25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (2024)

Table of Contents
BEST AFFIRMATIONS FOR SUCCESS Affirmation 1: I Take The First Step and Make Things Happen Now. Affirmation 2: I Believe in Myself Enough to Follow Through. Affirmation 3: I Resist All Temptations and Remain Focused on my Dream. Affirmation 4: Nobody Can Hold Me Back, Not Even My Own Doubts. Affirmation 5: I am Persistent and Consistent. Affirmation 6: I am Worthy of All The Good Things That Happen In My Life. Affirmation 7: I Believe In Myself. Affirmation 8: I Deserve The Highest and Best In Life. Affirmation 9: I am Worthy of All That I Want. Affirmation 10: I am Fearless. Affirmation 11: My Success Grows With Limitless Expectations. Affirmation 12: I am Passionate About My Goals and I Convert My Dreams Into Reality With Unwavering Courage. Affirmation 13: I Love Money and Money Loves Me. Affirmation 14: I am Open and Receptive to All The Wealth and Success Life Offers Me. Affirmation 15: Prosperity Flows to Me Everyday and in Every Way. Success Affirmation 16. I am Ambitious. Affirmation 17. I am Successful. Affirmation 18. I am Committed to The Success I Seek. Affirmation 19. I am Positive and Upbeat in The Pursuit of My Goals. Affirmation 20. I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To. Affirmation 21: I Have The Courage to Make My Dreams Reality. Affirmation 22: Every Step I Take Moves Me Closer To My Goal. Affirmation 23: I Will Become a Self-Reliant and Successful Person. Affirmation 24: I Willingly Serve Others and as a Result Others Willingly Serve Me. Affirmation 25: I Start Where I am, I Use What I Have, and I Do What I Can. Bonus Success Affirmation: I am The Chief Executive Officer of My Life, I am a CEO. Final Thoughts FAQs References

Achieving happiness, prosperity, and success in our lives doesn’t come easily. It requires effort, focus, a little bit of confidence and a whole lot of commitment. But most importantly, success requires the right mindset. In fact, if your mindset about success is warped or negative, achieving happiness, prosperity, and the success you seek actually becomes harder to achieve. Which is why we’ve decided to publish this collection of powerful affirmations for success.

These success affirmations will help you reset and reprogram your mindset as it relates to success. By using these top affirmations for success, you will gradually improve how you think about success, your deserving of it, and thus your ability to achieve more of it.

How do we know? We’ve studied, practiced, and have applied everything we teach here on The Strive.

“If You Want To Change The Fruits, You Will First Have To Change The Roots. If You Want To Change The Visible, You Must First Change The Invisible.”

– T. Harv eker –

With that being said, if you are new to affirmations, here is what you need to know about them — daily affirmations are to the mind what working out is to the body. The word affirmation originated from the Latin wordaffirmare, which simply means “to make steady, strengthen.” Therefore, when you practice an affirmation for success (reciting a phrase to yourself repeatedly), you are basically reinforcing and strengthening the thoughtsyour mind requires to be more receptive to success.

Learn More: What Are Affirmations?

Now, being receptive to success means being receptive to qualities like self-discipline, confidence, and the right mindset about money. As such, you’ll find a variety of effective affirmations that touch on all these areas to help you become as successful as you want to be.

So, if you are ready for our ultimate list of affirmations for success that actually work, let’s dive in.


25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (1)

Affirmation 1: I Take The First Step and Make Things Happen Now.

This success affirmation will encourage you to take action with urgency. Taking action with urgency is so critical to success.

Action with urgency is important because it 1.) allows you to keep up with, if not surpass your competition, and 2.) it allows you to move the needle towards that which you seek to achieve. So, if achievement is what you seek, urgent action is a must.

“I take the first step and make things happen now.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 2: I Believe in Myself Enough to Follow Through.

Having a solid belief in yourself is paramount to success. When we lack self-belief, we tend to do less than we should. But most importantly, when we don’t fully believe in ourselves or our dreams, we don’t follow through.

However, on the flip-side, when we increase our self-belief, we increase our certainty, and that certainty typically increases how often we take action, and our willingness to keep taking action until we’ve reached our intended end.

“I believe in myself enough to follow through.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 3: I Resist All Temptations and Remain Focused on my Dream.

Small temptations is usually what distracts and derails most of us from staying on the course that leads to our big dreams. Therefore, if you’ve noticed that you’ve struggled with a lack of discipline and focus in the past, this affirmation will serve you well.

Use it often to strengthen your ability to put your blinders up to temptations both small and large. Then observe how much easier achievement becomes for you.

“I resist all temptations and remain focused on my dream.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 4: Nobody Can Hold Me Back, Not Even My Own Doubts.

Doubt your doubts, not your potential. This affirmation will help you crush that nagging inner voice that keeps most people from putting in the effort and the discipline needed for success.

As soon as you notice your doubting voice switch from “I am not sure I can”, or “Maybe I am not ready for this.”, to “Why not me?”, or “Why not now?”, you’ll know this affirmation is working its magic.

“Nobody can hold me back, not even my own doubts.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 5: I am Persistent and Consistent.

Success rarely requires some large event. To be sure, becoming successful is not like winning the lottery. In fact, success requires the opposite, it requires small persistent steps day in and day out consistently.

And this is why this success affirmation should be used often. It will help your mind realize the type of person you’ll need to become if you wish to become successful; a persistent and consistent action taker.

25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (2)
“I am persistent and consistent.” Tweet This Affirmation

Read More: Self-Discipline Affirmations

Affirmation 6: I am Worthy of All The Good Things That Happen In My Life.

Once you begin to believe you are worthy of receiving all the great things and experiences life has to offer, you’ll begin seeing more of them in your life. When you use this affirmation, people will not only begin to notice your new found swagger, but the universe will take notice too.

So, repeat this affirmation often to convince yourself, and the world around you, that you deserve the avalanches of success bound to come your way.

“I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 7: I Believe In Myself.

The more you believe in yourself, the easier achievement becomes. When you believe in yourself, you think, feel, and act in a different manner. You do things that you wouldn’t normally do if you didn’t believe in yourself, like take massive action.

In addition, when you don’t believe in yourself, inertia sets in more readily. And if there is anything that kills dreams and stifles success in this world, it is inertia.

“I believe in myself.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 8: I Deserve The Highest and Best In Life.

You have to believe you deserve the best in this life. Because if you feel you are underserving you won’t ask for what you deserve, nor will you act to get what you deserve.

As the saying goes, if you don’t A.S.K. you won’t G.E.T. And similarly, if you don’t A.C.T. you can never G.E.T. So, leverage this affirmation and start getting more of what you deserve in this life.

“I deserve the highest and best in life.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 9: I am Worthy of All That I Want.

Are you starting to see a trend with these affirmations for success? Success comes easier to the person who believes they deserve it. So if you’re looking for a higher net worth, you have to first work on your self-worth.

You are worthy, and this affirmation will help you quickly realize it.

“I am worthy of all that I want.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 10: I am Fearless.

If there is one affirmation that can settle anxiety rapidly, it is this one. The next time you find your self in a situation where your uncertainty about the situation may keep you from following through, recite this affirmation.

It will calm your nerves and help you do what you must to reach for the success you seek.

25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (3)
“I am fearless.” Tweet This Affirmation

Read More: Confidence Affirmations

Affirmation 11: My Success Grows With Limitless Expectations.

Believe it or not, the success you achieve is intimately tied to the size of your expectations. Big expectations, big results. Small expectations, small results.

So, if you truly want to level up the results your getting in life, and as a result, your overall success, use this affirmation and supersize your expectations.

“My success grows with limitless expectations.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 12: I am Passionate About My Goals and I Convert My Dreams Into Reality With Unwavering Courage.

“I am passionate about my goals and I convert my dreams to reality with unwavering courage.”

Sometimes the hardest part of achieving the success we want in life is making the decision to go after it. Choosing to “go for it” is a courageous act. So is sticking with your vision when things seem to be falling apart.

So if you feel like perhaps a lack of courage is holding you back from your success, you’ll want to use this success affirmation often.

“I am passionate about my goals and I convert my dreams into reality with unwavering courage.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 13: I Love Money and Money Loves Me.

At first glance, this affirmation may seem ridiculous. However, it is a very effective affirmation to use, because it can change the subconscious programming most people have around money.

If you’ve grown up in a household where you constantly heard things like “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, or “Money is the root of all evil”, etc.. Then this affirmation will help you rewire your mind, and change your relationship with money. Which is needed if you struggle holding on to your money or making enough of it.

“I love money and money loves me.” Tweet This Affirmation

“I love money and money loves me.”

Affirmation 14: I am Open and Receptive to All The Wealth and Success Life Offers Me.

Money as well as success, flows to people who are open and receptive to receiving them. Now, we’re not talking about winning the lottery, or anything like that, because lottery winners eventually waste or lose all of that money in short order. Why? Because their mental relationship with money was not good. The flow of money and success we are talking about however, is the kind that lasts.

The great news is, this affirmation can help you improve your relationship with money. And that relationship will help you keep your mind primed for receiving and keeping more of it.

“I am open and receptive to all the wealth and success life has offers me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 15: Prosperity Flows to Me Everyday and in Every Way.

This affirmation will help you take notice of all the good, the money, and the success that is happening to you and for you. It will help you appreciate your small wins as well as your big wins.

This is key, because if you are prosperous and you have a lot of success, but you don’t feel like you are either of those things, you’ll never be.

So, use this affirmation to appreciate your success, and you’ll surely receive more of it.

25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (4)
“Prosperity flows to me everyday and in every way.” Tweet This Affirmation

Related: Wealth Affirmations

Success Affirmation 16. I am Ambitious.

Being ambitious is a good thing. Unfortunately, many people have been exposed to influential voices who constantly try to convince them otherwise. But we are here to tell you that ambition is wonderful. And that if you wish to find more success in anything, you’re going to need a healthy dose of it.

The good news is, this short success affirmation can help you reclaim the innate hunger that you were born with, to go for what you want.

“I am Ambitious.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 17. I am Successful.

Most people who are seeking to program their minds for finding more success would not think to use this affirmation. No doubt, it is one that is easy to overlook. However, it is an affirmation that should be embraced and repeated often.

Why? There’s a famous saying about success that states, “before you can do something, you must first be something.” Well, this affirmation should be used until you believe you are successful. And once you believe, and we mean truly believe that you are successful, that reality will materialize.

“I am Successful.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 18. I am Committed to The Success I Seek.

Success requires commitment. If you don’t commit to paying the price that your success requires, you’ll give up before you obtain it. So, make up your mind to pay the price, whatever it may be, and then reinforce that commitment with this powerful affirmation for success.

“I am Committed to The Success I Seek.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 19. I am Positive and Upbeat in The Pursuit of My Goals.

It has been said that a great attitude is not the result of success, but rather, success is a result of having a great attitude. Having a great attitude is a phenomena we’ve observed in the highly successful as well.

As such, it is vital to ensure you stay positive and upbeat, especially when those challenges arise while pursuing your goals. Doing so will better equip you for overcoming obstacles, and it will attract new people and opportunities to you.

“I am positive and upbeat in the pursuit of my goals.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 20. I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To.

Truly, this is one of the most powerful affirmations for success, because once you realize this fact, you’ll become virtually unstoppable in life.

Here’s the thing, you are capable of achieving whatever it is you set your mind to. We believe you are 100% capable, but you have to believe it. The great news is, the more you recite this affirmation, the more you’ll convince yourself. And the more convinced you become, the more success you’ll begin to see in your life.

25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (5)
“I can do anything I set my mind to.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 21: I Have The Courage to Make My Dreams Reality.

The one thing that keeps most of us back from finding the success we seek is a lack of action. And the cause of this lack of action is due to self-doubt and being afraid. Mostly, we’re afraid of the unknown, and we’re afraid we might just succeed at what we set our minds to.

So, use this affirmation for success to help you muster up the courage needed to achieve your dreams.

“I have the courage to make my dreams a reality.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 22: Every Step I Take Moves Me Closer To My Goal.

Most people don’t achieve the success they’re after because they lose hope halfway into their endeavor. Amidst their struggles and challenges, they forget that progress rarely comes quickly, and they lose sight of all they’ve accomplished on their journey towards success; so, they quit.

But, this affirmation will equip you with the right mindset when it comes to success. It will plant the seed — that you will eventually reach your goal, so long as you don’t stop moving forward.

“Every step I take moves me closer to my goal.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 23: I Will Become a Self-Reliant and Successful Person.

Some days life is going to come at you hard, and you’ll need dust yourself and stand back up tall when things don’t seem to be going your way. And if you’re chasing your dreams, getting discouraged often is the name of the game.

But this affirmation will help you strengthen your resolve, and keep you determined to succeed at becoming self-reliant first and successful, because the two go hand in hand.

“I will become self-reliant and successful.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 24: I Willingly Serve Others and as a Result Others Willingly Serve Me.

One of the biggest secrets to achieving stratospheric success in any calling is our willingness to give outstanding service to others. And typically, those who serve others the best, eventually achieve more success.

So, be sure to leverage this success affirmation to get you in the frame of mind that attracts success the best; service to others.

“I willingly serve others and as a result others willingly serve me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 25: I Start Where I am, I Use What I Have, and I Do What I Can.

Success is a journey, and no matter where you find yourself at on your journey towards success it is helpful to keep a healthy perspective.

Out of all of these top affirmations for success, this one will serve you best in keeping you level-headed about the struggles of success, while keeping you determined to press on until you reach your aims.

25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (6)
“I start where I am, I use what I have, and I do what I can.” Tweet This Affirmation

Bonus Success Affirmation: I am The Chief Executive Officer of My Life, I am a CEO.

This bonus affirmation for success is extremely effective, and it truly has the power to change your life and in short order. This affirmation is especially powerful because it helps you take ownership of everything that happens to you in your life, your relationships, and your work or business.

Similar to how the buck stops with the CEO, when you’ve internalized this affirmation, you too will begin to treat everything you do as if the outcome of that action was your responsibility. As a result, you’ll take more ownership for your every decision, leading you to make better decisions. And better decisions lead to better results.

Without a doubt, this affirmation will help you level up your success, as well as every aspect of your life.

“I am The Chief Executive Officer of My Life. I am a CEO.” Tweet This Affirmation

Final Thoughts

There you have it, the best of the best when it comes to affirmations for success. We stand by these affirmations, and believe that with frequent use, they’ll help you rewire your mind and get you achieving and succeeding like never before.

With that being said, if you enjoyed these affirmations, please share with a friend or loved one whom you think they can help. Lastly, don’t please don’t be a stranger. Come back often, and use these affirmations to get your mind primed for success.

Till next time,


PS – If you enjoyed these affirmations for success, then you’ll probably love these powerful money affirmations, and you might even enjoy these inspiring success mindset quotes.

25+ Powerful Affirmations For Success That Actually Work (2024)


Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

"I am capable of creating a life that I love and am passionate about." "I am surrounded by love and support from friends and family." The most powerful positive affirmation is “ Everyday I am getting better and better”. It is very general but applicable to many areas in your life.

Do affirmations for success work? ›

Affirmations are a critical part of success and can be used in many ways. They can be used to help you get into the right mindset for success. They can be used to help you overcome self-doubt and negativity and improve your self-awareness and self-esteem.

Are positive affirmations proven to work? ›

One of the key psychological theories behind positive affirmations is self-affirmation theory (Steele, 1988). So, yes, there are empirical studies based on the idea that we can maintain our sense of self-integrity by telling ourselves (or affirming) what we believe in positive ways.

What are positive affirmations to get through the work day? ›

I have confidence in myself. I am at ease speaking in the presence of coworkers.” “I will ask for help when I encounter problems on the job.” “I am rewarded in multiple ways when I perform my job to the best of my abilities.”

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What is the 555 method of affirmations? ›

55×5 Affirmations
  • Dear Universe, I am so grateful for $1 million dollars.
  • Dear Universe, I am blessed to have found the love of my life.
  • Dear Universe, thank you for my dream home.
  • Dear Universe, I now feel empowered, inspired and uplifted.
  • Dear Universe, I am healed, happy and in perfect health.
Jul 12, 2022

Why 21 days for affirmations? ›

Why write affirmations for 21 Days. The practice of writing affirmations for 21 days is rooted in the psychological theory that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.

What happens if you say affirmations everyday? ›

This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won't change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to adapt to new situations.

How many affirmations should I say a day? ›

Practice affirming yourself every day

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

Can affirmations rewire your brain? ›

Thanks to neuroscience research, it has been found that certain neural pathways are increased when we practise self-affirmation. Therefore, reinforcing that affirmations are one of the best ways to turn old negative beliefs and thinking into new positive ones.

Do overnight affirmations work? ›

Yes, listening to affirmations really do help whether it is when you are sleeping or you are awake. As, when these positive statements enter your subconscious mind, brain rewiring will start to take place. There will be a change in your cognitive patterns and emotions.

Why don't positive affirmations work for me? ›

Affirmations that you use don't work for you because your mind strongly resists to them. For example, you say the affirmation “I am smart”, then your mind pictures you in a past situation where you were not so smart and says “You are an idiot”. To work this out, a person needs to repeat “I am smart” very often.

How long does it take for affirmations to work? ›

On average, it takes affirmations 22 days to work. However, it could take up to 66 days or longer to reach their full benefits. To reduce the time frame, listen to affirmations throughout sleep using audio. It influences your subconscious mind faster and speeds up the likelihood of your affirmations working.

What are positive affirmations to say each morning? ›

Positive affirmations for success:

I am surrounded by people who inspire me and want me to succeed. I deserve the space to grow and learn to become my best self. Every day I am getting closer to reaching my goals. I take risks because the rewards are greater than my fears.

Is there a positive affirmation a day app? ›

Unique Daily Affirmations is a free creative affirmation tool that helps you succeed in your endeavors, bring you out from under the clouds, and make positive changes in your life. Through uplifting statements and quotes, you'll believe in yourself with these one-a-day affirmations for daily motivation.

What's better than affirmations? ›

To me, affirmations are generic and not focused on the personal. That's why I choose to use power statements– they are short sentences I create specifically about me, what I am feeling or am experiencing at the time, and empower me to take back control of the physical and emotional.

How powerful are self affirmations? ›

Affirmations help reframe negative self-talk, build self-confidence, and cultivate a positive mindset. By repeating these affirmations regularly, you can rewire your subconscious mind and attract positive experiences into your life.

How can I make my affirmations more powerful? ›

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit:
  1. Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. ...
  2. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times. ...
  3. Ask a trusted loved one to help. ...
  4. Make your routine consistent. ...
  5. Be patient.
Sep 1, 2020

Is too much affirmation bad? ›

While some studies suggest that positive affirmations can improve mood and self-esteem, other studies have shown that they have no effect or may even decrease mood and self-esteem, particularly for people with low self-esteem to begin with.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.