What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (2024)

Table of Contents
BEST MONEY MANTRAS FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS Mantra 1: Large Sums of Money Come to Me Quickly and Easily Mantra 2: I Deserve The Highest And Best In Life Mantra 3: I Claim My Abundance Now Mantra 4: I Am Open And Receptive To All The Wealth Life Offers Me Mantra 5: I Am So Happy And Grateful Now That Money Comes To Me In Increasing Quantities Through Multiple Sources On A Continuous Basis Mantra 6: Money Flows To Me Everyday And In Every Way Mantra 7: I Am On Track To Achieving Financial Success Mantra 8: My Every Action Is Focused On Creating The Financial Success I Seek Mantra 9: I Am Committed To The Riches I Seek Mantra 10: The Money I Seek Is Tied To The Actions I Take Mantra 11: I Am Open And Receptive To All The Abundance That Is Coming My Way Mantra 12: I Am Worthy Of Wealth And Abundance Mantra 13: I Am On Track To Becoming Financially Free Mantra 14: I Am Smart With My Money Mantra 15: There Is No Shortage Of Money In This World Mantra 16: A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Earned Mantra 17: A Part Of All I Earn Is Mine To Keep Mantra 18: I Make My Money Work Hard For Me Mantra 19: I Invest My Money, And Then Spend What’s Left Mantra 20: My Past Does Not Define My Existence, My Financial Future Is Bright Mantra 21: Financial Success Is My Birth Right Mantra 22: I Am Worthy Of The Riches I Desire Mantra 23: Saving Is Earning Mantra 24: I Have Faith In My Ability To Accumulate Vast Sums of Money Mantra 25: I Can Achieve Whatever Financial Goal I Set My Mind To Bonus Mantra: God’s Wealth Flows To Me In Avalanches of Abundance Don’t Be Afraid to Reach For Riches References

If you could use a few game-changing money mantras to help you attract more wealth and abundance into your life would you use them? Of course you would, which is why we’ve pulled together this powerful list of money mantras to help you shift your money mindset.

“Each Of Us Is What We Are Because Of The Dominating Thoughts We Permit To Occupy Our Minds.”

– napoleon hill –

Believe it or not, your mindset about money matters. What you think about money, and how you feel about it, can have a direct impact on your personal finances. Your mindset drives the decisions you make about spending, saving, and managing money. It also impacts how much energy you’ll expend and the type of actions you’ll take to get more of it. Thus, your mindset is very much related to how much wealth and abundance you are currently experiencing in your life.

With that said, if you are new to mantras, here are a few quick ground rules. Mantras are not a wishes. Mantras are like a verbal form of meditation. And similar to meditation, it is the practice of directing your thoughts towards a particular object. When you meditate, the aim is to focus on nothing so as to calm or settle one’s busy mind. But when you use a mantra, especially a money mantra, the purpose is to focus your mind on money, having more of it, deserving it, and the positive feelings and experiences you aim to have as your money situations improves.

As such, when you use a mantra is very much like programming a guidance system. The challenges of daily scrambles our ability to focus on where we want to truly go. But when you use your mantras, you help reorient your mind towards that which you want most. And in our case, it towards more financial success.

So, if you’re ready to get to work on transforming your mindset into one that will guide you towards more abundance, wealth, and financial success in your life, then let’s jump right in into these powerful money mantras.


What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (1)

Mantra 1: Large Sums of Money Come to Me Quickly and Easily

This money mantra has quickly become one of our favorites. It stems from American author, entrepreneur, and millionaire Jake Ducey. It’s an effective mantra to get money immediately as it helps shift your energy and thinking about money in a powerful way.

It’s also a great mantra to practice if you’re looking to calm your mind, with thoughts that the solutions to your financial challenges are just around the corner.

Mantra 2: I Deserve The Highest And Best In Life

Napoleon Hill, who was one of the most influential success authors of his time, once wrote, “If you do not see riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance.” It’s a powerful statement, that should be considered when using this mantra.

So, be sure to repeat this mantra while simultaneously envisioning the money and riches that you’ll soon have in your life.

Mantra 3: I Claim My Abundance Now

Your better future awaits, but you’ll have to claim your stake in that future. The great news is, when you use this mantra, you make in known to yourself and the universe, that more money and abundance will be yours.

So, use this mantra to help you claim the abundance and riches that are yours for the taking.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (2)

Mantra 4: I Am Open And Receptive To All The Wealth Life Offers Me

Most people struggle with money because of the messaging around money they have acquired during their upbringing. Whether it was from a well-meaning parent who suggested money was the root of all evil, or the cultural programming they learned about money from the community they group up in.

This money mantra will help you let go of some of those mental blocks, and open your mind to the abundance of money that you will come your way, if you let it.

Mantra 5: I Am So Happy And Grateful Now That Money Comes To Me In Increasing Quantities Through Multiple Sources On A Continuous Basis

This money mantra is exceptionally long, but it stems from the late Bob Proctor who was a consummate authority when it comes to prosperity and riches.

This mantra has an almost hypnotic effect to it, as it touches on just about every area that deals with our thinking about money. I taps into gratitude, amount, source, and frequency, which are all helpful towards priming our minds for financial success.

Mantra 6: Money Flows To Me Everyday And In Every Way

Often times when we want more money to come into our lives, we think it has to come from a particular revenue stream, like our jobs. So, we hyper-focus on that stream, and when the money doesn’t seem to be growing or increasing fast enough via that stream, we lose heart.

Fortunately, when you use this mantra, it will help you open your mind to receiving money, and being okay with it coming from a variety of sources (regardless of the size/origin). And it’s that realization that will ultimately lead to a river of money and abundance eventually showing up for you. So, use this mantra to ensure you don’t block those smaller financial tributaries, because it’s those small streams of money that ultimately make up your greater prosperity.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (3)

Mantra 7: I Am On Track To Achieving Financial Success

This is a wonderful mantra for keeping you motivated towards your money goals. More often than not, people lose steam on a new habit because they can’t see immediate results. But this mantra does a good job at pre-empting the thoughts that would make you give up on your financial goals too soon.

So, repeat this mantra for financial success often to keep your spirits up and your momentum going forward until you reach your financial ends.

Mantra 8: My Every Action Is Focused On Creating The Financial Success I Seek

This mantra helps focus your mind on the activities required to achieve your financial goals. Because when all is said and done, your financial situation will ultimately change when your actions change, especially when those actions are focused on improving your financial situation.

The more focused action you take towards improving your financial situation, the better off it will become. The opposite is also true.

Mantra 9: I Am Committed To The Riches I Seek

Your financial situation will improve over time to the degree which you are committed to having it improve. This money mantra helps you recommit to your financial goals.

So, repeat it often to strengthen your commitment, and with it, your results.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (4)

Mantra 10: The Money I Seek Is Tied To The Actions I Take

Out of all of the money mantras listed thus far, this one is more or less on the pragmatic side. Regardless, it is a great mantra because it is important to convince your mind of the reality, that without intention and focused action, nothing changes.

Leverage this mantra when your activity is not lining up with the results you seek.

Mantra 11: I Am Open And Receptive To All The Abundance That Is Coming My Way

There’s lots of opportunities that we miss because we aren’t aware of their presence. But, this mantra does a good job of helping you keep your antennas up for opportunities that could very quickly assist you in changing your financial situation.

Mantra 12: I Am Worthy Of Wealth And Abundance

If you’re looking for a money mantra that works instantly, this one should be on the top of your list. This is the perfect mantra for smashing those subconscious beliefs that have been sabotaging your financial success up until this point.

Repeat this mantra to yourself often, and truly and deeply believe it. Because money will elude you until you truly believe that you are worthy of having lots of it.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (5)

Mantra 13: I Am On Track To Becoming Financially Free

This is another great financial mantra to use for ensuring your spirits are high and your motivation is strong as you strive to become financially free. Similar to a previous mantra that is aimed to keeping you on track, but different in that it will help you stay on fire for financial freedom.

If financial freedom is a goal of yours, then this is one mantra you’ll want to use often.

Mantra 14: I Am Smart With My Money

Way too many people think that money management is rocket-science when it is not. There are a handful of simple rules to follow, and everyone can easily learn them if they a determined to.

So, if you’ve ever doubted your financial savviness, use this mantra crush those doubts and inspire you to learn those few simple and easy to learn principles of money that will have other people soon saying, “dang, you sure are smart with your money.”

Mantra 15: There Is No Shortage Of Money In This World

We can always earn more money, and the ways to earn that money are, for all intents and purposes, infinite. The limits we truly have are the limits we place on ourselves.

So, if you have a nagging voice in your head that reminds you that money is a finite resource, just use this money mantra to counter act it. Once you do that you’ll be able to take more action.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (6)

Mantra 16: A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Earned

The first millionaire of America, Ben Franklin was known to say a penny saved is a penny earned. And it’s a frame of mind that can benefit just about anyone who puts it to practice.

The most important thing about this mantra, is that it will help you force your mind to appreciate the value of each dollar bill, and as a result, help you be less frivolous with each dollar you earn.

Mantra 17: A Part Of All I Earn Is Mine To Keep

George S. Clason authored one of the most invaluable personal finance books of all-times, and one of the most critical bits of advice in that book was this, “A part of all I earn is mine to keep.’ Say it in the morning when you first arise. Say it at noon. Give it another go at night. Say it each hour of every day. Say it to yourself until the words stand out like letters of fire across the sky.”

Transform his advice into a mantra and you’ll soon be holding on to most of your money like the rich do.

Mantra 18: I Make My Money Work Hard For Me

One of the greatest secrets to achieving financial success is knowing that money makes money. And the more aware you become of this fact, the more often you’ll search out ways to make your money work hard for you. In other words, find ways for your money to earn you high returns while protecting (minimizing the risk) it from loss.

So, use this mantra to help you achieve the discipline necessary for finding the best ways to leverage your money and optimize your returns.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (7)

Mantra 19: I Invest My Money, And Then Spend What’s Left

Financial guru Robert Kiyosaki once stated, “Most people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep.” As such, this money mantra will help you reprogram your mind to be an investor first, and a consumer second.

It’s a subtle mental shift that can dramatically transform your entire financial situation. If you want to become a millionaire or filthy rich, this is the way to go.

Mantra 20: My Past Does Not Define My Existence, My Financial Future Is Bright

Tony Robbins once quipped, “Your past does not equal your future.” It’s was a statement that was as powerful as it was true, and the crux of that statement is embedded in this mantra.

Thus, you’ll want to use this mantra to help you overcome any self-limiting beliefs that stem from your past financial experiences.

Mantra 21: Financial Success Is My Birth Right

Here’s another great mantra to drive the point home to your subconscious mind that financial success is yours for that taking. It will help you believe in your worthiness, and that worthiness will help you attract and go after the money you deserve.

So, if you’re guilty of second-guessing yourself or doubting your worth and ability to achieve a better financial situation for yourself, start using this mantra for money right away.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (8)

Mantra 22: I Am Worthy Of The Riches I Desire

We cannot attract that which we don’t feel worthy of having. Attracting money and success is sort of like dating. If you go on a date with your partner and you don’t feel worthy of them, she/he will sense it, and they will more than likely lose interest. And of course less interest means less future interactions.

So, if you feel like you are having problems with your worthiness of money, use this mantra. It will do wonders for your money-related self-esteem

Mantra 23: Saving Is Earning

One of the richest entrepreneurs in history, Andrew Carnegie once stated, “If you want to get rich, think of saving as earning.” It’s advice that everyone should hear at least once in their lives, as it could help them think a whole lot differently about how they handle their money.

With that said, say this short little money mantra often to rewire your mind until saving/investing your excess money becomes second-nature.

Mantra 24: I Have Faith In My Ability To Accumulate Vast Sums of Money

Certainly you’ve recognized the pattern that underlies many of these mantras by now. If not, the patter is the intense focus on getting you to trust in yourself and believe in your vision.

The focus is so strong on your belief in yourself because there is truly magic in believing. Believing starts the miracle process. It is the fuel that propels the dreamer forward. So embrace this mantra and all the others, and have faith in your ability to accumulate the riches you seek, for that belief is bridge that connects you to your future.

What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (9)

Mantra 25: I Can Achieve Whatever Financial Goal I Set My Mind To

Believing is the bedrock of your future success. If you truly believe that you can do a thing, you will find a way to make it happen. So, fill your mind with this mantra as often as necessary, until you are convinced that you truly can achieve the financial success that inspires you.

If you believe, you can achieve.

Bonus Mantra: God’s Wealth Flows To Me In Avalanches of Abundance

Here’s our last money mantra. And it is one of our favorites out of all of the other money mantras. It was derived from a powerful incantation that Tony Robbins uses for priming his own mind on a daily basis, and well, it seems it has worked for him.

We also included it is as a bonus, because there’s no way you can’t not supercharge your money situation, if you choose to go straight to the source of all wealth and abundance.

Don’t Be Afraid to Reach For Riches

Hopefully these money mantras will encourage you to reach for the riches you deserve.
Many, if not most successful people in this world rely on a go-to mantra to realign their minds with their goals whenever they need assistance. Some successful people will even repeat their mantra to themselves throughout day.

With that said, we urge you to choose a few money mantras to employ daily, whether it be from this list or one you came up with yourself, and use it to prime your mind for the financial success you seek.

Most importantly, remember that mantras don’t work unless you do. So, be proactive and back them up with action. Do this, and you will eventually attain the money you’re pursuing.

Till then,


PS – If you enjoyed these money mantras, you may also enjoy these other supporting resources to help you strengthen your money mindset:

  • Best Money Mindset Books
  • Millionaire Mantras That Actually Work
  • Quotes To Improve Your Money Mindset
What Are Affirmations & Why You Should Use Them? (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.