plutocrats, I, too, am a proud and unapologetic capitalist. I have founded, cofounded or funded over 30 companies across a range of industries. I was the first non-family investor in Amazon. I cofounded a company called aQuantive that we sold to Microsoft for 6.4 billion dollars. My friends and I, we own a bank. — Nick Hanauer

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (82)

Every family is different. I am mom and I am dad and I'm going to do my best. You should be proud, walk through life saying I have the coolest family. I am part of a modern family. — Ricky Martin

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (83)

I get along great with my family. My parents are really proud of me and my brother, who's a chef here in New York. I don't see my parents often, but they're very supportive, especially as I get older. — Alison Mosshart

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (84)

I'll never forget one of the first families I visited. The father was a railroad man who had lost his job. I was told by my supervisor that I really had to see the poverty. If the family needed clothing, I was to investigate how much clothing they had at hand. So I looked into this man's closet - (pauses, it becomes difficult) - he was a tall, gray-haired man, though not terribly old. He let me look in the closet - he was so insulted. (She weeps angrily.) He said, "Why are you doing this?" I remember his feeling of humiliation . . . this terrible humiliation. (She can't continue. After a pause, she resumes.) He said, "I really haven't anything to hide, but if you really must look into it. . .." I could see he was very proud. He was so deeply humiliated. And I was, too. . .. — Studs Terkel

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (85)

My family quite innocently don't understand the ins and outs of it all, but they see things like the Burberry show and the Live Lounge, so they understand the gravity of those things, but they're proud - it's cool. — James Bay

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (86)

The kids like to get pictures of me for their parents. They know how proud I am of them-they have a lot more to worry about than my stardom. They are trying to make good choices for their own lives, but this gives them a little fun. They are part of my family. — Mark Goddard

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (87)

I think I'm most proud of my family right now. I'm more into that then I've ever been. It also gives a new area to draw from in creativity with my songs. — Merle Haggard

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (88)

I became an American citizen three years ago, and if I'd been arrested, maybe that wouldn't have happened. That was a very proud moment, by the way. I still have my Irish passport, but becoming an American citizen was important in terms of my family. — Jason O'Mara

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (89)

A lot of my own relatives didn't get to go to school because we were mountain people. You have to get out and work and help feed the family. My own dad couldn't read and write. And my dad was very proud of me. — Dolly Parton

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (90)

Every time I go back to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to wait for my test results, and I wonder if I've relapsed or if I'm doing okay, I don't think about my company. I'm proud of everything we've done, but at the end of the day, it comes back to family. I'm still a wife, a mom, a sister - all of those things. — Kathy Giusti

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (91)

I wanted to find something that would make Mom proud of me. Something I could excel at.' she told him. 'But some part of me thought that if I was out there performing, if everyone knew my name, I might reach my father or his family. They might recognize me. They'd hear my music and want to come find me. Know me.'
'I heard you, Etta,' he said softly. 'I heard you. — Alexandra Bracken

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (92)

The die was cast. It was a proud day for the Milligan family as I was taken from the house. "I'm too young to go," I screamed as Military Policemen dragged me from my pram, clutching a dummy. At Victoria Station the R.T.O. gave me a travel warrant, a white feather and a picture of Hitler marked "This is your enemy." I searched every compartment, but he wasn't on the train. At 4.30, June 2nd, 1940, on a summer's day all mare's tails and blue sky we arrived at Bexhill-on-Sea, where I got off. It wasn't easy. The train didn't stop there. — Spike Milligan

Top 92 Proud Of My Family Quotes & Sayings (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.