85 Spring Quotes to Make Your Soul Bloom (2024)

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After the cold and dark days of winter, the spring season brings new life and fresh hope to the world. These spring quotes will do the same for you.

After thawing snow and blooming flowers, spring means we’re finally able to enjoy time outside again.

Though spring might not look quite as idealized as this where you are, it is a welcome period of rebirth and inspiration all the same.

So here are the best spring quotes to inspire you to make the most of this season of rebirth and rejuvenation.

Page Contents

Top 10 Spring Quotes

Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.

John Muir

Blossom by blossom the spring begins.

Algernon Charles Swinburne

Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment.

Ellis Peters

You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.

Pablo Neruda

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

English Proverb

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’

Robin Williams

Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.

Doug Larson

April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.

William Shakespeare

Quotes about Spring

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.

Margaret Atwood

Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.

Bishop Reginald Heber

Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.


Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.

Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.

Mark Twain

Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire.


‘Is the spring coming?’ he said. ‘What is it like?’…’It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…’

Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

In springtime, love is carried on the breeze. Watch out for flying passion and kisses whizzing by your head.

Emma Racine Defleur

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.

Luther Burbank

Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.

Gustav Mahler

When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself.

Ernest Hemingway

If people did not love one another, I really don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.

Victor Hugo

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.

Charles Dickens

That is one good thing about this world… there are always sure to be more springs.

L. M. Montgomery

Nostalgia in reverse, the longing for yet another strange land, grew especially strong in spring.

Vladimir Nabokov

Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.

Anita Krizzan

It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!

Mark Twain

Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day.

W. Earl Hall

What a strange thing to be alive beneath cherry blossoms.

Kobayashi Issa

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.

Charles Dickens

I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.

Ruth Stout

If you’ve never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.

Audra Foveo

The earth laughs in flowers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

Anne Bradstreet

I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best weather God has to offer.

Dodie Smith

The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.

Gertrude Wister

We can’t possibly have a summer love. So many people have tried that the name’s become proverbial. Summer is only the unfulfilled promise of spring, a charlatan in place of the warm balmy nights I dream of in April. It’s a sad season of life without growth…It has no day.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.

Truman Capote

Because the birdsong might be pretty, But it’s not for you they sing, And if you think my winter is too cold, You don’t deserve my spring.

Erin Hanson

A kind word is like a spring day.

Russian Proverb

I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.

Virginia Woolf

It was such a spring day as breathes into a man an ineffable yearning, a painful sweetness, a longing that makes him stand motionless, looking at the leaves or grass, and fling out his arms to embrace he knows not what.

John Galsworthy

Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?

Neltje Blanchan

Or maybe spring is the season of love and fall the season of mad lust. Spring for flirting but fall for the untamed delicious wild thing.

Elizabeth Cohen

Always it’s Spring and everyone’s in love and flowers pick themselves.

E. E. Cummings

When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

William Wordsworth

Spring is the fountain of love for thirsty winter.

Munia Khan

Spring’s greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.

Edgar Guest

Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.

Virgil A. Kraft

My favorite weather is bird chirping weather.

Terri Guillemets

The Coming of Spring

The first real day of spring is like the first time a boy holds your hand. A flood of skin-tingling warmth consumes you, and everything shines with a fresh, colorful glow, making you forget that anything as cold and harsh as winter ever existed.

Richelle E. Goodrich

People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.

Roger Hornsby

The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.

Harriet Ann Jacobs

Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love.

Sitting Bull

The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us. How often does your spring come? If you are a prisoner of the calendar, it comes once a year. If you are creating authentic power, it comes frequently, or very frequently.

Gary Zukav

The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.

Henry Van Dyke

The sun was warm but the wind was chill / You know how it is with an April day.

Robert Frost

April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.

Christopher Morley

Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.

Robert H. Schuller

The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter!

Jen Selinsky

But only a person in the depths of despair neglected to look beyond winter to the spring that inevitably followed, bringing back color and life and hope.

Mary Balogh

It is spring again. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Come with me into the woods. Where spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts, and certainly visible.

Mary Oliver

I had always planned to make a large painting of the early spring, when the first leaves are at the bottom of the trees, and they seem to float in space in a wonderful way. But the arrival of spring can’t be done in one picture.

David Hockney

You make me feel so young, you make me feel so Spring has sprung.

Frank Sinatra, You Make Me Feel So Young

Rebirth and Renewal

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.

George Santayana

I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter’s tough, but spring’s coming. I believe that there’s a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better.

Steve Southerland

Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.

Yoko Ono

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.

Bernard Williams

I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature’s rebirth?

Edward Giobbi

It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.

Rainer Maria Rilke

I glanced out the window at the signs of spring. The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost budding, the sun was almost bright.

Millard Kaufman

No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.

Sheryl Crow

Spring drew on…and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night, and left each morning brighter traces of her steps.

Charlotte Brontë

From the end spring new beginnings.

Pliny The Elder

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.

Lewis Grizzard

Never yet was a springtime, when the buds forgot to bloom.

Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

Audrey Hepburn

It’s spring again. I can hear the birds sing again. See the flowers start to bud. See young people fall in love.

Lou Rawls, Spring Again

Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.

Jim Carrey

The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.

Josiyah Martin

I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.

Pablo Neruda

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

We hope you enjoyed these spring quotes and thoughts on the joys of springtime.

Writers, poets, painters and other creative minds have been fascinated by the springtime for centuries. In fact, some of the most famous lines of poetry and literature are about this time of year.

Whenever the change in seasons happens where you are, and whatever it looks like, go make the most of the new season and even enjoy a new Spring book this year.

85 Spring Quotes to Make Your Soul Bloom (2024)


What is the quote about blooming in spring? ›

Quotes about spring
  • “ If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero.
  • “ Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson.
  • “ Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. ...
  • “ Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” – John Muir.
  • “ ...
  • “ ...
  • “ ...

What is a powerful quote about spring? ›

"The beautiful spring came; and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also." "You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming." "Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful."

What are spiritual quotes about spring? ›

Top 5 Best Spring Quotes:

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." "The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created Spring." "With the coming of spring, I am calm again." "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything."

What is a deep quote about blooming? ›

To bloom is to embrace the beauty of growth and transformation, and to trust in the natural process of becoming.” “Bloom where you are planted, and let your unique beauty and brilliance shine through.” “Bloom with grace, courage, and resilience, and inspire others to do the same.”

What is a quote about blooming? ›

"The flowers that bloom tomorrow are the seeds you planted today." "In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends." "Nothing in nature blooms all year — be patient with yourself." "Live life in full bloom."

What is the deeper meaning of spring? ›

Spring is all about new beginnings and transformations; it's a season that symbolizes starting fresh and starting over. After months of cold temperatures that often result in many of us feeling the winter blues, spring reawakens us and our surrounding environment, bringing everything back to life.

What is the quote a dream of spring? ›

It is always safe to dream of spring. For it is sure to come; and if it be not just as we have pictured it, it will be infinitely sweeter.

What is a short caption for spring? ›

Short Spring Captions

Spring has sprung. Spring bliss. It's a blue-sky day. A season full of nature's delights.

Is there a Bible verse about spring? ›

Hosea 6:3. 3 Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

What does the Bible say about spring? ›


Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. The Word of the Lord can bring revival — a sort of spiritual spring — at any time.

What is the Zen quote about spring? ›

Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. - Zen saying | Zen quotes, Sayings, Quotes.

What is the best quote from spring Awakening? ›

The quote from Spring's Awakening, "Life is fleeting, like a summer's day. We must embrace it while we can," reminds us of the transient nature of life and the importance of seizing each moment. Just like the fleeting beauty of a summer day, our time on this Earth is limited and precious.

What is a quote about eternal spring? ›

“The day the Lord created hope, was probably the same day he created spring.” “Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.” “No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn.”

What emotion does spring symbolize? ›

The Season of Hope: Spring is often associated with hope and optimism. It's a time when we see nature coming back to life after the dormant winter months, and it reminds us that there is always a chance for new beginnings.

What is the best quote from all along you were blooming? ›

Let today be the day you are kind to yourself and focus on believing what is beautiful and true. And this does not mean you ignore your imperfections. It means, in spite of them, you believe there is beauty to you. Even when there are a thousand things to do, cherish these unrushed moments.

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Quotes About Flowers and Love
  • "Love is the flower you've got to let grow." —John Lennon.
  • "The rose is the flower and handmaiden of love—the lily, her fair associate, is the emblem of beauty and purity." —Dorothea Dix.
  • "Love is like wildflowers; it's often found in the most unlikely places." —Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Nov 7, 2023


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