Best Love Poems for Him (2024)

Love, the word in itself is a universe just devoted to two lovers. It’s a world made with extreme care and devotion of two soulmates. Be it him or her, they both make the journey sweet together. The following poems reflect the essence of love and present a poetess’ feelings for her beloved boyfriend or husband.

Best Love Poems for Him (1)

Best Love Poems for Him

  • 1 Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy
  • 2 How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barret Browning
  • 3 Why Do I Love You, Sir by Emily Dickinson
  • 4 Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare
  • 5 Love’s Language by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  • 6 To My Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet
  • 7 “If thou must love me…” (Sonnet 14) by Elizabeth Barret Browning
  • 8 You’re by Sylvia Plath
  • 9 Heart, we will forget him! by Emily Dickinson
  • 10 I Love You by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy

In our list of “best love poems for him”, ‘Valentine’ by Carol Ann Duffy is funny to read at first sight. A lover is offering her beloved an onion! Is it a joke? Wait, there are layers of meanings just like an onion. This “onion” in the poem is a metaphor for the poet’s love in the poem. The poet uses the theme of “addled in love” to refer to its long-lasting nature. There is also a sensation of something different. That is not new, is the underlying reference in this poem.

I am trying to be truthful

Not a cute card or a kissogram.

I give you an onion.


Its scent will cling to your fingers,

cling to your knife.

Wandering about the literary significance of onions? You can know more about the importance of onions in modern literary works after reading ‘Peeling Onions’ by Adrienne Rich.

10 Incredible Carol Ann Duffy Poems or Explore all of Carol Ann Duffy's Poetry

How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barret Browning

In our “best love poems for him” list, we can’t miss this poem! The famous wife of a famous lover in English Literature, Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote this poem for his loving husband Robert Browning. ‘How Do I Love Thee?’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning is a question of all the ladies who want to write a poem for him. This beautiful poem talks about the poet’s feelings when she thinks about her husband. According to the poem, she loves him like a day. Her love is free like the individual rights of men. Her love is not half-hearted. It’s full of passion that will sustain until her old age. There is an eternal quality of her love reflected in the last few lines of the poem.

I love thee with a love seemed to lose

With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

Why Do I Love You, Sir by Emily Dickinson

Our “best poems for him” list contains a heartfelt piece from Emily Dickinson’s world. ‘Why Do I love You Sir’ by Emily Dickinson is a poem telling the reasons why the poet loves that “sir” so much. She needs not to answer the question as it is a feeling of something sublime. A person in love cannot actually tell about her thoughts behind such a “foolish” decision. Love makes us “fools” as well as gives us the heavenly sensation of a lifetime! That’s why the poet says, her love “cannot speak”. She can only say to the sir in the poem,

The Sunrise–Sire–compelleth Me–

Because He’s Sunrise–and I see–


I love Thee–

10 Beautiful Emily Dickinson Love Poems or Top 10 Emily Dickinson Poems

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare

This immortal sonnet cannot miss one top spot in our list of “best poems for him”. William Shakespeare actually wrote this poem for “him”. Who’s that him? It’s a mystery. Or it can be Shakespeare’s exploration of gender roles. None can tell surely. However, ‘Shall I compare to a summer’s day?’ by William Shakespeare presents a heavenly quality of his love to that person. In his sonnet, there is a tone of missing someone. The friend of the poet might not be there in the world while he was penning down her thoughts about him. The last two lines of the poem reflect the intention of the poet behind writing this poem.

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Best Shakespeare Love Sonnets or All 154 Shakespeare Sonnets analyzed

Love’s Language by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

In our list of “best love poems for him”, ‘Love’s Language’ by Ella Wheeler Wilcox will help you think about the concept of love as a whole. While writing a card or a wish, often a person gropes for thoughts to write about love in general. This poem will definitely help one, for sure! The poet expresses how the feeling of love gets actually expressed. There’s not any direct outlet of love. It has different manifestations inside the body of a person. According to the poet, she expresses her love in the following way.

How does Love speak?

In the wild words that uttered seem so weak

They shrink ashamed in silence; in the fire

Glance strikes with glance, swift flashing high and higher,

Like lightnings that precede the mighty storm;

To My Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet

Our “best love poems for him” list contains a love poem written by a poet to her husband. It is ‘To My Dear and Loving Husband’ by Anne Bradstreet. In this poem, the poet presents her gratitude and love for her husband. She feels that she cannot repay or compensate for the love her husband has given to her. The craze for each other is the essence of the poem. The first few lines of the poem will reflect that.

If ever two were one, then surely we

If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.

If ever wife was happy in a man,

Compare with me, ye women, if you can.

“If thou must love me…” (Sonnet 14) by Elizabeth Barret Browning

Elizabeth Barret Browning is not leaving our “best love poem for him” list too early. She wrote so many poems for her beloved husband. Every poem is unique in its diction, lively imagery, beautiful metaphors, and thought-provoking symbols. Likewise, ‘If thou must love me…’ by Elizabeth Barret Browning presents some eternal lines to the readers. It also defines her world of love. The last four lines of the poem can reflect her innovative and touching feelings on love’s theme.

A creature might forget to weep, who bore

Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!

But love me for love’s sake, that evermore

Thou mayst love on, through love’s eternity.

“Love me for love’s sake”, what a beautiful line this is!

Top 10 Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poems or Explore all of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Poetry

You’re by Sylvia Plath

‘You’re’ by Sylvia Plath is not definitely going to miss our “best poems for him” list. It’s a modern poem. That’s why the metaphors and symbols are also modern in sense. But, the main thing about love is the same. The poet feels just like Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson while writing this poem. It is written for her beloved Ted Hughes.

Clownlike, happiest on your hands,

Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled,

Gilled like a fish.

Top 16 Sylvia Plath Poems or Explore all of Sylvia Plath's Poetry

Heart, we will forget him! by Emily Dickinson

‘Heart, we will forget him!’ by Emily Dickinson grabs a position in our “best poem for him” list for its spontaneity of thoughts and liveliness of feelings. The beloved in this case has marooned the poet. The lovelorn poet talks about him in the poem. The poem tells readers about the poet’s emotions and longing for him who has done wrong with her love. She is true and wants to remain until the end. But, she has to move on that’s why the poem begins like this,

Heart, we will forget him!

You and I, to-night!

You may forget the warmth he gave,

I will forget the light.

10 Beautiful Emily Dickinson Love Poems or Top 10 Emily Dickinson Poems

I Love You by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

With ‘I Love You’ by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, our list of “best love poems for him” is about to bid adieu. In this poem, the poet is passionate about the heart, body, and mind of her beloved. She needs her physical touch to rejuvenate her soul. The poet does not seek “the cold, calm kiss” of her lover. What she needs from him, is expressed in the following lines of the poem.

So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,

Still fragrant with ruby wine,

And say with a fervor born of the South

That your body and soul are mine.

10 Famous Short Love Poems or Top 10 Greatest Love Poems Ever

Best Love Poems for Him (2024)


How can I impress a boy with a poem? ›

100+ Poems For Boyfriend
  1. You Make Me Feel Complete. Baby your presence makes me feel so rich and complete, ...
  2. I Want To Be Your Wife. Life feels worth living with you around, ...
  3. You're The Reason I Smile. ...
  4. You Give Me Butterflies. ...
  5. You Make Me Sing. ...
  6. I Love The Way. ...
  7. I Dream About You. ...
  8. This Is A Feeling.

What is a deep poetic quote about love? ›

"Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination." "The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope." "In true love it is the soul that envelops the body.” "Love must be as much a light as it is a flame.”

How do I write a love poem to my boyfriend? ›

So without further ado, here are some tips for how to write a love poem:
  1. Devour some classic poems. ...
  2. Brainstorm different ideas. ...
  3. Think of your subject. ...
  4. Choose the suitable poetic forms. ...
  5. Express your personal feelings. ...
  6. Don't sound corny. ...
  7. Use humour and wit. ...
  8. Make abundant use of sensory words.
Nov 14, 2023

How would you describe your boyfriend in a poetic way? ›

Describing someone you love in a poetic way can be a beautiful and meaningful expression of your feelings. Here's an example: In your eyes, I see the stars, In your smile, the sunshine bright, In your touch, the gentle breeze, In your love, my heart takes flight.

How do you get a boy to express his feelings? ›

Here's how to get a guy to talk to you and open up to fully express his deepest feelings.
  1. Be trustworthy. ...
  2. Treat him as your equal. ...
  3. Recognize moments he's trying to open up and be receptive and empathetic in response. ...
  4. Ask engaging questions that show you're interested in what he has to say.
Dec 9, 2022

How can I impress a boy romantically? ›

12 Ways to Impress a Guy on a Date
  1. Dress to impress.
  2. Wear a sexy scent.
  3. Make plenty of eye contact.
  4. Smile at him often.
  5. Laugh at his jokes.
  6. Find little excuses to touch him.
  7. Compliment him.
  8. Ask him open-ended questions.

What is the most powerful love quote? ›

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." "In love there are two things– bodies and words." "Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." "There is always madness in love.

What is the most romantic words ever? ›

Best overall love quotes
  • “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. ...
  • “I hope it's okay if I love you forever.” — ...
  • “Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold.” — ...
  • “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. ...
  • “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” —
Nov 30, 2023

What is a heart touching line? ›

I never knew what love was until I met you, and now I can't imagine my life without it.” “I love the way you make me feel, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you feel the same way.” “You are my happily ever after, my soulmate, and my best friend. I love you more than words could ever express.”

How do you say I love in a poetic way? ›

One way to poetically express your love for someone is by saying, "My heart sings a symphony, with every beat it whispers your name. I am forever captivated by your love, my dear, and I will never be the same." This evokes the image of a beautiful and harmonious love, filled with passion and devotion.

How do you write a love poem to your crush? ›

How to Write a Love Poem
  1. Choose your audience. If you're going to do this proper, you need to pick one person to be your audience. ...
  2. Pick specific details about the person. Okay, you've picked your person. ...
  3. Make personal. Obviously, include those specific details. ...
  4. Be earnest. ...
  5. End with call to action or pronouncement.
Jan 10, 2019

How do you poetically express love? ›

Poetic Ways To Say I Love You
  1. Give them a book of poetry.
  2. "Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you."— ...
  3. "I yearn for you."
  4. "So it's not gonna be easy. ...
  5. "I'm not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me." —
Aug 31, 2023

How can I touch his heart with love words? ›

Touching love messages
  • I cherish the moments we spend together.
  • I love knowing we can make it through anything.
  • You are so sweet and loving. ...
  • I love you. ...
  • Life seems more meaningful ever since I met you.
  • I want to be the reason behind your smile.
  • The only time I smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.
Jul 18, 2023

How to describe him in one line? ›

What are some good words to describe your partner in a love letter? - If you want to compliment their appearance, you can use words like: beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, stunning, attractive, cute, adorable, charming, radiant, dazzling, etc.

How do I write a poem for my crush? ›

To write a love poem, start by brainstorming ideas and thoughts. Then, write the poem using sensory detail and unique descriptions. Polish the love poem and present it in a thoughtful way so the recipient knows it came straight from the heart.

What is the best way to impress a boy? ›

How to impress a guy and make him obsessed with you
  1. Don't be judgmental. Okay, maybe you have high standards. ...
  2. Don't let him get away with things. ...
  3. Smile and laugh a lot around him. ...
  4. Don't be afraid to debate. ...
  5. Be naughty. ...
  6. Don't give in too easily. ...
  7. Tempt him with your appearance. ...
  8. Smell great.

How do you write a poem about a boy you like? ›

How to Write a Love Poem
  1. Choose your audience. If you're going to do this proper, you need to pick one person to be your audience. ...
  2. Pick specific details about the person. Okay, you've picked your person. ...
  3. Make personal. Obviously, include those specific details. ...
  4. Be earnest. ...
  5. End with call to action or pronouncement.
Jan 10, 2019

How can I make my poem more attractive? ›

8 Tips to Improve Your Poetry
  1. Know your end goal. How do you want to make people feel after they read your poem? ...
  2. Avoid cliches or common subjects. ...
  3. Embrace metaphors and similes. ...
  4. Use images. ...
  5. Use concrete words over abstract words. ...
  6. Understand your theme. ...
  7. It doesn't have to rhyme. ...
  8. Read, revise, read, revise.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.