How to Cook and Serve 2 Types of Pudding Mixes | (2024)

How to Cook and Serve 2 Types of Pudding Mixes | (1)

Adding fruit as a garnish to pudding makes for a beautiful and nutrient-dense presentation.

Image Credit: Irina Taskova/iStock/GettyImages

Pudding is a favorite of kids and grown-ups alike. There are a variety of pudding mixes available, both instant and cooked pudding.

Whether making pudding straight from the box or modifying to add protein or reduce fat, it's easy to make a wonderful and satisfying bowl of pudding. The pudding can also be used to layer in parfaits or trifles or as a pie filling. There are many flavors available, so pudding is a versatile ingredient.

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Things You'll Need

  • Pudding mix, either instant or cooked

  • Milk

  • Protein powder, optional

  • Whisk or electric mixer

  • Bowl

  • Serving bowls, glasses, or a graham cracker pie crust

  • Plastic film wrap

  • Saucepan

Instant Pudding

  1. Open the box of pudding mix and empty it into the bowl.
  2. Add milk and mix the liquid with the pudding mix until no lumps remain, approximately 50 times by hand or 1 to 2 minutes on low mixer speed.
  3. Place the pudding into cups or pour it into a pie crust.
  4. Refrigerate until firm. To prevent a film on top of the pudding, lay plastic cling wrap on the surface of the pudding.
  5. Garnish the pudding cups or pie with fresh fruit and whipped topping or yogurt.


Cooked Pudding Mix

  1. Open the box of pudding mix and empty it into the bowl.
  2. Add milk and mix the liquid with the pudding mix, either by hand or or with a mixer on low speed.
  3. Pour the mix into a saucepan.
  4. Place the saucepan on the stove top over low to medium heat.
  5. Stir the pudding constantly while bringing the mixture to a low boil.
  6. After 1 minute of boiling, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  7. Stir again and carefully pour the hot pudding into glasses or a pie crust.
  8. Refrigerate until cooled and set. To prevent a skin from forming on top of the pudding, use plastic cling wrap.


Make the pudding low fat by using nonfat milk. Milk-free pudding can be made with almond or soy milk. Make high-protein pudding by adding two scoops of protein powder and 2 additional tablespoons of milk or water to the mix.

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How to Cook and Serve 2 Types of Pudding Mixes | (2024)


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