Eat, Fast And Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 200 Calories. (2024)

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The Perfect Mid Week Dinner. Omurice オムライス . Japanese Omelette With FriedRice. →

Eat, Fast And Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 200Calories.

Posted on September 17, 2013 by thepaddingtonfoodie*cktail-with-green-goddess-dressing/

All of the recipes in the gallery above are between 100 and 200 calories per serve. Ranging from traditional brunch offerings of smoothies, compote and eggs to more substantial soups and salads. On occasion I have made three selections from this category and have comfortably stayed within my 500 fast day calorie allocation. For example; a mid morning smoothie (133 calories) followed by a mid afternoon Tuna and Cannellini Bean Salad (144 calories) and a Pea and Ham Soup (160 calories) for dinner. Often I will opt for a higher calorie dinner of up to 350 calories and choose something from this category to tide me over throughout the day. The permutations are endless, the devil is in the detailed forward planning.

My earlier 5-2 Challenge posts give a fast day by fast day breakdown of exactly what I ate each day complete with associated calorie count. These may be a useful reference point for anyone who is starting out and wondering where to begin. I know I found the 5-2 eating plan a little overwhelming at first. The key to surviving a fast day is to stay well hydrated between meals. I prefer sparkling water and herbal teas. Each cup of unsweetened herbal tea accounts for 2 calories. My biggest indulgence in the depths of winter has been a morning sugarless, skim milk cappuccino. At 70 calories for one small cup it accounts for 14% of my total fast day allocation, involves a bit of a juggle but in my books well worth it as it gets me through the day. More than once my errant cappuccino craving has taken me a touch over 500 calories.

When the days are cold and inhospitable soups make a brilliant 5-2 fast day meal. Healthy, nutritious and warming they fill you up and keep the hunger pangs at bay. Make a large batch and freeze in one cup portions in the freezer. I like to freeze my soup in snap lock bags which I place flat on a tray in the freezer until snap frozen. Removed from the tray my flat soup pouches are easy to store and thaw very quickly in a saucepan or the microwave. Just remember to remove the soup from the bags before reheating.

With the onset of Spring and warmer weather I am looking forward to swapping my soups for salad. There is a huge array of fresh spring vegetables beginning to make an appearance at the markets. Cleverly dressed salads can be interesting and satisfying. My preference is for low oil vinaigrettes or creamy herb and yoghurt emulsions. In many ways the warmer weather makes fasting easier.

Combine these ideas with those in my previous post Eat, Fast and Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 100Calories.Later in the week I’m hoping to complete the third instalment 5-2 Diet Recipes Under 300 Calories. If the truth be told I’m enjoying rediscovering some of these recipe posts. It is so refreshing to be able to cook a fast day meal without having to constantly substitute ingredients and whip out the calculator to make a recipe fast day friendly.

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← Eat, Fast and Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 100Calories.

The Perfect Mid Week Dinner. Omurice オムライス . Japanese Omelette With FriedRice. →

6 Responses to Eat, Fast And Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 200Calories.

  1. Pingback: Eat, Fast and Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 300 Calories. | The Paddington Foodie

  2. Pingback: Eat, Fast and Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 400 Calories. | The Paddington Foodie

  3. Pingback: Eat, Fast and Live Longer. The 5-2 Diet. Putting It All Together. For Under 500 Calories a Day. | The Paddington Foodie

  4. Eat, Fast And Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 200 Calories. (46)lilyfieldlife says:

    October 17, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    thanks so much for these great recipes. my friend put me onto your blog and I’ve just started the 5-2. Second day of 500cals today made easier with your recipes. and my husband loved dinner also (although he had way more than 200 cals!)

    • October 17, 2013 at 8:05 pm

      Hi Fiona

      You’re very welcome. I just completed my second fast day too since getting back on the 5-2 wagon. Glad to hear all is going well.

  5. Pingback: Eat, Fast and Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 100 Calories. | The Paddington Foodie

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Eat, Fast And Live Longer. 5-2 Diet Recipe Ideas Under 200 Calories. (2024)


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