My spurs go Jingle Jangle Jingle - Chapter 10 - Crystal_Grenadier - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

ch10. Im a wanderer

Sanctuary Hills.

Miruko and Midnight were currently sitting around a big roaring Campfire. The overcast skies were perfect for this set up. A black haired woman in a beautiful sequin dress is currently singing as though the love of her life is infront of her and makes sure her voice is extra sultry. Her smooth Cabernet lounge singing making her an immediate favorite. The woman Magnolia. Having watched the hidden code inside Izuku's hands as he played and the name of the piece she knew to run north towards a massive upward hill. The only hills she knew were northern Boston at CIT and beyond to lexington.

Remembering about quincy and how a band of Minutemen were heading to sanctuary hills she had her destination in mind. Before making her way towards Sanctuary Hills Magnolia stopped by the botanical lab in Diamond City and got what info she could. Turns out she may have a lead for Izuku since the proof the plant existed was a dead version being studied at the botanical lab. With the dead plant as proof in her stash Magnolia ran away with the next Trader Caravan heading north.

Upon arriving she laid eyes on Midnight and Miruko at the guard post. Immediately she ran to the Rabbit eared heroine and hugged her happy to see her old friend. A new synth was dispatched to Goodneighbor at her request since The Institute needed info on Izuku and Rumi. They were of very special interest to the institute and being told to befriend them was a no brainer. Soon she'd be free of the Leash they hold on her and she'll happily live the life she's always dreamed about.

As the song comes to an End Midnight is biting her lip at the sensual display and dulcet erotic tones of the singer infront of her. Midnight goes to speak but is cut off By Momo.

"Miss Magnolia, you said that you know Izuku personally? How did that happen?" Momo asks as Midnight sighs but is also curious. The singer merely smiles at Momo and gently rubs her arms.

"What's to tell. I was singer in some dive casino in the Mojave named " The Atomic Wrangler" Courier 6 and Miruko walk into the wrangler and talked to the Garret twins who own the place. Courier 6 walks up to hear my singing and gets lost in it like others do. I start to flirt with him thinking he's quite literally one healthy looking strapping young man and would make a wonderful bedtime companion

"As soon as i did Miruko comes up and starts a fight. Breaks a few tables using me as a club claiming Izuku is her territory and a tab is run adding a bigger debt to my already massive loan from the Garrets. Miruko after sobering up had talked with me after and so did the Courier. They talked and learned what i knew while talked and learned what they knew. It took a few dozen visits between us all but they became my closest friends. However the loan and damages to the bar while i had payed off initially the garrets kept adding interest to my payments. They couldn't let me go cause they needed a singer to bring in the crowd. So Knowing they'd never let me go i ran away leaving them with no main attraction. I just learned that Izuku payed my debt to the garrets so i owe him for that Miruko. Me, You, izuku and a bed. Just us and the lovely twinkling night sky. No i will not take no for an answer. Anything else? Cause i have a question you and Courier never answered Miruko. I wanna know the first time you knew you fell in love with that little ball of sarcastic godly sunshine." Magnolia says as Miruko blushes softly and looks away. Her mind replaying how she knew she loved him. Mirukos memories playing by as she wonders what Izuku is currently doing. Miruko whispers to Inko who uses her Quirk to bring over a few of Izuku's instruments as Inko begins playing them with her quirk making a very catchy country rock instrumental to play while Miruko tells her tale.

"it requires a story based around a song playing in the background to tell that story everyone but thankfully Inko is here to help. It was 15 years ago just before i was captured by the raiders. Me and Izuku were trapped in this world for 5 years. We had kept looking for leads and izukus Route was established making settlements pop up. Because it was the exact day we appeared in the mojave it was sort of an anniversary for us and we had plans that night to just relax and snuggle under the stars for warmth. At the time Izuku was busy working on his favorite Multiplas Rifle to improve the damage output while lowing its weight. I had spent hours in the nearby room training my unarmed combat and listening to his adorable mutterstorm as he worked on it. I still remember what he said since he only had one soldering iron." Miruko says as she recalls how cute The 19 year old with Freshly manicured "Tim Curry" mustache and goatee combo facial hair looked as he worked on his gun.

In quincy Izuku is currently behind a still burning car as he has his Antimaterial rifle at the ready. Down to his last 50BMG Izuku takes a hit of PsychoJet letting the world go red and slow as he stands up spinning around and throwing the magazine for the gun into the air towards the gunners. Izuku quickly loads his last bullet into the Bolt action chamber and takes aim speaking to himself.

"Make it count!" Izuku says as he pulls the trigger, the bullet launching out of the gun at mach f*ck and nailing the magazine and ricocheting off it at an angle which hurdles the bullet at the 5 gunners nailing the first Gunner in the lead in the head, the bullet bouncing off him nailing the raider behind and to his right which ricochets off her helmets inside directly nailing the gunner beside her, the bullet pings off that gunners mouthguard and exits behind him hitting the gunner in a flighthelmet which ricochets to his right exploding that gunners head. All 5 bodies ragdoll and spin midair as they cry at the same time dying painfully as Izuku takes the chance to run and dive behind a nearby barricade.

"Make it count. He said and he said it cause he only had one soldering iron and one chance to not mess up his at the time favorite plasma rifle. I finished my training sweaty, tired and ready to sleep. So i walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him as i took a drink from my trusty Vault 13 Canteen and asked. "Whatcha Doin?" Izuku stopped what he was doing, looked up at me with that goofy nerdy little smile of his and his peaceful gaze and said." Miruko says as the scene changes to quincy.

"Keeping a promise." Izuku says towards a gunner captain as he grabs the mans arms and breaks them both harshly revealing the jagged bones. He then rams the broken bones into his throat and while impaling the mans feet with knifes pinning him in place, izuku spins the man around 180 degrees snapping his spine in two and bending him downward so his head touches his toes causing the man agonizing pain as he screams so loud his death wails are heard throughout quincy. Izuku ignoring his victims cries and blubbering pleas slams his hand into his gut and grabs hold his split in two spinal columb tearing it out from inside the body and ripping it and the skull out completely from the gunner captain as his face entirely deflates inwards to the empty cavity before izuku kicks him forward. The way he lands has his defated agonized face pointing towards the rest of the cowering and panic firing gunners.

"Izuku said 'Keeping a Promise.' When i pressed for what promise he meant he said 'I'll tell you later' and i left it at that. I just leaned into him more as i watched him modify that weapon in content silence and enjoying his soft mutters and watching his hands fly around the weapons workbench grabbing what he needs. It was at that moment, the moment i felt myself content with just his presence and enjoying every little thing he did that i realized i loved him. But before i could dwell on it at all. The small shack we were staying in was ambushed as a few Raiders broke in wielding knives and kept izuku from grabbing his guns while i was tranquilized and grabbed. Izuku freaking out screamed at the raiders." Miruko says as she remembers just barely being conscious but the words that left Izukus mouth left no questions about what was going to happen next.

"I'ma Whoop all your asses." Izuku says he pulls out his fully repaired superheated saturinite Power Fist and charges right at a gunner slamming a punch so hard into the gunner the powerfist punches a hole inside the gunners Chest killing him instantly as Izuku uses the first body as a shield to block a few bullets before tossing the body and punching a gunner in the chest shattering his sternum and them punching him in the head popping his head like a guard. Izuku reacting before the final gunner could slams his hands into the gunners face and screaming in rage literally rips the gunner in two from head to floating ribs spewing blood and viscera all over izukus damaged armor. A bullet pings off Izukus helmet and he turns to face the final gunner squad which is the commander he first met and two last guards. Izuku takes his hand, places it against his chin and cracks his neck before pointing at the gunner and walking to her.

"He said to them in a very even and matter of fact voice. 'Ima whoop all your asses' and i felt my heart swell just before i fell asleep because of the drugs." Miruko sighs contently as she looks into the cloud filled skies of the wasteland and recalls how the burlap sack was placed on her head as she passed out. Sighing some Rumi just looks at the small campfire before smiling contently.

"I dreamt that night that me and Izuku were back home, i had a ring, he had a wedding band and we had two kids. Beautiful little twins, one boy one girl, the boy like his dad the girl like me and both had red eyes, tanned skin, green hair with bunny ears while the girl had freckles and the boy had none. We named them "Hisashi" and "Judy" i woke up after a group hug not long after." Miruko says wiping her tears away as Inko also tears up.

"I discovered when waking up i was in a convoy of other slaves being transported to a massive legion encampment to be raped till broken and sold as slaves. The slaves varied from people, to ghouls, gen 1 super mutants and even a really big nearly 5.5 meter tall Deathclaw woman. She was trying to become a broodmother and she was almost as smart as Izuku. Not really up there with him but she certainly knew her way around weapons and power armor. she was heading to detroit when she was ambushed while she was sleeping. She had taken off her customized power armor to repair it and was going to sleep when she got tranqed and captured. Her name was Kerthro." Miruko says as she smiles.

"Izuku spent all his time tracking me down while i was in the camp fighting against assholes trying to rape me and kill me in their tiny ass little arena. Same with Kerthro. They stuck her against behemoths and me against full squads including Legion Frumentari. While we were victorious over and over they kept escalating things. I even heard tell from gossip that Izuku had found the camp and was turned away violently as they shot him a few times. He simply told them in a statement of fact something that earned him the nickname of " The wasteland Boogeyman" and it was hardcore." Miruko says as she chuckles seeing in her head the look of uncertain fear in the legionnaires.

"I'm coming back when you least expect it and hells coming with me." Izuku says as he walks away from a barricaded door with only one entrence as the gunner commander is crying in fear as her 2nd and third in command were in it with her.

"I'm coming back when you least expect it and Hells coming with me." That's what the guards were talking about they laughed and thought it was joke." Miruko says as she recalls the long nights in the legion camp.

Izuku had spent time Hunting the raiders and tribes involved like animals killing them to the last man and gaining information and directions. He even got info on a place nearby the camp. I remember Izuku telling me that a drifter told him that the nearby valley "At the bottom of that valley is a hill where people go where the poor souls go when they die." Izuku said that walking through it he heard the dead whisper like ghosts "You'll never make it out alive." He simply answered then with two words." Miruko says as she remembers his conviction speaking to her as they left through the hilltop graveyard.

"Watch me" Izuku says as he laughs running at a gunner radioman as he pushes a button on a small half circle piece of equipment as he pretends to jump but a flickering form completes the jump towards the gunner complete with a kick as he screams only to not feel the kick land. The holographic form of izuku coming again kicking at the air. As a third hologram makes a third kick Izuku simply shoots the gunner in the face killing him instantly. He didn't need reinforcements coming anytime soon and quickly uses the now broken equipment to cobble together something special.

"Izuku said Watch me. But he knew he needed help so when he got to the legion encampment. There was a town at the bottom of that hill. They kept a secret like a slave. They got a "Black magic" preacher who threatened everyone that "they better learn them well in town or you'll be headed up that hill to the grave" and if they knew what's best to learn to keep that secret. Izuku didn't take kindly to that and he snuck into the town easy enough. He went to the preachers sermon knowing he held a secret about the encampment and how to get in. Sitting in on that preachers sermon izuku knew exactly what he had to say." Miruko says as she chuckles remembering izuku talking excitedly about saving people like a hero.

"it is well with my soul that you line your pockets with the money you steal from the poor. And as i drag you down to hell I'd pay the devil twice as well to keep your soul." Izuku says as one gunner tried talking to him saying they weren't the bad guys as they get out from the barricade they had made to shoot at Izuku. Izuku however was already on the gunner like a cazador on a corpse and he sends a harsh uppercut into the gunner launching the man unto air having him spin a few times as izukus right arm which uppercutted the man has a pouch on it that shoots a grappling hook into the gunners skull and extending the hooks inside his brain turning it to mush as Izuku yanks the grappling hook back crashing the mans head into the pavement and snapping his neck as the grappling hook he cobbled together from the radio parts worked perfectly.

"Izuku said the preacher lies and instead lines his pockets with the money he steals from the poor and the ones he sells to the slavers. After stopping the preacher from calling backup he made sure to drag the unconscious prick through the hidden tunnel and it lead into the slave pens where Izuku had made sure to get out unnoticed after sneaking around and planting explosives aswell as ensuring he hacked all the cell doors to the slave pens. He made sure everyone knew his plan before he went to accomplish it." Miruko says remembering how he hugged her and spoken with Kerthro ensuring she understood the plan too cause it would not only free everyone but send a message.

"He had taken the drifters clothes as they were a gen 1 super mutant and he needed a disguise so he wore it over his usual attire minus his helmet since it was too iconic. He kept the preacher unconscious through drugs and hid him off to the side in a small off shoot of the slave pens where he counted how much explosives he'd need while also hacking the turret system and sentrybots ensuring they were all acting normal but at his command would just go on a slaughter spree. Izuku snuck around like tooru walks around. No one knew it was him to everyone at the camp he was a drifter walking through that little valley. As he promised he was coming back to that encampment. They didn't know him by his face or by the gun around his waist. They didn't even know he had promised to burn the camp to the ground." Miruko says softly laughing. As she begins getting into the song and story.

"Izuku with his plan set and in motion went about doing the first things. First there was fire to draw attention, then there was smoke to block escape routes and keep everyone at the auction hall. then that preacher? Man he was hanging by a rope as Izuku lifted him in the air with it and wrapped the rope around some trusses to keep him hung." Miruko says as she smiles befire dropping to her knees.

"The campers and legionnaires understood their position and dropped to their knees begging with cries and pleas "Drifter spare us please" izuku merely walked forward took off his disguise and put on his iconic helmet before raising his fist with a detonator in hand and saying." Miruko says as she sees everyone listening with rapt attention.

"I am the righteous hand of god, and i am the devil that you forgot and i told you i'll be back i Guarantee. And hells coming with me!" Izuku screams at the gunner commander as once ontop of the building with the help of his grappling hook he charged all three gunners and in his blind rage is able to lift all three gunners up including the power armor wearing commander and like a bighorner protecting its young gores all of them through the barricaded door into the street and he stares them all down pissed beyond belief.

"I am the righteous hand of god, i am the devil that you forgot and i told you i'll be back i Guarantee. And hells coming with me!" That's what Izuku cried as he pulled the detonators activator exploding all the doors on the slave pens, the generators holding the behemoths and Kerthro in giant pens. While he also activated the turrets new targeting parameters and overrode the enemies list in the sentry bots. My god the look on everyone's faces while all the behemonths went on slaughter sprees with a giant deathclaw also killing everyone as Izuku walked into a literal Tsunami of bullets and gunfire with only two pistols and his multiplas rifle after causing that damage." Miruko says reminiscing about it.

"I was making my way to Izuku As Kerthro was fighting her way out joining up with me with me to meet Izuku and thank him. You see Izuku, He hates slavers more than raiders so he had zero hesitation and just massacred f*cking everyone. Meeting up with Izuku after his finished off the last legionnaire was perfect." Miruko says as she chuckles at Izuku's immediate 180 from a murderous, bloodthirsty vengeful god to a doting lover. Izuku meeting with Kerthro was fun she had Izuku gave the massive and intelligent deathclaw directions to Detroit, a few supplies and schematics to help her modify her power armor and weapons as a thank you for keeping Miruko safe.

"When he knew i was safe he picked me up in his arms and carried me across the desert towards our little tiny shack. Looking up at him i had no choice but to thank him in a way i knew was LONG overdue. I kissed him as deeply as i could surprising him as he walked. Soon after the kiss...he returned it with such fervor and love i felt at peace with staying in this world forever. Izuku and I had agreed right then that we were married and no one would ever mess with us ever again." Rumi says as she blushes some. Seeing Izuku soaked head to toe in the blood and guts of raiders and slavers was a major turn on. God she wonders what he's doing right now.


"AHHHHH I DON'T WANNA DIE!" The gunner commander screams her head off as she crawls away from Izuku who is currently using the lifeless corpse of her second in command as a blunt club to beat her third commander to death. Izukus armor torn open, burned and singed. His helmet shattered and half his face revealed as he is both bleeding and soaked in gunner blood. He slams the gunner 2nd once into the third, 2nds head and arm popping off. Again he slams him hard into the 3rd. 3rds blood soaked vomit includes bits of brain matter and teeth as 2nds other arm pops off. Izuku screams and slams 2nd one more time tearing off 2nds leg as 2nds body splatters against 3rds killing them as Izuku only holds 2nds leg in his arm before tossing it away like trash.

Izuku trudges his way towards the gunner commander whos power armor is broken with the legs mangled in different directions as she's dragging herself away. Izuku walks over to her and stops her by turning her over to face him as he begins punching her in the face. He stares at her in anger as his red blood shot eyes convey true death and hate. Izuku continues punching her and slamming her head into the curb. Izuku continuing to punching her in the face grows not stopping as he blindly continues killing her. Her cries stopping after her head is punched to mush. Izuku continuing to beat the womans skull in as he begins screaming louder and louder with every punch as he stands up and curb stomps the womans power armor chest caving it in and crushing the body underneath making a fountain of blood gush out the now mushed neck hole of what used to be her head as someone pops up around the corner.

"Hey, whats going on huh? Someone over here?" A fully kitted out raider looks over at izuku from the street just outside Quincy's entrance. Izuku looks up quickly at the raider. Izuku soaked in blood with half destroyed armor and bleeding fists with a literal mangled power armor beneath him glares at the raider who stares in silence at him. The raider looking up and down at izukus form hears a buddy call to him.

"Yo johnny, you okay? Someone over there?" Johnny hears as johnny having looked towards his friend before once again looking at Izuku and staying silent.

"Nope"Johnny says and turns around and says loud enough for Izuku and his own raider friends to hear before walking away from the scene he just saw. Izuku sighs contently as he heads to a nearby water source and cleans himself up. Using a few stimpacks and stitching himself up Izuku changes out of his Desert Ranger armor sliding on his reinforced, gecko backed leather Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit. Feeling nostalgic he turns on his radio switching to Diamond City Radio as he hears a song begin to play in his head and Izuku pulls out his classic 10mm pistol and begins walking towards Fort Hagen. His path a short and sweet one as he barely runs into any raiders or creatures.

Izuku finds the Enclave base near fort Hagen and begins his deep dive into the secret facility. Izuku smiles at the schematics he's able to snag. Everything from energy barriers to prefab blockades and walls. He's gonna have fun with these when he gets back home. He could always use a few dozen hidden caches back in the quirked world and this stuff was perfect. Izuku looks at the flag for the Enclave and salutes it. He remembers way back when he met drill Sargent Arch Dornan and was inducted into the enclave and even registered into dornans platoon before they were relocated.The at the time president really screwed up hard with his plans causing the near end of the enclave. Same with that jackass John Henry Edom. Damn name was fake just like John. He was a damn Zax 2.0 AI computer program that went rogue and claimed the presidency he could tell.

As izuku uses his access codes he gets all the information he can abut more locations around the common wealth where the Enclave have been and made bases. His PIP-Boy now showing markers for the vault locations and the new hidden caches. Seeing one leads away from the commonwealth. Izuku is curious but ignores it for noe in favor of heading outside. As Izuku walks outside he hears and sees a massive blimp coming over the horizon as night falls. The damn thing lit up like the sun as an intercom blares to life.

"Uh...Attention...Attention. We're looking for the girl with big boobs.uh huh huh uh." One voice says as he chuckles to himself making izuku confused.

"Yeah, we are ready to do you now. Hm hm he!" The second voice says as the two voices begin laughing over the intercom bringing Izuku to laugh a bit as the broadcast has a round of feedback before a new voice booms.

"Ignore the idiots. People of the commonwealth we are the brotherhood of steel. Have no fear, our intentions are peaceful. We have arrived to help you all." The man over the intercom says. Izuku knowing these people are full of sh*t. The brotherhood have always been xenophobic isolationist tech lovers. They would never make a move this open without reason and he can guess it's cause of the synths like Nick. He'll be damned if he lets these giant wank stain technofetishists hurt his new friend or hurt the common wealth. Seeing Nick and Nate on the roof Izuku runs to meet with them.

"Nate, Nick, its good to see you guys. How'd your hunt go?" Izuku asks as Nate looks down angry and sighs.

"The Institute has my son. Kellog was their damn attack dog. Its also been 10 years since they took him from me. So he's not a baby he's 10 years old... Izuku please help me find him." Nate says as Izuku smiles and nods to him.

"Of course Nate now what did you find out?" Izuku says grabbing Nates shoulders as Nate hugs Izuku sighing.

"The institute has my son, kellog was the only one who knew how to do it and i blew his brains out." Nate says looking at his All American. Sighing Izuku listens lose and smiles.

"The institute is supposed to be technology masters yes? Surely Kellog had Cybernetic enhancements much like i do. Maybe his brain isn't whole but even pieces of it can help out. You pick any up?" Izuku asks as Nate hands him a piece if brain.

"That's not a brain. That's a hippocampus...socket wires and preservative pumps? Okay this piece of brain here is enough. We need someone who can translate Mnemonic data into visual stimulus and a willing subject to view the memories." Izuku says recognizing the same tech in the think tank brains but the think tanks are literally a thousand years more advanced than this stone age piece of junk.

"Dr. Amari in the memory den has loungers that can help. She's in Goodneighbor. We can all go there now. By the way courier do you know anything about the brotherhood?" Nick asks after stating their next destination.

"Do i know them? Yeah i know them, they're entire faction is just full of xenophobic isolationist technofetishists who think everyone besides them are stupid retarded savages and that we normal people don't deserve even the most basic technologies. We're better off killing every brotherhood knight, scribe or sentinel we come across. I'm already working on a plan to kill them all and destroying that gay ass blimp they all probably masturbat* about constantly." Izuku says as He, Nate and Nick begin walking towards Goodneighbor. Izuku making plans to stop at sanctuary after this meet and greet with Dr.Amari.

My spurs go Jingle Jangle Jingle - Chapter 10 - Crystal_Grenadier - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.