Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (2024)

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Soft and fluffy Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread will be a great snack. It’s not only a snack, but it’s an epic option for breakfasts, too. It’s an all-time snack that you can eat anytime.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (1)

I’m sure you will love this moist and fluffy bread espresso banana bread with chunks of chocolate. But if you don’t try, you will not get it.

So, here’s a perfect recipe for this espresso banana bread. Ensure that you read the entire article carefully to achieve perfect flavors.

What's In The Post

Is This The Exact Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe?

Yes, this is the recipe for Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread prepared by our chef.

It took some work to make this recipe as it includes a lot of ingredients, but we trusted the process and followed the exact instructions of Bobby Flay recipe. This made our recipe a win-win for us.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (2)

How Is Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Different From Regular Banana Bread?

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread slightly differs from regular banana bread in sweetness.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread is made with extra sweetness. On the other hand, regular banana bread is made with less sweetness.

Why You’ll Love This Espresso Banana Bread Recipe?

There are a lot of reasons to love this espresso banana bread. You’ll find out these reasons below:

  • Soft And Crumbly – You’ll feel the softness in every bite of this banana bread. Its soft and crumbly textures will make you love this delectable bread.
  • Coffee Flavor – Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread contains a prominent coffee flavor because of the added espresso powder in the bread.
  • Chocolate Flavor – Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread has a hint of chocolate flavor as it incorporates chocolate.

Is This Banana Bread Recipe Vegan And Gluten-Free?

This banana bread is neither vegan nor gluten-free, as ingredients are unsuitable for vegans or gluten-friendly people.

But don’t worry, there’s a quick fix. You can replace the suitable ingredients. Let’s know how:

  • Gluten-Friendly – Swap all-purpose flour with oat or brown rice flour to make it gluten-free. Now, you can enjoy it even following a gluten-free diet.
  • Vegan Friendly – To make it vegan-free, replace eggs with applesauce and butter with margarine. That’s it! If you are on a vegan diet, you can still consume it now.

Equipment Required For Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread

  • Oven – Bake this espresso banana bread in the oven.
  • Potato Masher – Mash the bananas with the help of a potato masher.
  • Spatula – You will need a spatula to make this banana bread.
  • Bowl – Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (3)

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Ingredients

  • Butter – Use unsalted butter to make this espresso banana bread.
  • Espresso Powder – Espresso powder acts as a secret flavor enhancer in the bread. It adds a bold, sweet, bitter taste to this banana bread.
  • All-Purpose Flour – All-purpose flour lends a perfect structure to the bread.
  • Baking Soda – Baking soda is a leavening agent in the bread.
  • Kosher Salt – Use kosher salt to balance out the sweetness in the bread.
  • Bananas – Use ripe bananas to make this banana bread. Ripe bananas are sweeter than regular bananas.
  • Granulated Sugar – Granulated sugar will provide a good amount of sweetness in the bread.
  • Brown Sugar – Brown sugar will add a deep, caramel-like flavor to the bread.
  • Eggs – Eggs create stability within the batter and help to thicken the batter.
  • Chocolate – To give the bread a chocolatey flavor, add chocolate.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Ingredients Substitutes

  • Instant Coffee – Instant coffee is one of the most accessible replacements for espresso powder. So, if you don’t have espresso powder, use instant coffee instead.
  • Almond Flour – If you don’t prefer using all-purpose flour, you can substitute it with almond flour. As it’s a healthier alternative.
  • Baking Powder – The closest substitute for baking soda is baking powder. So, you can use baking powder instead of baking soda.
  • Sea Salt – If you don’t have kosher salt, you can use sea salt instead. It’s the simplest and the most accessible replacement for kosher salt.
  • Honey – You can use honey instead of granulated sugar for a healthier version. Honey is a healthy alternative to granular sugar.
  • White Sugar – Use white sugar with molasses if you don’t have brown sugar. It’ll provide the same flavors as the bread.

What Type Of Banana Does Bobby Flay Use?

Bobby has used ripe bananas to make this espresso banana bread. They are perfect for some obvious reasons:

  • Sweeter – Ripe bananas are sweeter than regular bananas. Using ripe bananas will make this banana bread even more flavorful.
  • Soft – Softer the bananas, mashing and blending them into a batter is easier. It’ll be easy for you to mix them with other ingredients.

Which Is The Best Espresso Powder For Making This Banana Bread?

Civilized coffee grande is the best espresso powder for making this espresso banana bread. This coffee powder has a rich espresso flavor, improving the bread’s overall taste.

It also elevates the texture of sponge bread to the next level. Hence, the bread will end up with better flavors and taste.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (4)

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Preparation And Cooking Time

Preparation TimeResting TimeCooking TimeTotal Time
15 Minutes35 Minutes40 Minutes1 Hour 30 Minutes

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Steps

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (5)

Step 1- Melt the butter in a saucepan.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (6)

Step 2- Add two teaspoons of ground espresso.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (7)

Step 3- Add three peeled bananas to the bowl for making the batter mix.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (8)

Step 4- Mash the bananas nicely using a fork.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (9)

Step 5- Add espresso and melted butter mixture to the mashed bananas.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (11)

Step 7- Now mix the caster and brown sugar to the bowl and mix it well.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (12)

Step 8- Further, pour one egg to the bowl.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (13)

Step 9- Then, add some all-purpose flour to the batter mix.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (14)

Step 10- Now, add teaspoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of baking powder to help the bread rise nicely.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (15)

Step 11- Finally, add some grated chocolate to the mixture.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (16)

Step 12- Pour the batter in the loaf pan to bake the bread at 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (17)

Step 13- Meanwhile, to prepare the coffee butter by combining butter with caster sugar.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (18)

Step 14- Add ground coffee to the butter.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (19)

Step 15- Then, add a pinch of ground cinnamon and a teaspoon of salt.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (20)

Step 16- The homemade coffee butter will be ready instantly.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (21)

Step 17- Take a bowl and put the egg yolks in it.

Tips To Make This Espresso Banana Bread Better?

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread can be made better than this version that we have made. To know the tips and tricks, go through the guide mentioned below:

  • Add Spices – Grating some spices is going to up your game. It’ll add some beautiful flavors to your banana bread. Some examples are cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa powder, or vanilla.
  • Espresso Cinnamon Butter – This is something you can try. It’ll give you a whole different experience, which you will love. You’ll need unsalted butter, ground cinnamon, confectioner sugar, fine salt, and instant espresso powder.
  • Do Not Use Electric Mixer – Ensure that you don’t use an electric mixer as there are chances that you may overmix the batter, which will make it rubbery and gummy.

Why Is Your Espresso Banana Bread Undercooked?

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread can end up being undercooked. Here are some of the reasons because of why your bread is undercooked:

  • Used Too Much Bananas – Too many bananas can give you an undercooked result. So, avoid using too many bananas and add them according to the servings.
  • Less Flour – Less flour leads to undercooked bread. Too little flour will make the bread soggy and give you an undercooked interior.

How Will This Espresso Banana Bread Look And Taste Like?

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread looks incredibly delicious and tempting at the same time. You’ll relish the fantastic combination of sweet, strong, and nutty flavors.

Along with its taste, this bread looks visually appealing. It comes in a beautiful brown color with a soft and fluffy texture. You will relish the sweetness of banana bread, which is also comforting.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (22)

Why Is Your Bread Not Moist Like Bobby Flay?

You are making some mistakes due to which your bread is not moist, like Bobby Flay:

  • Used Excess Flour – Using flour in excess makes your bread dry. Endure to use flour in an accurate amount so that your bread is moist, like Bobby Flay.
  • Over Mixing – Over mixing develops gluten, which leads to denser and drier bread. Ensure to mix the batter gently.
  • Used Unripe Bananas – Ripe bananas are best to make this espresso banana bread, as unripe bananas are sweeter and have less moisture. So, use ripe bananas as they are sweeter and add a good amount of moisture.

Why Did Your Banana Bread Get Burnt?

Your banana bread might get burnt due to some reasons:

  • Baked For Too Long – You may have baked the bread too long. A long baking process can burn the bread. So make sure you don’t overbake the bread; instead, bake it for a decent amount of time.
  • You May Have Covered It With a Lid – Ensure the bread is not covered. If you cover the bread with a lid, it’ll burn the bread.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Nutritional Values

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and some nutrients. To know the detailed calorific information, check out the table mentioned below:

Calories247 kcal
Total Fat8.8 g
Cholesterol51 g
Sodium231 mg
Total Carbohydrates39 g
Sugar19 g
Protein3.8 g
Potassium 211 mg

Tips To Make This Banana Bread More Healthy

You can create a healthier version of this espresso banana bread by using the tips mentioned below:

  • Use Maple Syrup Instead Of Granulated Sugar – To make a healthier version of this espresso banana bread, replace granulated sugar with maple syrup. Maple syrup is better than granulated sugar in terms of health benefits.
  • Use Buckwheat Flour Instead Of All-Purpose Flour – Swapping all-purpose flour with buckwheat flour will make this banana bread healthy because buckwheat flour is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy.
  • Add Nuts – Nuts are always a healthy option for baked goods. Nuts serve a good amount of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. For instance, you can add some finely chopped pecans and walnuts.
Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (23)

Can You Make This Banana Bread Ahead Of Time?

Yes, making this espresso banana bread ahead of time is the best choice ever. So whenever a guest arrives, you can serve this banana bread instantly, saving you a lot of time.

You’ll also get excellent bread flavors and textures when made in advance. The ingredients will get ample time to meld in their flavors with each other, which will make the bread more flavorful.

How Can You Store This Bread?

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread can be easily stored. I have shared some ways to keep this bread so you don’t throw away this fantastic bread.

  • Refrigerate – Refrigerating is an excellent option for storing this espresso banana bread. It’ll last for at least a week. So you enjoy this soft and fluffy banana bread for a longer time. But you must ensure it is adequately sealed to use an airtight container.
  • Freezer – Freezing is a good idea to store this espresso banana bread. It’ll increase the shelf life of this banana bread. Once the bread is thoroughly cooled, wrap it with plastic wrap. This will ensure that it retains its flavor and freshness.
  • Room Temperature – Properly wrapped banana bread will stay at room temperature for five days. You can store this banana bread at room temperature.

What To Serve With This Espresso Banana Bread?

  • Hot Chocolate Bomb – Espresso banana bread is excellent when served with hot chocolate. This combo is going to be one of your favorites. You will get the most unique flavors from this comb.
  • Decadent Pecan Pie Cookies – This espresso banana bread is best when consumed with these crunchy pecan pie cookies. These are the best to add a crunch to your snack. You are going to love this combination.
  • McDonald’s Iced Coffee – Espresso banana bread serves the best flavors, but have you ever thought of combining it with McDonald’s Iced Coffee? Trust me, peeps, you will fall in love with this pairing.
  • Gordon Ramsay Banana Ice Cream – Banana lovers prepare for a fantastic pair. You heard that right: Banana ice cream with fluffy espresso banana bread! If you are a banana fan, then it is a must-try.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Printable Version

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe

Are you a fan of sweet breakfasts? Then this Bobby Flay espresso banana bread recipe is just for you! You'll love this moist and fluffy espresso banana bread with chunks of chocolate.

4.50 from 4 votes

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 40 minutes mins

Resting Time 35 minutes mins

Total Time 1 hour hr 30 minutes mins

Course Chef’s Delight

Cuisine American

Servings 4

Calories 247 kcal


  • Oven

  • Potato Masher

  • Spatula

  • Bowl


  • 5 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Espresso Powder
  • Cups All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
  • ¼ Teaspoon Kosher Salt
  • 4 Bananas (Ripe)
  • ½ Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
  • 1 Large Eggs (Beaten)
  • 3 Ounces Chocolate (Semi Sweet)



Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (42)


Calories: 247kcal | Carbohydrates: 39g | Protein: 3.8g | Fat: 8.8g | Cholesterol: 51mg | Sodium: 231mg | Potassium: 211mg | Sugar: 19g

Keyword Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe, Homemade Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe, Tasty Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Is My Banana Bread So Dry?

If you use too much flour, your banana bread can become dry. So, don’t overuse the flour while making the batter.

How Do You Keep Banana Bread Moist On Top?

Store them in the refrigerator to keep your banana bread moist and delicious.

Why Is My Banana Bread Dense And Chewy?

Don’t overmix the banana bread batter, as it will result in a dense texture.

Can Bananas Be Too Ripe To Use For Banana Bread?

No! Don’t use banana bread overripe. Use bananas that are in medium ripe condition.

How Long Will Homemade Banana Bread Last?

Homemade baked banana bread can last up to three to four days.


As we reach the end of this fantastic espresso bread recipe. You’ll love the astonishing flavors of this recipe. So, try out this ketchup at home, and you’ll learn why it is fantastic.

For more chef-delight recipes, check out the link below and enjoy these fantastic dishes at home. Perfect Bobby Flay Pumpkin Bread Recipe, Best Paula Deen Banana Bread Recipe, Starbucks Banana Bread, Easy Gabubu Bread Recipe, Gordon Ramsay Beer Bread Recipe, Soft Paula Deen Zucchini Bread Recipe.

Bobby Flay Espresso Banana Bread Recipe - TheFoodXP (2024)


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