200 Empowering Proud Daughter Quotes To Motivate - The Write Greeting (2024)

Inspiring Proud Daughter Quotes

There’s nothing quite like the bond between a daughter and her parents. It’s an unbreakable connection filled with unconditional love, joyfulness, and pride. As a proud mom and a proud dad, you always looking for ways to let your daughter know how proud you are to have such a wonderful daughter. To honor this unique bond, here are some beautiful proud daughter quotes that remind us why we think the world of our daughters.

You can use these proud daughter quotes to let your daughter know how proud and thankful you are for her. From compliments over dinner to goofy text messages designed to put a smile on her face; In this blog post, I am sharing various daughter messages so you can let your own daughter know how awesome she is.

I am super proud of my daughter!

200 Empowering Proud Daughter Quotes To Motivate - The Write Greeting (1)

What Do You Write to a Very Special Daughter?

As a parent, it’s important that we let our kids know how proud we are of them. Take a moment today and let your dear daughter know how proud you are of her with these inspiring daughter quotes.

We are quick to scold our kids when they do something wrong, but it’s just as important to praise them, There is little we cherish more than the opportunity to let our sweet daughter know how proud we are of her. To watch her smile lights up our entire world, but sometimes it can be difficult to find ways to really express those very special feelings.

Whether she has done something big or small that fills you and your family with pride, here are some adorable and unique ways to make sure she knows just how truly proud of her you are!

👍I am so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. You are such a beautiful girl, inside and out, I love you, baby girl.

👍 Dear daughter, mom, and dad want you to know that you are turning into such an incredible young woman, we are so proud of you.

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👍 You are already such an amazing young woman, I am so excited to see what you do with your life. Thank you dear daughter.

👍 My beautiful daughter is an inspiration to me and I am so thankful for her. I hope you know you are my entire world. I love you so much sweet daughter.

👍 My beloved daughter is the light of my life and I am so grateful for her. She brings so much joy into my life every day.

👍 Thank you dear daughter for being everything I always wanted in a daughter. Even at a young age, you were such a darling to be around.

👍 My darling daughter, I hope you know the immense pride I have for you with everything you do. You are, and always will be my best friend.

👍 My amazing daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love her more than anything.

👍 I cannot imagine my life without my daughter and I am so grateful for her every day. Keep being the leading girl of your own life.

👍 Enjoy your success dear daughter, you earned it all. Already, you have accomplished so much in your young life. Love you, my amazing daughter.

Send some proud daughter quotes to your beloved daughter today!

Susan M.


👍 My brilliant daughter, there is nothing you cannot accomplish in your young life. Keep being you, I cherish every moment we have together.

👍 You have turned into such an intelligent lady. You blow me away every time we have a conversation. I can’t believe you’re mine, but you are and I thank God for you every day.

👍 I am so blessed to have a beautiful, smart, and loving daughter. Today, she graduated from college as the best graduating student of her class. We are so proud of you sweet girl. You are an amazing child, and we don’t tell that you that enough!

👍 My daughter is the most special person in the world to me. I see all your efforts sweet girl, beep doing what you are doing. You are going to be a force to be reckoned with.

👍 I believe that you have the strength and the resilience to conquer whatever life throws your way. You have a determination and a tenacity that I admire. Your hard work has finally paid off, and now you have the career of your dreams. You are one vision driven lady. I admire you so.

👍 From the moment you were born, I have always thought that you were the most beautiful thing in the world. And as you grow up, your beauty grows stronger every day. I am so proud of my sweet daughter, you have become everything you wanted to be. There really is nothing you can’t do! Best of all, you are pure joy to be around.

👍 Dear lovely daughter, I love you so much, you are one of the brightest young ladies I have ever come across. I am in awe at everything you accomplish. I think you are amazing.

👍 I look at the excellent young woman you are becoming, but I still see my baby girl. You are such a marvelous gift to this family, love you. You are not a perfect daughter and nor do we want one. But thank you for us never having sleepless nights when you were out with your friends as a teenager.

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How Can I Praise my Daughter Quotes?

As a parent, there is no greater joy than the feeling of pride when your daughter does something amazing. Whether it’s getting a good grade on their report card or scoring the winning goal in a soccer game, watching her succeed and grow fills your heart with utter happiness. But as proud as you are of all her accomplishments, do you tell her how proud you are?

Here are some ways you can say “I am proud of my daughter”, these work for any proud parent! Doing this will let her know how proud you are of every success!

👍 You’re such a fantastic girl and a good friend, you always make sure everyone feels included and loved. I want you to know you are an awesome daughter. I’m so proud of you.

👍 Even at such a young age, you are capable of so many things, you are confident, compassionate, and incredibly gracious. I am in awe of you!

👍 This is just the starting point, you are going to fly from here. I am such a proud parent of all you have accomplished.

👍 You’re always learning and growing, and I’m so proud of the young woman you’re becoming. Happy graduation beautiful daughter.

👍 You have such a kind heart, and you always think of others before yourself. I’m such a proud parent. You are an incredibly responsible young woman.

👍 You’re always putting your best foot forward, and you never settle for anything less than your best. I’m so proud of you darling daughter.

👍 I have to take a moment to tell you how proud of my daughter I am. She gets all her chores done without me telling her to, she helps me out all the time, and she really is my best friend. Thank you dearest daughter.

👍 I have so much pride for my own daughter, my life has become so much better with her in it.

👍 Dear daughter, you are such a daddy’s girl, but always remember mom loves you too. We are so proud of you darling daughter. You are an amazing child.

👍 My amazing daughter, I want you to know that I think you are one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. You have so much self-confidence, you are never afraid to try something new, and you have already done so much in your very young life. I think it’s safe to say I am proud of my daughter. I love you dear daughter.

Proud of Daughter Quotes

👍 You have such a unique perspective on the world, and I’m always learning from you. I’m so proud of you. You are amazingly brilliant daughter, and I can’t wait to see what you end up doing with your life, whatever it is, you are going to be amazing at it.

👍 Dear daughter, you’re always pushing yourself to be better, and you never give up on your goals. I’m so proud of you.

👍 Dear precious girl, I want you to know that I am super proud of the young woman you are becoming.

👍 We are so proud of you daughter. We love you, precious girl.

👍 You’re such a creative thinker, and you always come up with the most innovative solutions to problems. I’m so proud of you.
You have such a positive attitude, and you always see the best in people and situations. I’m so proud of my daughter.

👍 You are one of the bravest and kindest people I know, I am so proud of you dear.

👍 You are no longer a little girl, this is just the beginning of your life, but I can already see what a lovely daughter you have become. You are such a gift.

👍 You’re such a smart and intelligent young woman! You have a very bright future ahead of you, I just hope I can keep up with you.

👍 You’re always so helpful and considerate! We constantly receive emails from your teachers telling us what a lovely daughter we have. That means a lot to us, love your proud mother.

👍 Wishing you a very successful journey as you head abroad for the next year. I want you to know that both mom and dad are so proud to have such a daughter. We have so many different emotions as you leave us, but just know that we are always here for you. May God bless you and keep you safe.

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👍 You have always been the best daughter you could be. I am forever grateful that you are mine.

👍 Dear daughter, you have such a unique perspective on the world, and I love hearing about all the different things that interest you.

👍 To the best young woman we know. You are a hardworking girl and the best daughter parents could ask for. We know you will be a successful lady when you grow up. We’re super proud of you.

👍 To my beautiful daughter, you are capable of so much. You have a sharp and curious mind, and you soak up knowledge like a sponge. Your intelligence is an invaluable asset in this world. I can’t imagine the wonderful things you will do in this world.

👍 One minute you were my tiny daughter, you were such a cute baby, and now today you are this beautiful woman. I have such happy memories of you growing up, I want you to know dearest daughter that this is only the beginning for you. You will do magical things with your life. But, you will always be my little girl. I love you dear daughter.

👍 This is only a starting point for you dear child, you are so smart and you have such wonderful ideas, you are going to have an amazing life. I’m so proud of you daughter, I love you.

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Proud Dad Quotes for His Daughter

👍 There is no greater joy than watching your beloved daughter grow into a hardworking and successful adult. As a parent, it’s important to let your daughter know how proud you are of her and all of her accomplishments. It can be difficult to come up with proud daughter quotes, so here are some tips on how to do just that.

👍 One way to show your pride in your dear daughter is to praise her for her accomplishments. Whether she’s excelling at school, doing well in her job, or achieving personal goals, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate these successes with her. Letting your daughter know that you recognize what she has achieved will help boost her confidence and encourage her to keep striving for greatness.

👍 My beloved daughter, you’re such a natural leader, and people are always drawn to your positive energy.

👍 You have always been such a wonderful daughter, we have loved having you in our life, we will miss you when you go away to college, but we know you are going to do amazing things with your life. Happy graduation!

👍 Wishing all the happiness in the world to my lovely daughter. I’m so proud of the hard work you’ve been doing in school. you are getting straight A’s while working a full-time job, we are so proud of you daughter. We love you so much.

👍 Dear daughter, you’re always so quick to help others, and you never hesitate to put a smile on somebody’s face. You seem to have all the energy in the world, I am so proud of everything you do. Your father spends every weekend reading your writing column, and printing it out for the scrapbook he is making. We are so proud of you daughter, never forget that.

👍 Dear princess, you’re always so eager to learn new things, and you have a thirst for knowledge that never seems to be quenched. It is a wonderful thing to say how proud of my daughter I am!

👍 We are so proud of you dear in everything you do. You always give 100% to everything you take on! You’ve always been a go-getter, you are going to be a force to be reckoned with when you are a little older. We love you honey.

👍 You’ve always been such a determined little girl, and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become. You have an incredible way about you in everything you do.

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👍 You’re always so poised and confident, no matter what life throws your way. Happy National Daughter’s day, we are so proud of you. We have so many happy memories of you growing up, thank you for being such a perfect daughter.

👍 You have a brilliant mind, and you’re always coming up with new and innovative ideas. When you start your first business, we both want to be part of it.. We love you so much Mom and Dad XO.

👍 You’re always pushing yourself to be the best that you can be, and I admire your dedication and determination.

👍 You are one of a kind, and that is something to be celebrated. Never try to change who you are to fit in with others. Embrace your individuality, and the world will embrace you back. You are AMAzing!

👍 We have laughed with you, and we have shed a few tears with you. You are the best thing to happen to us, I hope you know how much we love and adore you.

👍 You have such a positive outlook on life, and you always make everyone around you feel so loved and supported. I know one day, you will make an amazing mother.

Proud Daughter Quotes to let her know how amazing she is!

Stephen G.


👍 Dear daughter, you’re always pushing yourself to be the best that you can be, and I admire your dedication and determination, we see all your efforts. Keep being the wonderful baby girl you are, we are so proud of you dearest daughter.

👍 You’re a natural leader, and people are always drawn to your charisma and strength dear daughter.

👍 You have always been daddy’s girl, and you always will be. I love you dear daughter, you make my world a better place. Keep being the leading girl in your own life.

👍 This is just the beginning for you. You are already such a confident young woman, I can’t wait to see what you do with your life. You are a confident young woman. Just know that dad and I are proud of you with whatever you do!

👍 You’ve always been a go-getter, and you never give up on what you want. You’re determined and independent, and I admire that about you. You mom and I have great pride in you.

👍 You have achieved so much success dear daughter in such a short amount of time. It has been an honor being your parents. We adore you beloved daughter.

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Proud of My Daughter Quotes

Being a parent is surely one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences life has to offer. Watching our children grow into resilient, capable, independent young people gives us great pride, especially when they reach important moments or milestones.

It’s so important for parents to express their positive feelings with love and encouragement at these times as it helps boost their confidence and boosts the bond between you both. You can show your support to your daughter with these these proud daughter quotes.

Sending some proud of my daughter messages can be such a powerful way to show how much faith you have in her, even at times when she isn’t feeling strong enough on her own journey. Keep reading for some proud daughter quotes.

👍 These proud daughter quotes are for you to let you know that we see everything you accomplish, and all that you have become. We think the world of you!

👍 Dear daughter, you always think of others before yourself, and you’re always quick to lend a helping hand. You have a heart of gold, and I’m proud of the kind person you are.

👍 The unconditional love a parents holds for their daughter is a remarkable force that knows no bounds, offering comfort and strength through life’s ups and downs.”

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👍 Dearest daughter, you’re always there for your friends when they need you, and you always know just what to say to make them feel better. I’m proud that you’re such a good friend to those around you.

👍 You work hard in school and it shows in your grades. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I know that you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to. I’m so proud of how smart you are.

👍 I can’t believe how well you play the piano/guitar/flute/etc. You have so much talent, and I’m proud that you’ve decided to pursue your passion for music.

👍 To my beloved daughter, you are always so positive and upbeat, no matter what life throws your way. Your positive attitude is contagious and makes everyone around you happy.

👍 You work hard at practice and it shows on the field/court/etc. You’re a real team player, and I’m proud of the athlete you’ve become.

👍 You’re always leading by example and motivating those around you to be their best selves. I’m proud that you have such strong leadership qualities.

👍 You have a heart for service and a passion for helping others. I know that you will change the world in a big way.

👍 You are intelligent and always think outside the box. You have a unique perspective on life that is truly special.

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Daughter's Accomplishments Quotes

Rather than just telling your daughter how proud you are of her, be specific! Point out specific qualities she has demonstrated or milestones she has achieved that make you so proud of her accomplishments. It’s a wonderful feeling being able to say I am proud of my daughter!

If you’re not sure what to say, check out these proud daughter quotes, and pick some that speak to you.

👍 I love you dear daughter!

👍 I am so blessed to be your father, and I am so proud of the woman that you have become.

👍 You have grown into such a pretty young woman, but most of all, you are a sweet, kind, and loving human being. We are so proud that you are our daughter.

👍 The depths of a motherr’s unconditional love for her daughter is immeasurable, a constant source of solace and resilience that carries her through life’s twists and turns.

👍 You are always thinking of others and doing what you can to help them. Whether it’s volunteering at the local animal shelter or helping a friend with their homework, you’re always looking out for others. I’m proud that you’re such a kind and caring person.

👍 This is just the beginning, I know you are going to do amazing things in your career. You are a star in everything you do!

👍 Happy National Daughter’s Day, today on this special day, I want you to know that I think you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Never forget you can do anything you want. Only you can make it happen!

👍 You amaze me with the things you know and the way you think about the world. You’re always asking questions and seeking out new knowledge. I’m proud of how inquisitive and intelligent you are.

👍 I know there have been times when things have been tough, but you’ve never given up. You’ve faced challenges head-on and come out stronger for it. I’m proud of your strength and resilience.

👍 You are always there for your siblings when they need you, whether they need a shoulder to cry on or someone to laugh with. I’m proud that you’re such a loyal and supportive big sister.

👍 I love that you are never afraid of hard work, this means you will get far in life. That makes us happy, because we know you will be able to take care of yourself, no matter what!

👍 I’m so proud of my daughter, she has taken the world with both hands, and is thriving. She just loves life! Happy National Daughter’s day, I love you so.

👍 You have such a unique sense of style, and you’re always so confident in yourself. I’m proud of the young woman you’re becoming.

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Proud Quotes for Daughter

When your daughter achieves something amazing, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate her success. Letting her know that you are proud of her will encourage her to keep striving for greatness and will build self-confidence. A simple “I am so proud of you!” can go a long way towards making your daughter feel supported and validated.

👍 You have such a beautiful soul, and I know that you’ll make a difference in this world one day. I’m very proud to be your mother.

👍 You are a little ray of sunshine! You enjoy everything about life, you take great pleasure in everything you do. Our world is so much better because of you.

👍 You are one of the most special people in my life, and I am so incredibly proud of you for everything that you are and everything that you will be.

👍 You have overcome so many setbacks to get to this place. We are so proud of you that you never gave up and kept going. You CAN do anything!

👍 You’ve always been such a natural athlete, and I know you’re going to do great things in your sporting career. I’m very proud of you.

👍 You have such a giving heart, and I know you’ll use it to make the world a better place. We are so proud of you dear.

👍 You’re so smart and you always think things through so carefully before making a decision. I’m so proud of you dear.

👍 I love how much fun you have celebrating every special occasion, and how you go out of your way to make these kind of days special for everyone. We never know what you’re going to come up with, but it’s so much fun when the day comes, and all your decorations come to life. We’re so proud of you dear.

👍 You’re always putting others first, and I know that’s something you’ll continue to do throughout your life.

👍 Our world is so much better with you in it. You are the bright spark that shines in our lives. I thank god daily that you are our daughter. I am so proud of my daughter, I am loving life with you.

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Proud Quotes About My Daughter

It’s important to let you daughter know on a regular basis how proud you are of her, and what an amazing job she is doing. We all need to hear nice comments from time to time that we are doing a good job. Use the below proud daughter quotes to let her know she is doing a wonderful job.

👍 Even at such a young age, we could tell you were going to be a special human being. You are a beautiful daughter inside and out. We love you dear daughter.

👍 I’m always amazed by your commitment to everything you do! I certainly wasn’t like that when I was your age. I love you so much dear daughter.

👍 My daughter has grown into an amazing woman, she’s strong-willed, independent and kind-hearted. She’s also extremely determined; when she sets her mind to something, she won’t stop until it’s done! I have watched in awe and admiration as she worked hard for everything she wants in life, and always strives for excellence in everything that she does. No matter the challenge or obstacle thrown at her, my daughter never gives up; instead, she uses them as opportunities to grow and learn from. Her resilience is truly inspiring.

👍 To my little girl, except you’re not so little anymore! You have already accomplished so much in your young life. I can’t even imagine what you will do as you get older, but I know it will be something amazing.

👍 I’m so proud of my daughter! You always do the right thing, you are so polite when you meet new people, and always take the time to get to know them better. I love you so much.

👍Not only is my daughter a hard worker; she also has a creative side too. From music to art to writing stories, she expresses herself in so many different ways and brings joy and beauty into the world through her artistry. She always puts her heart and soul into everything that she creates, which speaks volumes about her character.

👍 My beautiful daughter, I hope you know how proud dad and I are of you. You are, and will always be our darling daughter. Cheers to your success dear daughter.

👍 I am so proud of all that my daughter has achieved thus far, and I am excited for all the great things that lie ahead of her. She is a strong, resilient young woman with an incredible work ethic who isn’t afraid to take risks or pursue her dreams. There are no limits to what you can do if you believe in yourself, and I will continue cheering your every success from the sidelines! Love you always!

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So Proud of My Daughter Quotes

👍 I’m so proud of my daughter, she makes the best of everything. She brightens everyone’s day that she meets, and never has a bad word to say about anybody. I love her with my whole heart.

👍 These daughter quotes are for you, to let you know that I am your biggest supporter. I think the world of you, and I’m so proud to call you my daughter.

👍My daughter has taught me the power of gratitude. From a young age, she has always been aware that not everybody gets the same opportunity as she does and has never taken it for granted. She expresses her appreciation for all that she receives every day, which is something that I strive to emulate in my own life.

👍 My daughter is the light of my life. From the moment she was born, she has filled me with happiness and pride. And today, as she embarks on a new chapter in her life, I want to take this opportunity to tell her how much I admire her.

👍 I am so proud of my daughter, She’s extremely determined; when she sets her mind to something, she won’t stop until it’s done! I have watched in awe and admiration as she worked hard for what she wants in life, and always strives for excellence in everything that she does. No matter the challenge or obstacle thrown at her, my daughter never gives up; instead, she uses them as opportunities to grow and learn from. Her resilience is truly inspiring.

👍 My daughter has taught me the importance of being yourself no matter what situation you’re in. She isn’t afraid to stand out from the crowd if it means being true to herself and expressing who she really is on the inside. This inspires me to never be ashamed of who I am or what I believe in, even if it’s different from those around me.

👍 You have a heart of gold, and I know that you’ll always do what’s right.

👍 My daughter is an amazing person with so much potential ahead of her! No matter what life throws at her, I know she will be able to handle it because she already possesses many important skills like gratitude, hard work, and self-expression that will serve her well into adulthood. Overall, I’m incredibly proud of all that my daughter accomplishes and can’t wait for more amazing things yet to come!

👍 I love you dear daughter. You are my best friend, my confidante, and the person I have the most fun with. Love you to the moon and back.

👍 To our little girl, we hate that you are having a tough time at school, but you are handling it well. We just want you to know how proud we are of our little girl, anytime you need us, we are here for you.

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Proud of My Daughter

As mothers, sometimes we often forget to tell our daughters how precious they are to us. That’s why it’s crucial to make the effort to remind them how much they mean to us.

Loving words can put a smile on their faces, and it can make their day much brighter. Try incorporating these sweet words into your daily conversation with your daughter, and see how much closer you can be.

Remember, a mother’s love is unconditional, and reminding your daughter that she’s loved can make a tremendous impact on her life.

Use these proud daughter quotes to let your daughter know just how proud of her you are. Remind her every day that you love her and adore her. We all need to be reminded of how wonderful we are. Choose some of your favorite daughter quotes and let your baby girl know how marvelous she is.

👍 I am unbelievably proud of my daughter, she is such a wonderful daughter, and is so kind and sweet to everyone around her. I love you dead daughter.

👍 You are my best friend, I am so lucky any time we get to hang out together. Just know that I will always be here for you, anytime you need me.

👍 I love you baby girl, I can’t believe how wonderful you are. Anyone is lucky to have you as a friend, we are lucky to have such an amazing daughter. I love you baby girl.

👍 Keep being the sweet, kind, generous soul that you are. I watch how hard you work in school, and on the track. You are so generous with your time at home. We are so lucky to have you as our daughter, we thank god for you every day.

👍 I love you just the way you are. Never change or try to be someone you are not, because you are wonderful just the way you are, You are the best daughter anyone could have.

👍 You inspire me every day! I see some of the challenges you have at school, but you deal with them head on, and you don’t seem to let much scare you. I think you are the most amazing person in the world.

👍 You make me smile every day. I am so grateful for your presence, you lighten up my day. Sometimes, life can be hard, but with you around, everything feels better. I am so proud of my daughter.

Daughters Blessing Quotes

As we grow older together, I can't express the amount of love, joy, laughter, sadness we share. She understands me, I understand her. We're girls. We share everything. She's, like, the greatest.'

Goldie Hawn


As much as she means to other people for other reasons, she is literally the life force for me and my family.'

Kate Hudson


I am so proud of her and excited for people to be seeing what I have seen since she was a little girl. She is incredibly talented, and I love seeing her light shine.

Demi Moore


She's very kind-hearted, sensible and one of the loveliest girls in the world.

Jerry Hall


Being a parent is the most rewarding, the most challenging and the most educating and enlightening experience. I just feel that we grow together. Maybe we are too close... Is that possible?

Yasmin Le Bon


She's brave and fearless and funny and free. She's a free talent. It doesn't have any cover-up – she's the real deal..

Meryl Streep


Being on set with my daughter, watching her in front of the camera was a fantastic experience. I am so proud of her.

Cindy Crawford


I know that she's the most extraordinary girl – she can do everything. She's an incredible mother, she's raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for my husband's oral cancer fund... Things she doesn't talk about a lot. She's becoming a great environmentalist; I'm so proud of her

Blythe Danner


It's very emotional to see Lily-Rose's picture hanging up on the wall. It's like when you hear one of your first songs for the first time on the radio. The songs exist but they exist even more when people can get to it, so I get goosebumps

Vanessa Paradis


Daughters should be appreciated and loved for all that they do!


200 Empowering Proud Daughter Quotes To Motivate - The Write Greeting (2024)


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