Advocacy Second Edition (2024)

Cambridge University Press
9780521884761 - Advocacy Second Edition - by David Ross QC


Abalos v Australian Postal Commission (1990) 171 CLR 167, 143

Aboriginal witnesses, 29

abuse of process submission, 116


referring to, 28

active voice, 148

Adams, John Bodkin, 94

address of witness, ascertaining, 39

addressing the court, 119

admissible evidence, 4, 108

see evidence

admissions, 21

adverse answers

repeating, 33


nature of, 1


obligations of, 1, 9

qualities of, 1

age effect on sentencing, 134

Ahern v The Queen (1988) 165 CLR 87, 8

aims of cross-examination, 49

Ajodha v The State [1982] AC 204, 114

Alchin v Commissioner for Railways (1935) 35 SR (NSW) FC 498, 88, 89, 97, 98

Alexander v Manley (2004) 29 WAR 194, 90, 98

Al-Hashimi v The Queen (2004) 181 FLR 383, 56

Alister v The Queen (1984) 154 CLR 404, 98

Allied Pastoral Holdings v FCT [1983] 1 NSWLR 1, 52

analysis for appeals, 140

Anissa Pty Ltd v Parsons [1999] VSC 430, 163

antecedents, 132

appeals, 137

grounds for, 22, 136

arguing with witnesses, 30

Arthur JS Hall v Simons [2002] 1 AC 615, 9

Attorney-General (NT) v Maurice (1986) 161 CLR 475, 99, 160

Attorney-General’s Reference (No 3 of 1994) [1998] AC 245, 139

Attwood v The Queen (1960) 102 CLR 353, 46

Australian Safeway Stores Pty Ltd v Zaluzna (1987) 162 CLR 479, 110

authorised reports, 161

bad reputation, 72

Bajic case, 153

Barker, Ian, 121, 124

barristers, 1

see advocates

Basha inquiry, 19, 114

Beevis v Dawson [1957] 1 QB 195, 35

behaviour, 8, 166

Bell v The Queen (1985) 7 FCR 555, 72

Bench, 9

see judges

Benedetto v The Queen [2003] 1 WLR 1545, 27, 120, 143

biased experts, 85

Bolster rule, 38

books, learning from, 7

brackets in legal writing, 162

Brian Gardner Motors Pty Ltd v Bembridge (2000) 120 A Crim R 53, 114

briefs, handling of, 13

Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67, 20, 51, 80

Bryan, William Jennings, 34

Bugg v Day (1949) 79 CLR 442, 71

Bull v The Queen (2000) 201 CLR 443, 94

Bulstrode v Trimble [1970] VR 840, 52

Burnell v British Transport Commission [1956] 1 QB 187, 99

Butera v DPP (Vic) (1987) 164 CLR 180, 14, 15, 147

Byrne J, 153

Byrne v Godfree (1997) 96 A Crim R 197, 22

Byrnes v The Queen (1999) 199 CLR 1, 138

cab rank rule, 9

Cadbury v Daily News, 64, 102

calling for a document, 89

Campbell, Don, 59

Carson, Edward, 17, 61

Carter v Northmore Hale Davy and Leake (1995) 183 CLR 121, 108

case concept, 12

Case Stated by DPP (No 1 of 1993) (1993) 66 A Crim R 259, 55

case stated procedure, 139


ethical conduct of, 166

index of, 13

materials for, 16

proof of, 36

won on admissible evidence, 4

work during, 22

Cassell & Co v Broome [1972] AC 1027, 145

Chamberlain case, 121, 124, 125

charts, 15, 120

Chayna, Andre, 82

see R v Chayna (1993) 66 A Crim R 178

Cheney v The Queen (1991) 28 FCR 103, 92

children as witnesses, 20, 73

Chong & Toh v R (1989) 40 A Crim R 22, 34

chronological order for evidence, 42

circ*mstantial evidence, 68, 112

civil cases

opening addresses, 120

pre-trial documents, 23

steps in, 17

civilian witnesses, 24

Cleveland Report, 21


obligations to, 9, 165

referring to in court, 28

closing addresses, 122

closing the gates, 58, 94

Clyne v NSW Bar Association (1960) 104 CLR 186, 1

Collins J, 164

Collins v State Rail Authority of New South Wales (1986) 5 NSWLR 209 (CA), 140

Collins, R.B., 80

comments on evidence, 33

comparatives, correct use of, 158

complaints about procedure, 141

concept of the case, 12

confession, misleading statements as to, 27

confrontation, 60

contemporary notes, failure to consult, 85

contradictions, addressing, 80

Copeland v Smith [2000] 1 WLR 1371, 11

Corkery, Michael, 122

counsel, 6

see advocates

courage, need for, 3

courtesy, 9

in demeanour, 35

in legal writing, 159

in stopping witnesses, 41


appeal powers, 139

appeal practice, 143

behaviour in, 8, 166

lower, advocacy in, 6

preparation for, 11, 165

Cowan v Council of the City of Greater Wollongong (1954) 54 SR (NSW), 143

credit of witnesses, 17

not an issue in examination-in-chief, 38

reviving, 106

undermining, 50, 54

criminal cases

good character in, 46

impact on victims, 133

opening addresses, 120

proof in, 110

Criminal Procedure Act 1865, 88

Crippen, Hawley Harvey, 18, 69

Cross, Sir Rupert, 19

cross-examination, 48

leading questions in, 31

method and style, 60

of experts, 76

of hostile witnesses, 27

on documents, 87

preparing, 20

re-examination arising from, 102

Cummings v Granger [1977] QB 397, 162

Cummins J, 163

Cussen J, 28

cutting off escape, 94

damage control, advocacy as, 5

damaging details, 62

Darrow, Clarence, 4, 34, 86, 123

De Gruchy v The Queen (2002) 211 CLR 85, 112

De Jesus v The Queen (1986) 61 ALJR 1, 4


closing address, 124

witnesses for, 36


of advocate, 35

of witnesses, 24

Denning, Lord, 46, 162

denying an allegation, 37

dependent clauses, 150

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v Richard Walter Pty Ltd (1995) 183 CLR 168, 155

detail, level of, 37

details, damaging, 62

diagrams, 15

diaries kept by police, 44

Dietrich v The Queen (1992) 177 CLR 192, 116

digraphs, 151

directing a witness, 37, 103

Director of Public Prosecutions, 131

Director of Public Prosecutions (No 1 of 1999) (1999) 8 NTLR 148, 140

Director of Public Prosecutions (NT) v WJI (2004) 219 CLR 43, 111

Director of Public Prosecutions v Kilbourne [1973] AC 729, 108, 109

documents 8, 16

see also legal writing

assembly of, 13

cross-examining on, 87

re-examining on, 106

should never be marked, 13

Doggett v The Queen (2001) 208 CLR 343, 4

D’Orta-Ekenaike v Victoria Legal Aid (2005) 233 CLR 1, 1, 9, 145

DPP v Boardman [1975] AC 421, 109

DPP v Grabovac [1998] 1 VR 664, 134

DPP v Kilbourne [1973] AC 729, 114

DPP v Sarosi (2000) 110 A Crim R 376, 10

DPP v Stonehouse [1978] AC 55, 122

drafting grounds for appeal, 141

drawings, 15

dress code, 165

duties of an advocate, 9

Eastman v The Queen (2000) 203 CLR 1, 143

Ebatarinja v Price (1997) 137 FLR 281, 139

effect of crime on victims, 133

elements of cause of action or charge, 18, 50

emotions, use of, 3

English, 27

see also language, use of

simple, 27, 41, 149

English v Rogers [2005] NSWCA 327, 164

essence of advocacy, 1

ethics, 8, 165

etiquette, 58, 165

see also courtesy

even temper, 35

see also demeanour

events, index of, 14


admissibility of, 108

approach to, 14

bearing on each element, 18

cases won on, 4

chronological order of, 42

circ*mstantial, 68, 116

fresh, in appeals, 143

important items not tested, 83

making comments on, 33

objections to, 113

rules of, 117

variations in, 45

witness statements, 23

Evidence Act (NT), 88

Evidence Act 1872 (Bangladesh), 88

Evidence Act 1906 (WA), 88

Evidence Act 1908 (New Zealand), 88

Evidence Act 1929 (SA), 88

Evidence Act 1950 (Malaysia), 88

Evidence Act 1958 (Vic), 88

Evidence Act 1971 (ACT), 88

Evidence Act 1977 (Qld), 88

Evidence Act 1985 (Canada), 88

Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), 27, 31

Evidence Act 1995 (NSW), 27, 31

Evidence Act 2001 (Tas), 27, 31

Evidence Acts, 88

evidence-in-chief, 46

see examination-in-chief

examination-in-chief, 36

examples, use of, 126


examining, 17

index of, 14

experience and logic test, 109

expert witnesses 23, 25

see also opinion evidence

in closing address, 125

cross-examination of, 76

introducing, 39

language used by, 28

order of questions, 43

to psychological impairment, 133

eye contact, 38


admissions of, 21

agreement on, 132

already found, 142

cross-examination on, 51

evidence vs., 4

in issue, 109

in pleas in mitigation, 135

falsehoods, 26

see misleading statements

Fardon v Attorney-General (Qld) (2004) 223 CLR 575, 150

feminine words surviving in law, 154

final address, 22

Financial Wisdom Ltd v Newman (2005) 12 VR 79, 141

Fitzgibbon, Daniel, 102

Fitzpatrick v Walter E Cooper Pty Ltd (1935) 54 CLR 200, 69

Fitzpatrick, Mrs, 69

forms of question, 40, 55, 115

Fox v Percy (2003) 214 CLR 118, 138

Freeman v Harris [1980] VR 267, 140

fresh evidence, 143

Frost v AMACA (2004) 61 NSWLR 158 (CA), 139

Fullagar J, 114, 164

Fullarton SC, 44

Furze v Nixon (2000) 2 VR 503 (CA), 139

G v DPP [1998] QB 919, 21

GAS v The Queen (2004) 217 CLR 198, 132

gender-neutral language, 153

Geraghty J, 164

gerunds, 154

Goddard, Lord, 121, 162

Goldsmith v Sandilands (2002) 76 ALJR 1024, 110

good character, 46, 134

good habits, 7

Gorman, Eugene, 69

Graham Barclay Oysters Pty Ltd v Ryan (2002) 211 CLR 540, 160

graphics, 15

Grey v The Queen (2001) 75 ALJR 1708, 30

Griffiths, Lord, 164

Griggs case, 124, 126

grounds of appeal, 22

see appeals


advocate’s opinion of, 9

pleading decision, 131

Gummow J, 150

Gumurdul v Reinke (2006) 161 A Crim R 87, 135

H Clark (Doncaster) Ltd v Wilkinson [1965] Ch 694, 21

habits, good, 7

handling of witnesses, 5

Harley v McDonald [1999] 3 NZLR 545, 9

Harmony Shipping Co v Davis [1979] 1 All ER 177 (CA), 16

Harmony Shipping Co v Saudi Europe Line Ltd [1979] 1 WLR 1380, 16

Harris case, 140

Hastings, Patrick, 31, 61, 83

Hatziparadissis v GFC Manufacturing Co [1978] VR 181, 98

Hawkins v The Queen (1994) 181 CLR 440, 108

Herbert, Shane, 120

Herbert, Siobhan, 83

Hewart CJ, 32

HG v The Queen (1999) 197 CLR 414, 77

Hinz v Berry [1970] 2 QB 40, 162

Hoch v The Queen (1988) 165 CLR 292, 19, 109, 114

homely examples, 126

honesty, 3, 4, 7, 10

see also misleading statements

hostile witnesses, 27

Hrysikos v Mansfield (2002) 5 VR 485, 88, 90, 97, 98

humour, restraint in, 144

Humphreys, Christmas, 121


evidence of, 56

failure of, 68

mistakes in, 26

impaired intelligence, 133

inadmissible evidence

avoiding, 41

documents as, 90

from experts, 77


of cases, 13

of law topics, 7

of transcript, 22

Indian Evidence Act 1872, 88

ineffectual questions, 32

insurance investigators, 23, 26

intended comments, 33

interpreters for witnesses, 34

invention, 73

Isaacs, Rufus, 102

issues, one to each question, 29

J Boag & Son Brewing Ltd v Bridon Investments Pty Ltd (2001) 10 Tas R 26, 89, 90, 98

Jenkins v The Queen (2004) 79 ALJR 252, 27

Jenkinson J, 150

Jones v Hyde (1989) ALJR 349, 143


in appeal courts, 144, 145

attention to, 9

judges (cont.)

complaints about, 141

grounds for appeal against, 137

may halt or curtail cross-examination, 50

on cross-examination, 48

preparation for, 11

role of, 4

judgment, 4

Kirby J, 138, 159

on appeals, 146

Greek reference, 160

on written submissions, 147, 149


of human affairs, 124

importance of, 7

Koutsouridis case, 164

Langdale v Danby [1982] 1 WLR 1123, 21

language, use of, 1, 3, 4, 8, 147

see also legal writing

in examination-in-chief, 41

by interpreters, 34

non-English speaking witnesses, 34

non-English terms, 160

simple English, 27, 149

Latin, avoiding use of, 28, 160

law, keeping up with, 7

Lawrence, Geoffrey, 94

leading questions, 31

in cross-examination, 53

in examination-in-chief, 37

may unsettle witnesses, 39

in re-examination, 103

with opponent’s consent, 45

learning, 5

leave to appeal, 144

legal writing 147

see also language, use of

level of detail, 37

Lewis v The Queen (1987) 88 FLR 104, 45

lies, 26

see misleading statements


to judges, 145

to witnesses, 34, 38

litigation, requirements for, 18

logic, 8, 109

Lowe v The Queen (1984) 154 CLR 606, 134

luck, 22

Luxton v Vines (1952) 85 CLR 352, 112

MacPherson v The Queen (1981) 147 CLR 512, 19, 114

Madison v Goldrick (1976) 1 NSWLR 651, 89

Makita (Australia) Pry Ltd v Sprowles (2001) 52 NSWLR 705, 40, 76, 77, 80

Marlowe v The Queen (2000) 113 A Crim R 118, 105

Martin, Brian, 103

Mason CJ, 144

materials, 16

Maugham, W. Somerset, 148

Maxwell, George, 77, 124, 126

McDermott v The King (1948) 76 CLR 501, 18, 65

McDermott, Frederick, 18, 66

McHugh J, 153

on advocacy, 1

on credibility, 110

on demeanour, 142

on examination-in-chief, 38

written judgements of, 163

Mechanical Inventions v Austin [1935] AC 346, 48

medical reports, 16

Meerabux v Attorney-General of Belize [2005] 2 AC 513, 141

Meerabux, George, 141

memory, refreshing, 43, 89

Meredith v Innes (1931) 31 SR (NSW) 104, 106

metaphors, overworked, 161

Mickelberg v The Queen (1989) 167 CLR 259, 143

Miller v Jackson [1977] 1 QB 966, 162

misleading statements, 26, 57

mistakes made by witnesses, 26, 79

Mitchell v The Queen (1998) 20 WAR 201, 134

Mitchell v The Queen (1998) 20 WAR 257, 134

mitigation, pleas in, 129

Mollison, Dr., 126

Mooney v James [1949] VLR 22, 31

Muir, Richard, 18

Muirhead J, 125

negative questions, 29

negotiating the lowest charge, 131

Nelson v Chute (1994) 72 A Crim R 85, 133

newspaper reports, 16

Ngulkurr v O’Brien (1989) 98 FLR 279, 133

Nicholls v The Queen (2005) 219 CLR 196, 5, 19, 97, 108

night work, 22

Nominal Defendant v Clements (1960) 104 CLR 476, 105

nominative case, 152

non-English languages, 160

Norrish, Stephen, 82

North London Railway Co v Great North Railway Co (1883) 11 QBD 30, 149


for closing address, 123

made during case, 22

making, 13

summaries of, 20

taken by witnesses, 43, 85

when to avoid taking, 52

Nudd v The Queen (2006) 80 ALJR 614, 7

numbers, correct use of, 157

O’Gorman, Dan, 81

O’Leary v The King (1946) 73 CLR 566, 112


to evidence, 19, 113

to forms of questions, 115

objective case, 152

observation, need for, 3

occupation of witness, ascertaining, 39

‘one question too many’, 59

Opas, Phillip, 78

opening addresses, 120

opinion evidence, 17, 76

order of examination-in-chief, 42

overworked metaphors, 161

padding, avoiding, 30, 160

Palmer v The Queen (1998) 193 CLR 1, 38, 108, 110

Pangaraminni, Regis, 101

parity in sentencing, 134

participial phrases, 150

parties, 165

see clients

Pearce v The Queen (1998) 194 CLR 610, 134

perfection not possible, 10

personal pronouns, 152

pettifoggery, 142

Pfennig v The Queen (1995) 182 CLR 461, 109

photograph albums, 15

physique, requirements of, 3

platitudes, 161

Plato Films Ltd v Speidel [1961] AC 1090 (HL), 46

pleading, decision on, 131

pleas in mitigation, 129

pleonasms, 159

plurals, correct use of, 156


notes taken by, 44

statements taken by, 23, 26

as witnesses, 25

politeness, 159

see courtesy

Pollard v The Queen (1992) 176 CLR 177, 5

Pollitt v The Queen (1992) 174 CLR 558, 27

Porter, Chester, 18, 24

positivity in writing, 148

Powell case, 149

practiced witnesses, 25

precedent in appeals, 145

preparation, 11

for appeals, 138

for closing address, 124

for court attendance, 165

for cross-examination, 20

overnight, 22

for pleas in mitigation, 130, 134

for writing submissions, 148

prepositions, 152

presence, need for, 3

pre-trial documents, 23

previous convictions, 70

previous inconsistent statement, 92

prior consistent statement, 93

prior convictions, 132

prior inconsistent statement, 92

procedure, rules of, 8

pronouns, 152


of death, 21

of the case, 36

onus of, 110

of the witness, 38

prosecution, closing address, 123

provenance of exhibits, 14

psychiatric difficulties, 133

Putti v Simpson (1975) 6 ALR 47, 11, 130

qualities of advocacy, 1

Queen’s Case (1820) 2 Brod & Bing 284, 88, 97

Queensberry, Marquess of, 17, 61

questions, 55

see also leading questions

in cross-examination, 55

excessive, 59

forms of, 40

from witnesses, 24

to witnesses, 23, 27

quotations, use of, 163

R (Jackson) v Attorney-General [2006] 1 AC 262, 8

R (on the application of Lynch) v General Dental Council [2004] 1 All ER 1159, 164

R (McCann) v Manchester Crown Court [2003] 1 AC 787, 141

R v Abusafiah (1991) 24 NSWLR 531, 111

R v AJS (2005) 159 A Crim R 327, 100, 103, 106

R v Alexander and McKenzie (2002) 6 VR 53, 91

R v Alexander and Taylor [1975] VR 741, 44

R v Amad [1962] VR 545, 5

R v Anderson (1929) 21 Cr App R 178, 62, 88, 97

R v Anderson (1991) 1 NTLR 149, 5, 51, 51, 108, 114

R v B [1966] 1 WLR 1612, 142

R v Bajic (2005) 154 A Crim R 196, 153

R v Balchin (1974) 9 SASR 64, 22

R v Baldwin [1925] All ER Rep, 33

R v Banks (1916) 12 Cr App R 74, 98

R v Banner [1970] VR 240, 114

R v Basha (1989) 39 A Crim R 337, 19, 113

R v Bedington [1970] Qd R 353, 90, 91, 98

R v Birks (1990) 19 NSWLR 677, 5, 22, 48

R v Bliss [1937] 1 DLR 1, 131

R v Bridger [2003] 1 NZLR 636, 133

R v Brownlow (2003) 86 SASR 114 (CCA), 159

R v Burns (2003) 137 A Crim R 557 (NSW CCA), 59

R v Bux (2002) 132 A Crim R 395, 133

R v C (1993) 60 SASR 467, 77

R v Calder [1987] 1 Qd R 62 (CCA), 160

R v Carroll (2002) 213 CLR 635, 154

R v Champion (1992) 64 A Crim R 244, 133

R v Chandu Nagrecha [1997] 2 Cr App R 401, 19

R v Chayna (1993) 66 A Crim R 178, 82

R v Chen and Others (2002) 130 A Crim R 300, 39, 44

R v Chin (1985) 157 CLR 671, 117

R v Christie [1914] AC 545, 108

R v Churchill, August 1999 (Western Australian Supreme Court), 123

R v Clarke (2001) 123 A Crim R 506 (NSW CCA), 27

R v Cooper (1985) 82 Cr App R 74, 98

R v Cooper (Supreme Court of Queensland), 82

R v Coventry (1997) 7 Tas R 199, 31

R v Craig and Bentley, 9 December 1952, 121

R v Crehan and Rowe (2001) 4 VR 189 (CA), 140

R v Crippen, Oct 18–22, 1910, 69, 70

R v DAH (2004) 150 A Crim R 14 (SA CCA), 33

R v David [1966] VR 358, 131

R v Doheny and Adams [1997] 1 Cr App R 369, 8

R v Donald (1983) 34 SASR 10, 114, 141

R v Dowlan [1998] 1 VR 123, 134

R v Einem (No 2) (1991) 52 A Crim R 402, 54

R v F (1995) 83 A Crim R 502, 77

R v Fish and Swan (2002) 131 A Crim R 172, 68, 104

R v Foggo; Ex parte Attorney-General [1989] 2 Qd R 49, 90, 98

R v Fowler (2003) 151 A Crim R 166, 29, 142

R v François [1994] 2 SCR 827, 40

R v Fraser (1995) 65 SASR 260, 89, 97, 105, 109

R v Fuge (2001) 123 A Crim R 310, 142

R v Funderburk [1990] 1 WLR 587, 19

R v Gardner, February 1989 (Victorian Supreme Court), 123

R v Georgiev (2001) 119 A Crim R 363, 106

R v Gibb and McKenzie [1983] 2 VR 155, 73

R v Glossop [2001] NSWCCA 165, 83

R v Govinden (1999) 106 A Crim R 314 (NSW CCA), 129

R v Green (2002) 4 VR 471, 137

R v Griggs (Supreme Court of Victoria, Sale, 7 March 1928), 78, 126

R v Handy [2002] 2 SCR 908, 112

R v Hanrahan (1964) 87 WN (NSW) 458, 72

R v Harmer (1985) 28 A Crim R 35, 109

R v Harris (1988) 17 NSWLR 158, 140

R v Harrison [1966] VR 72, 89, 98

R v Haycraft (1974) 54 Cr App R 121 (CCA), 142

R v Higgins (1994) 71 A Crim R 429, 50

R v Hirco*ck [1970] 1 QB 67, 4

R v Hoad (1989) 42 A Crim R 312 (Qld CCA), 159

R v Horseferry Road Magistrates’ Court; Ex parte Bennett [1994] 1 AC 42, 164

R v Howes (2000) 2 VR 141, 152

R v Hughes (Supreme Court of Victoria) 17 July 1990, 21, 81

R v Hughes (Vic CCA 20 March 1990, unreported), 45

R v Hutchinson (1990) 53 SASR 587 (CCA), 27

R v Jack (1894) 15 LR (NSW) 196, 89, 97

R v Johnson (2001) 126 A Crim R 395, 30

R v Karger (2002) 83 SASR 135, 8

R v Kehagias [1985] VR 107, 106

R v King [1983] 1 WLR 411; 1 All ER 929, 16

R v King (2004) 150 A Crim R 409, 55

R v Kirk [2000] 1 WLR 567, 4

R v KJ (2005) 154 A Crim R 139 (Vic CA), 160

R v Knight & Ors, February 2000, 124

R v Kolalich (1990) 47 A Crim R 71, 131

R v Kostaras (No 2) (2003) 86 SASR 541, 55

R v Kotzmann (No 2) (2002) 128 A Crim R 479, 159

R v Koutsouridis (1982) 7 A Crim R 237, 114, 164

R v Lars and Others (1994) 73 A Crim R 91, 34

R v Lavery (1979) 20 SASR 430, 141

R v Le (2002) 130 A Crim R 44, 33

R v Le (2002) 54 NSWLR 474 (CCA), 27

R v Lewis (2003) 142 A Crim R 254 (NSW CCA), 160

R v Lewis-Hamilton [1998] 1 VR 630, 17

R v Madden (1999) 85 A Crim R 385 (NSW CCA), 140

R v Mahoney (2000) 114 A Crim R 130, 142

R v Markulesi (2001) 52 NSWLR 82, 38, 104

R v Martin (No 2) (1997) 68 SASR 419, 40, 74

R v Mason [1988] 1 WLR 139, 108

R v Matthews [1960] 1 SA 752, 109

R v McConville (Supreme Court of Victoria), 62, 63, 67, 92

R v McFadden (1975) 62 Cr App R 187, 9

R v McGregor [1984] 1 Qd R 256, 89, 90

R v McIntyre (2000) 111 A Crim R 211 (NSW CCA), 10

R v Minani (2005) 154 A Crim R 347 (NSW CCA), 160

R v Minister for Immigration and Cultural Affairs; Ex parte 5154 (2003) 77 ALJR 1909, 154

R v Moore (1995) 77 A Crim R 577, 89

R v Morgan [1976] AC 182, 111

R v Morris [1951] 1 KB 394, 162

R v Murphy (1985) 4 NSWLR 42, 46

R v Musolino (2003) 86 SASR 37, 97

R v Ncanana [1948] 4 SALR 399, 27

R v Newton (2002) 128 A Crim R 185 (SA CCA), 160

R v Nguyen [1998] 4 VR 394, 143

R v Nicholas (2000) 111 A Crim R 490, 160

R v NJM (2001) 126 A Crim R 378, 73

R v NRC [1999] 3 VR 537 (CA), 48

R v Okutgen (1982) 8 A Crim R 262, 134

R v Olbrich (1999) 199 CLR 270, 132

R v Orton [1922] VLR 469, 28, 91, 98

R v Parker and Mulhall (2002) 131 A Crim R 597, 131

R v Pearce [1953] Tas LR 69, 131

R v Powell (2001) 81 SASR 9 (CCA), 149

R v Previtera (1997) 94 A Crim R 76, 134

R v Quentin Tipungwuti (Northern Territory Supreme Court, Darwin), 67

R v Ready and Manning [1942] VLR 85, 106

R v Richardson [1969] 1 QB 299, 72

R v Rose [1998] 3 SCR 262, 122

R v Rowe (2004) 50 NSWLR 510 (CCA), 140

R v Rowton (1865) Le & Ca 520, 46

R v Rugari (2001) 122 A Crim R 1, 159

R v Ryan, 79

R v Sandford (1994) 37 NSWLR 172, 19, 114

R v Sang [1980] AC 402, 108

R v Santos and Carrion (1987) 45 SASR 556, 101

R v Saragozza [1984] VR 118, 111

R v Sargent [2003] 1 AC 347, 4

R v Seham Yousry (1914) 11 Cr App R 13, 90, 98

R v Sharp [1994] QB 261, 48

R v Shaw [1996] 1 Qd R 641, 37

R v Smith (1982) 7 A Crim R 437, 134

R v Smith [1992] 2 SCR 915, 4

R v Smith (No 2) (1995) 64 SASR 1, 105

R v Solomon (2005) 153 A Crim R 32, 155

R v Soma (2003) 212 CLR 299, 92, 98, 117

R v Stephenson [1976] VR 376, 109

R v Stokes and Difford (1990) 51 A Crim R 25 (NSW CCA), 22

R v Symons (1988) 32 A Crim R 370, 78

R v Szach (1980) 23 SASR 504, 103

R v Taktak (1988) 14 NSWLR 226, 79

R v Talia [1996] 1 VR 462, 134

R v Teys (2001) 161 FLR 44, 32

R v Thomas (2006) 163 A Crim R 567, 137

R v Tierney (1990) 51 A Crim R 446 (Vic CCA), 159

R v Tipungwuti (Northern Territory Supreme Court), 66, 84, 101, 127

R v Titijewski [1970] VR 371, 106

R v Trotter (1982) 7 A Crim R 8, 90, 91, 98

R v Tsiaras [1996] 1 VR 398, 133

R v Umanski [1961] VR 242, 5, 52, 116

R v Vent (1935) 25 Cr App R 55, 131

R v Ward (1981) 3 A Crim R 171 (NSW CCA), 16

R v Warren (1994) 72 A Crim R 74, 21

R v Weatherstone (1968) 12 FLR 14, 89

R v White (1997) 32 OR (3d) 722, 7

R v Williams [2001] 1 Qd R 212, 28

R v Wood & Ors (1996) 87 A Crim R 346 (Qld CA), 152

R v Yaldiz [1998] 2 VR 396, 133

Randwick Corporation v Rutledge (1959) 102 CLR 54, 151

Rawcliffe v The Queen (2000) 22 WAR 490, 103

Re Anne Hamilton-Byrne [1995] 1 VR 129 (FC), 140

Re Hallett’s Estate (1880) 13 Ch D 696, 145

reasons for witnesses’ actions, 104

rebutting recent invention, 105

recent invention, 73, 105

re-examination, 100

refreshing memory, 43, 89

relevance, 19, 50, 108


evidence as to, 72

good character, 117

requirements for litigation, 18

Revesz v The Queen (1996) 88 A Crim R 253, 21

reviving witnesses’ credit, 106

right of reply, 37

Riley J, 101

Robinson v The Queen (2006) 162 A Crim R 88, 4

Rondel v Worsley [1969] 1 AC 191, 10

rules of evidence, 8

Russell, Charles, 53

Ryder v Hartford Insurance Co [1977] VR 257, 150

Saunders v The Queen (1985) 15 A Crim R 115, 37

sayings, 161

scenes of activity, visiting, 17

Schreiner JA, 109

Scopes, John, 34

Scragg, Gregory, 79

Senat v Senat [1965] P 172, 89, 98

Seneviratne v The King [1936] 3 All ER 36 (PC), 24

senior advocates, learning from, 6

sentencing, appeal against, 137

settling the facts, 132

Shand, Jack, 18, 57

Shepherd v The Queen (1990) 170 CLR 573, 112

Shorey v PT Ltd (2003) 77 ALJR 1104, 85

short sentences, 149

side issues, 12

Simon, Viscount, 114

simple English, 27

see also language, use of

in examination-in-chief, 41

word choice, 149

simple examples, 80

Skinner, Dr., 82

slang, use of, 27

Smith v The Queen (2001) 206 CLR 650, 19, 50, 77, 108

Smith, T.W., 85

Southwood J, 163

split infinitives, 156

starting a witness, 41


see witness statements

statutory law, appeals under, 138

Stevens v The Queen (2005) 80 ALJR 91, 163

Stirland v Director of Public Prosecutions [1944] AC 315, 114, 141

Stonehouse case, 122

stopping a witness, 41

stopping cross-examination, 59

Stronach, Nurse, 94


in cross-examination, 60

style, developing, 7

subjunctive mood, 151

submissions, 89, 116

see also legal writing

to DPP, 131

written, increasing demand for, 147

Sutton v Derschaw & Ors (1995) 82 A Crim R 318, 54

Sutton v The Queen (1984) 152 CLR 528, 109

Sweeney v Fitzhardinge (1906) 4 CLR 716, 138

telephone records, 16

The Waterways Authority v Fitzgibbon (2005) 79 ALJR 1816, 102

Thomas v The Queen (1960) 102 CLR 584, 151

Thompson v The King [1918] AC 221, 111

Thompson v The Queen (2005) 157 A Crim R 385, 133

tightening the net, 58

timing, 31

Tipungwuti, Quentin, 66

see R v Tipungwuti (Northern Territory Supreme Court)

Tomlins v Brennan (2006) 18 NTLR 80, 163

toning down weak points, 45

totality, 134

Tractor Joe, 84

training, 5

transcript, index to, 22

true appeals, 138

turning the witness your way, 82

undermining witnesses, 63, 91

unfair hearing submission, 116

unfavourable witnesses, 27

Uniform Evidence Acts (Cth, NSW & Tas), 27, 88, 91

Van Den Hoek v The Queen (1987) 28 A Crim R 424, 42

Veen v The Queen [No 2] (1988) 164 CLR 465, 133, 155


see language, use of

verbs, correct use of, 156

Vesey v Bus Eireann [2001] 4 IR 192, 49

Vetrovec v The Queen [1982] 1 SCR 811, 27

victims of crime, 133

Vizzard, Frederick, 65

vocal qualities, 3

voir dire, 19, 113

Wakeley v The Queen (1990) 64 ALJR 321, 51

Walker v Walker (1937) 57 CLR 630, 89

Wallin v Curtain (1998) 100 A Crim R 506 (Vic CA), 139

Walsh QC, 41

Walsh v Law Society of New South Wales (1999) 198 CLR 73, 155

Walters J, 141

Warren, Samuel, 57

watching judges, 145

watching witnesses, 34, 38, 52

weak points, 45

weakening evidence, 49

Weininger v The Queen (2003) 212 CLR 629, 132

Wheelahan, Dennis, 102

Whisprun Pty Ltd v Dixon (2003) 77 ALJR 1598, 141

Whitehorn v The Queen (1983) 152 CLR 657, 4, 24

Whitlam v ASIC (2003) 199 ALR 674, 103

Wilde, Oscar, 17, 61

Williams v Spautz (1992) 174 CLR 509, 116

wisdom, 4

wit, need for, 3

witness statements, 13, 14, 23, 26, 38

see also proof


see also re-examination, cross-examination

agreeable, 73

arguing with, 30

attention to, 34, 38, 52

backgrounds of, 17

children as, 20, 73

choosing, 23

defence witnesses, 36

establishing credentials, 77

ethical treatment of, 165

examination-in-chief, 41

handling of, 5

index of, 13

keeping control of, 55

questions and, 23

reasons for actions, 104

reviving credit of, 106

setting at ease, 39

statements by, 16

turning your way, 82

undermining, 63, 91

Wood v Desmond (1958) 78 WN 65, 88, 97

Woods v Rogers; Ex parte Wood [1983] 2 Qd R 212, 114, 142

Woolmington v Director of Public Prosecutions [1935] AC 462, 111


see also language, use of

correct use of, 149, 154

York v The Queen (2005) 225 CLR 466, 153

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Advocacy Second Edition (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.