Fishing Weather forecast - (2024)

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Going fishing? Check your specialised fishing forecast including our unique Bite Guide rating by entering your town or postcode into the box below.

"+df(jjx);}else{var inc=1;if (exts[row] % 3 ==0){inc=3;} to=df(hx)+"


"+df(hx+inc);}hx="tm"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=to;var hidden=""; if (exts[row] <=54 && exts[row] % 3 != 0 && expanded==0){hidden="none";}hx="row"+row;$(document).find("."+hx).each(function(){;});var temp=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+0,2));var winddir=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+2,2));var windspeed=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+4,2))/10,0);var gust=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+6,2))/10,0);var airpressure=decodeairpressure(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+8,2));var prec=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+10,3))/100;if (prec==999.99){prec=0;}var cx=0;var cx2=0;cx3=0; if (prec>2000){prec-=2000;cx=1;}var cloudcover=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+13,2));var image=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+15,1));stormrisk=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+16,2));;if (rd==0 && exts[row]<54 && exts[row] % 3==0) { var row2=row+1; var row3=row+2;var temp2b=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+0,2)); var temp3=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+0,2)); temp=Math.max(temp,temp2b,temp3);var wind2=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+4,2))/10,0); var wind3=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+4,2))/10,0);windspeed=Math.min(windspeed,wind2,wind3);var gust2=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+6,2))/10,0); var gust3=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+6,2))/10,0); gust=Math.max(gust,gust2,gust3);var pc2=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+10,3))/100; var pc3=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+10,3))/100; if (pc2==999.99){pc2=0;} if (pc3==999.99){pc3=0;} if (pc2>2000){pc2-=2000;cx2=1;}if (pc3>2000){pc3-=2000;cx3=1;} prec+=pc2;prec+=pc3;var cloudcover2=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+13,2));var cloudcover3=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+13,2));cloudcover=Math.max(cloudcover,cloudcover2,cloudcover3);var image2a=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+15,1)); var image3=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+15,1));var p1=getpriority(numtopic(image));var p2=getpriority(numtopic(image2a));var p3=getpriority(numtopic(image3));if (p2 < p1){image=image2a;} if (p3 < p2){image=image3;}var st2=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+16,2));var st3=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+16,2));stormrisk=Math.max(stormrisk,st2,st3);}var desc=pictodesc(numtopic(image)); desc=desc.replace("XX",stormrisk+"");var imageout='Fishing Weather forecast - (1)';hx="we"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=imageout;var bc=gett2mcolour(roundit(temp,0)); var tempo='


"; hx="te"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=tempo;if (gust

windspeed) { wo=windspeed+"-"+gust+"mph"; } else { wo=windspeed+"mph"; }var hold=windwords(winddir); var holdb=new Array(); holdb=hold.split(","); var windout='

Fishing Weather forecast - (2)

'+''+wo;hx="wi"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=windout;var airpressureo=roundit(airpressure,0)+"mb";hx="ap"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=airpressureo;prec=roundit(prec,3);//var cx=0;//if (prec>2000){prec-=2000;cx=1;}prec=roundit(prec,3); var pc=getpreccol(prec); var pw=precwords(prec);if (cx==1 && cx2==1 && cx3==1){pw="Showers";} var preco='


"; preco+='


";hx="pr"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=preco;var cl=getcloudcol(cloudcover); hx="cl"+row; var cloudcovero='


"; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=cloudcovero;hx="bg"+row;if (prec>2000){prec-=2000;}var bite=getbiteguide(windspeed,prec,cloudcover,airpressure);document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=bite;if (corf=="c"){}else{ctof();} // if (expanded==1 && firstx != 1){ // for (var i=0;i < exts.length;i++) // { // if (i% 3 != 0){continue;} // toggleexpand(i,expanded);// // }if (expanded==1 && exts[0] <=54){ document.getElementById("expb").innerHTML="Hide Hourly";document.getElementById("expbb").innerHTML="Hide Hourly";}else if (exts[0]<=54){document.getElementById("expb").innerHTML="Show Hourly";document.getElementById("expbb").innerHTML="Show Hourly";}}var hmm=0;function updatenwforecast(){var rows=forecastdata.length/linelength; displayrows=rows; var cc=0;if (hmm==1) { document.location="index.cgi?action=world;loc=U,18354~City of London;sess="; } for (var rowxx=0;rowxx < 24;rowxx++) { if (rowxx >= rows) { var hx="row"+rowxx; $(document).find("."+hx).each(function(){'none';}); continue; }var hidden=""; 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Fishing Weather forecast - (3)

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Local Information For City of London

Fishing Weather forecast - (4)


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Fishing Forecast - Bite Guide Info

The unique Bite Guide rating takes into account a number of factors including rainfall, windspeed, air pressure and cloud cover to give a guide as to how good the fishing conditions will be (this is based on fishing for the Carp family at the current time).

Fishing Weather forecast - (2024)


What is the most accurate weather app for fishing? ›

Buoyweather: Buoyweather specializes in offshore weather forecasts, providing detailed reports on wave heights, swell direction, and sea surface temperatures. It's a valuable tool for offshore sailors and anglers looking for accurate marine weather data.

What weather patterns are best for fishing? ›

Another good opportunity to fish is on cloudy days since overcast skies cause fish to cruise for food more than on bright days. Light rain is also one of the best fishing times, especially because it washes insects and bait into the water, creating a feeding binge for fish.

How to answer how's the weather today? ›

Answers such as “It's a sunny day” or “it's warm here today” or “Its cold outside” or “it's cold today” , “the weather is wet”, “it's raining” “”snowing” etc, or even “I haven't been outside so I don't know,” are all perfectly good answers.

What is the definition of weather science? ›

Weather is defined as the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind speed and direction, and barometric pressure.

What is the best fishing forecast website? ›

The best fishing forecast!

TipTop Fish collects atmospheric data from the world's most reputable sources to create the most detailed and accurate forecast available. The bottom line: it helps you catch more fish!

What weather app is 100% accurate? ›

Among the most precise ones are AccuWeather, The Weather Channel, and Weather Underground. CARROT Weather's customizable weather widgets look great and work seamlessly on device home screens and smart watches.

What weather is not good for fishing? ›

If you can, try to avoid fishing in inconsistent weather. Sudden weather change isn't great for fishing. Fish don't enjoy it when the weather fluctuates rapidly, because they constantly have to seek warmer or colder water conditions. It's always best to avoid fishing in inconsistent weather conditions.

What temperature should you stop fishing? ›

Check the water temperature and answer: Is the water so warm that it is causing the fish undue stress if I catch it? If the water is over 68 degrees Fahrenheit, catch-and-release fishing becomes impractical if not unethical.

What is the best temperature to catch fish? ›

Freshwater Fishes Preferred Temperatures
American Shad45-7050-65
Largemouth Bass65-8062-75
Suwannee Bass65-8065-68
12 more rows

What is the best barometric for fishing? ›

According to the time tested "fisherman's barometer" anything below 29.8 is designated as the low-pressure zone, meaning poor fishing. Above 29.8 is the high-pressure zone, meaning average fishing. The zone between 29.8 and 30.2 is shown as the area for best fishing.

What is the best marine weather site? ›

Top Marine Weather Websites. NOAA Marine Weather – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Weather tells the daily weather, storm warnings, and climate monitoring. You can also view wind and wave charts.

What is the most accurate weather app online? ›

Best weather apps for 2024
  • Weather on the Way.
  • Windy.
  • Yahoo Weather.
  • My Moon Phase.
  • Accuweather.
  • Flowx.
  • Weather Underground.
  • How we pick.
Jun 3, 2024

What weather app do storm chasers use? ›

RadarScope is an app for your phone that brings live NWS radar to the palm of your hands. Most radar apps process the data on a server before pushing a jpeg or gif image to their app. RadarScope uses raw data processed on your phone. This means you see the data almost as fast as NWS forecasters see the data.


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Article information

Author: Kieth Sipes

Last Updated:

Views: 5322

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.