30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (2024)

Table of Contents
5 Communication Goals Examples #1. Become an Active Listener #2. Keep My Emotions in Check #3. Accept and Validate the Emotions of Others #4. Think Before I Speak #5. Understand Body Language (and Focus on How I Use It!) 5 Dating Goals Examples #6. Update My Dating Profile #7. Date People Who Share My Core Values #8. Try New Things Together on Dates #9. Figure Out My Love Language (and Put It Into Practice!) #10. Leave When It’s Time to Leave 5 Family SMART Relationship Goals Examples #11. Divide and Conquer the Family Chores #12. Take a Yearly Vacation Together #13. Place More Value on Experiences Than Things #14. Set Aside a Weekly Family Fun Day #15. Have More Meals Together as a Family (Without Any Phones!) 5 Work Relationship Goals Examples #16. Collaborate on Projects with My Coworkers #17. Build My Network #18. Know When To Offer Help (and Ask For It!) #19. Improve My Time Management Skills #20. Engage in Meaningful Conversations with My Coworkers 5 Short-Term Relationship Goals Examples #21. Treat My Partner to Surprises #22. Go On Active Adventurers Together #23. Give My Partner’s Interest a Try (and Vice-Versa!) #24. Build a Financial Plan Together #25. Cook Meals For Each Other On a Regular Basis 5 Long-Term Relationship Goals Examples #26. Commit to Vows (Whether Through Marriage or Not!) #27. Show Affection on a Daily Basis #28. Buy and Build a Home Together #29. Maintain My Independence While Growing Together #30. Prioritize Our Sex Life Get Your SMART Goals Worksheet What SMART relationship goals examples will you set? Get your SMART Goals Worksheet FAQs References

What are the SMART relationship goals examples? Looking for some good goals for couples to set?

Relationships come in many shapes and forms, from romantic relationships to platonic relationships. Romantic relationships include everything from first dates to growing old together in a happy marriage, while platonic relationships can be between friends, coworkers, and family members.

With so many important relationships in your life, it’s key to set goals that can help grow and foster all of them, not just the romantic ones.

Setting real relationship goals is a great step for you to take by yourself but also something for you to do together with your loved ones. Healthy relationships are built from you putting in the work but it should be a 2-way street.

These 30 important relationship goals are general guidelines. To make these goals work to their full potential, make them smart. S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-Focused, and Time-Based. By adding these parameters to your goals, your relationships will flourish.

Let’s dive in with 30 platonic and romantic SMART relationship goals examples that you’re going to want to apply to all of the most important relationships in your life.

30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (1)
30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (2)

5 Communication Goals Examples

Communication goals can be applied to all relationships in our life. The better you get at communication, the stronger your bonds will be. Communicating isn’t just speaking, it’s listening and body language, too.

#1. Become an Active Listener

Becoming an active listener is a skill that will help you in all aspects of your life. Active listening means giving your entire attention to whoever is speaking and genuinely hearing what they’re saying to you.

Active listeners tend to understand their partners, friends, and colleagues better since they’ve devoted energy to hearing and internalizing what they’ve said. This decreases the likelihood of arguments and also builds trust, both of which are key to building real relationships.

Tip to becoming an active listener: To achieve this goal, remove distractions when someone wants to speak with you. Whether that means putting down your phone or turning off the TV, turn towards the person who is speaking and listen.

#2. Keep My Emotions in Check

The next big communication goal you should set for yourself is to keep your emotions in check. This goal isn’t just important for your relationships but also for your mental health. By being able to keep your emotions under control and think before reacting, you’ll be able to build better bonds with the important people in your life.

Tip to keeping your emotions in check: Take a few deep breaths before reacting. Usually, after only a few seconds, the strong emotions you’re feeling in the moment will lessen or completely pass.

#3. Accept and Validate the Emotions of Others

By creating an environment for the people in our lives to feel comfortable expressing the emotions they’re feeling, we’re telling them that we accept them as they are. When you accept someone as they are, emotions and all, you let go of your need or desire to change them. Not only will you be able to see and feel this difference, but they also will.

Tip to accepting and validating the emotions of others: Remind yourself that people are different and should be accepted for those differences. The next time someone shows different emotions than you, instead of trying to get them to feel as you do, put those active listening skills to use and try to see things from their point of view.

#4. Think Before I Speak

How often have you blurted something out and only minutes later you’ve already regretted what you’ve said? You know the toll it can take on your relationships when you use your words as weapons, whether intentionally or emotionally.

Luckily this is something we can absolutely control.

If you choose just one communication goal to put into practice to improve your relationships, I’d choose this one. Thinking before you speak will have so many positive side effects. By giving you a second to get your emotions in check and also the time to better articulate your thoughts, you’ll face fewer arguments and misunderstandings.

Tip to thinking before you speak: Take a few deep breaths before speaking, giving yourself time to gather your thoughts and ensure you actually want to voice what you’re thinking.

👉🏽 RELATED POST: Communication is Key in Relationships
30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (3)

#5. Understand Body Language (and Focus on How I Use It!)

A lot can be said in a conversation without ever actually being spoken. Body language includes posture, hand gestures, and facial expressions.

While we might do a good job at thinking before we speak or keeping our emotions in check, if your body language isn’t aligned, you’ll say everything you think without the need to open your mouth.

The same goes for understanding the body language of others. You’ll be able to understand when someone might want space, a hug, or an explanation.

Tip to understanding body language and improving your own: Do some research on basic body language so you can better pick up on the emotions of others and what you’re portraying to the world. For example, biting your nails typically means nerves, while rolling your eyes symbolizes annoyance.

5 Dating Goals Examples

Dating goals are the first goals you’ll want to make towards building a romantic relationship. These goals hit every stage of your dating life, from preparing for a new relationship, the dating game, all the way to knowing when and if it’s time to call it quits.

#6. Update My Dating Profile

Here’s a goal that’s quick and easy to accomplish: update your dating profile! If you haven’t updated your dating profile in a hot minute, stop reading right now, open up the dating app of your choice and start updating.

Upload a new picture or two and change up your bio to better represent the ideal person you’ll looking for. Not only will this quick refresh help you attract the person you’d like to date but it’ll also show the almighty algorithm that your account is active.

#7. Date People Who Share My Core Values

Now that your profile is updated, it’s time to start going on dates. Enjoy first dates and get to know new people, but your next goal is to focus on continuing dating those who share your core values.

Core values represent someone’s highest priorities and deepest beliefs. No need to have the same interests and hobbies but by having your core values aligned, you’ll be setting your relationship up for success in the long run. This is also a great way to avoid the negative effects of dating apps.

Tip for dating people who share your core values: Ask tough questions early on! Asking questions and actively listening and engaging with their answers will help you see a person’s core values, not just their superficial likes and dislikes.

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (4)

#8. Try New Things Together on Dates

Add some fun to date night by trying new things together. This creates excitement and who knows, it could lead to a new hobby you never imagined before.

When both you and your date are trying something new, it puts everyone on an equal playing field. It can get a fun way to get to know each other and also know how they react when they’re outside of their comfort zone. Hopefully, it’s with some laughs!

Tip for trying new things on dates: Before your next date, do some Googling of unique activities in your local area. Together, narrow down the things you’ve never tried but want to and go ahead and plan that date.

#9. Figure Out My Love Language (and Put It Into Practice!)

Love languages describe the way you give and receive love. While some people will give and receive in the same way, many people have a different one for how they naturally give love and how they prefer to receive it.

It’s such an important SMART relationship goal to not only understand your love languages, but also those of your partner. Have a conversation with each other about this and be sure to put into practice how your partner prefers to receive love!

There are 5 love languages:

  • Words of affirmations
  • Quality Time
  • Acts of Service
  • Gifts
  • Physical Touch

#10. Leave When It’s Time to Leave

It can be easy to stay in a relationship for too long. Whether it’s because it’s comfortable or because you’re afraid to leave, these are just a few of the common reasons why people don’t walk away when they should.

When a relationship is no longer bringing you joy, or even worse, is bringing you pain, it’s time to set the goal to leave.
Tip for leaving a relationship: Empower yourself to realize your standards and live up to them. If you’ve tried to work through your issues but no good is coming from your efforts, it’s time to demand your worth and move on.

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (5)

5 Family SMART Relationship Goals Examples

Setting and achieving family goals are important because they can bring your family together, give you something to work towards, and sets a good example for your children.

#11. Divide and Conquer the Family Chores

Family chores are hardly anyone’s favorite things to do, especially your kids. Instead of leaving the burden on one family member, equally, divide the chores among every member of your family.

Tip to divide and conquer the family chores: Create a weekly or monthly chore chart so your family members have a visual representation of the tasks they’re responsible for. Make it something you and your kids can check off so the goal stays measurable.

#12. Take a Yearly Vacation Together

This goal might just be a little more fun for your family members than the chores but it’s no less important. Taking vacations together gives you a fun way to spend time together and bond as a family without the distractions of everyday life.

This goal could be as easy to accomplish as sitting down as a family and picking a fun destination, or it might require some extra financial planning and giving your family members a list of cost-effective places to choose from.

Remember, you don’t have to go far to take a great and memorable family vacation!

#13. Place More Value on Experiences Than Things

While social media can create a rabbit hole for materialism, make it a goal to place more value on experiences than on things. Instead of always gifting each other the newest gadget, toy, or article of clothing, go on trips, try new restaurants, or head outdoors for some fun in nature.

This can be a tough one for kids to understand so is definitely one of those long-term goals rather than a short-term one, but the more you build fun memories together, the more your family members will appreciate this.

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (6)

#14. Set Aside a Weekly Family Fun Day

Along the same lines of gaining experiences as a family, set aside a weekly family fun day. Pick a day where all members of your family are typically free and let that day be the one where you try new things, do family favorites, or simply spend time together.

Tip for establishing a family fun day: Make it something every member of your family looks forward to by taking turns organizing the activity for the day. Everyone wins when planning the day is shared and it doesn’t become a burden for one family member.

#15. Have More Meals Together as a Family (Without Any Phones!)

How easy is it to eat a meal in front of the TV or grab breakfast while reading the news? While this goal isn’t to eradicate those moments, it’s instead to incorporate more family meals into the mix.

Sharing a meal together, without your phone or other outside directions, is a great time to engage in meaningful conversation as a family.

Tip for having more meals together: Choose one meal time when everyone is generally home to eat your meals together. Whether that be breakfast, lunch, or dinner is up to you based on your family’s schedule.

5 Work Relationship Goals Examples

Building strong relationships with your colleagues is often overlooked but given how much time most adults spend at work and communicating with their coworkers, these are goals that shouldn’t be skipped.

#16. Collaborate on Projects with My Coworkers

Collaborating isn’t just great from the standpoint of work efficiency, it’s also an important aspect of building bonds with your coworkers. Especially nowadays where so many teams work online and your face-to-face contact with your coworkers is limited, collaborating on projects is as important as ever.

Asking a coworker to work together shows them that you trust their abilities. It also gives you more time together to get to know each other on a personal level.

Tip for collaborating on projects with your coworkers: Next project or big idea you have, select a few coworkers to tackle it with you. Just make sure you’re not asking too much from them because then it could have an adverse effect!

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (7)

#17. Build My Network

Networking has plenty of great side effects making it a strategic workplace goal for many reasons.

In terms of building relationships, networking helps you to:

  • Create friendships
  • Grow your self-confidence

Tip for building your network: Keep networking mutually beneficial. Instead of phishing for people who can only help you, reach out equally to those you can help. This builds trust and leads to meaningful professional relationships over time.

#18. Know When To Offer Help (and Ask For It!)

Many people assume asking for help is a sign of weakness and offering help is a sign of co*ckiness. When in actuality, it’s a really beneficial goal to set in the workplace.

By asking others for help, you’re showing them that you trust their abilities and are empowering them to share their skills. Likewise, when you give help, you’re creating an environment of collaboration.

Tip for knowing when to offer help: Offer help only when someone asks or is visibility struggling with the task at hand. Don’t overtly assume your coworkers can’t handle their projects.

#19. Improve My Time Management Skills

While this one might feel more like a personal goal, it will have a direct correlation to your work relationships. Especially if people are relying on you and your deliveries, getting a grip on your time management skills will keep your colleagues happy to work with you.

Being able to correctly assess the amount of time needed on a given project or assignment, and deliver it in a timely order, will increase the amount of trust your coworkers have in you.

Tip for improving your time management skills: Select a focused task on your to-do list and set a timer for an hour. By working in increments of 1 hour, you’ll be able to better see how much time it takes you to complete your tasks.

#20. Engage in Meaningful Conversations with My Coworkers

It can be really easy to only talk to your coworkers when necessary. If you follow that path, you’re not opening up yourself to develop relationships with those coworkers. While some of your colleagues might not be interested in engaging in conversation, don’t get discouraged, others will love the break from workplace monotony.

Tip for engaging in conversations with your coworkers: Next time you and a coworker are on a break at the same time, ask them about their day, their families, or what they did the past weekend. The conversation will hopefully flow from there.

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (8)

5 Short-Term Relationship Goals Examples

Need a quick win? Setting SMART relationship goals that are short-term are designed so you can accomplish them within days, weeks, or months.

#21. Treat My Partner to Surprises

Treating your partner to surprises, regardless of how long you’ve been together, is a great way to show you care. These surprises can range from small gifts, dates, outings, or acts of service (i.e. a massage or making breakfast).

This is an especially important goal for those in a long-term relationship that feels as those the spice has drained out of it. While you shouldn’t do this searching for reciprocity, it’s typically a natural side effect where you both start to give more to each other.

#22. Go On Active Adventurers Together

Regardless of your age, set the goal to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Active adventures can be taking your dog to explore a new park, heading to the mountains for an epic hike, or going to the beach for surf lessons.

Challenging yourself and your partner to an active adventure together is not only a healthy choice, but active outings are shown to reduce stress and boredom. It’s a great and fun way to reinvigorate the energy levels in your relationship.

#23. Give My Partner’s Interest a Try (and Vice-Versa!)

Most likely you and your partner have different interests and hobbies. Take advantage of it and challenge each other to give each other’s interests a try. While you’re not expected to turn it into your hobby as well, it can be fun spending time sharing something we love with our partners.

Tip to trying each other’s interests: For your next two dates, take turns sharing a passion with each other. For example, if your partner loves video games, challenge them to find a game that you can play and enjoy together.

#24. Build a Financial Plan Together

This is the first goal of most likely many you’ll have based on finances. The first step you and your partner should work towards accomplishing is to build a financial plan together.

By doing this, you’re telling your partner you have trust in them and in your relationship. Talking finances can get messy so be sure you’re doing this with a long-term partner and someone you see a future with.

Tip to building a financial plan together: Start by talking about your big financial goals, then break those down into bite-sized chunks. Focus on building a personalized plan that fits your goals, not a cookie-cutter method.

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (9)

#25. Cook Meals For Each Other On a Regular Basis

Cooking meals for each other is a small but wonderful way to show you care. Cooking a meal can be time-consuming and something you put a lot of effort into. By taking turns cooking for each other, you’re not only putting effort into making your partner happy but you’re sharing the household responsibility.

Tip for cooking meals on a regular basis: Decide on a schedule that works for you. For example, your partner could take breakfast and you take over lunch. Splitting up meals this way can relieve stress for you during your busiest time of the day.

5 Long-Term Relationship Goals Examples

Let’s end on a high note, or rather, a long note. These goals are ones that won’t be completed in just a few days or a few weeks. Instead, some are applicable to your relationship from its first day to its last. Setting these goals together is key to their success.

#26. Commit to Vows (Whether Through Marriage or Not!)

Making the goal to commit to vows is a big one. While most traditionally, this is seen through marriage, it’s not the only time you and your partner can share vows. If you’re not motivated by marriage, I’d still make it a goal for you and your partner to make relationship vows to each other.

This is an important goal for any long-term relationship because it symbolizes the commitment you’re making as a couple.

#27. Show Affection on a Daily Basis

Showing affection to your partner on a daily basis is a long-term goal for couples that’s measured in the short term. This means that it isn’t something you’d do one day and consider it done but instead something you should strive to do on a daily basis throughout your relationship.

Tip for showing affection on a daily basis: Affection comes in many shapes and forms, so you could try hand-holding, giving kisses, sharing genuine smiles, a massage, or simply a gentle squeeze on the shoulder when you walk by.

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (10)

#28. Buy and Build a Home Together

Many couples strive to buy and build a home together. I don’t mean building like laying bricks, I mean building as in creating a happy and healthy family that lives inside your home. This is a long-term goal that you can add to your financial plan.

Buying a home together shows commitment to your relationship and is usually one of the top couple goals. It shows you’re both in it for the long haul and are looking forward to building a family together. By showing this level of commitment, you’re sure to strengthen your relationship.

#29. Maintain My Independence While Growing Together

While all of our other SMART relationship goals have been highly focused on spending time together, it’s just as important of a goal to maintain your independence while still growing together as a couple.

Tip to maintaining your independence: Keep practicing the hobbies you enjoy, even if your partner doesn’t. Treat yourself to alone time without your partner or your children, whether it be a spa day, time at the gym, or simply alone time to read your book in the bathtub, the choice is yours!

#30. Prioritize Our Sex Life

Sex is a key aspect of any romantic relationship. By initiating sex with your partner, you’re showing them that you’re attracted to them, even if you’ve been together for decades. This will build their self-confidence and reinforce your bond.

Keeping things fun and fresh in the bedroom is just as important as an active sex life. This should be something both you and your partner look forward to so don’t be shy to try new things and give in to their deepest desires. Take note of the things they like and don’t like to maximize their pleasure and strengthen your relationship.

Get Your SMART Goals Worksheet

Ready to start setting your own SMART relationship goals? Sign up below to get your FREE SMART Goals Worksheet, form-fillable, and printable, and includes more examples to help you.

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With this, you’re ready to strengthen all of the most important relationships in your life.

From couple goals examples to examples to those with friends, family members, and colleagues, take these goals to heart and watch your relationships blossom.

What are SMART goals for relationships? Click here for 30 SMART relationship goals examples for friends and romantic partners. #Relationships #RelationshipGoals #RelationshipAdvice #GoalSetting Click to Tweet

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What SMART relationship goals examples will you set?

Last Updated on June 27, 2022

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30 Platonic and Romantic SMART Relationship Goals Examples (2024)


What is an example of a smart relationship goal? ›

These goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, if your vision is to have more intimacy in your relationship, a SMART goal could be to have a date night once a week for the next three months.

What is a SMART goal for friendship? ›

SMART Friendship Goals

Attend a friend's event or celebration, such as a birthday or graduation party, within the next month to show my support and strengthen our friendship. Set up a recurring brunch date with a friend once a month for the next six months to catch up and maintain our connection.

What are SMART goal examples? ›

10 examples of SMART goals
  • Specific: I'd like to start training every day to run a marathon.
  • Measurable: I will use a fitness tracking device to track my training progress as my mileage increases.
  • Attainable: I've already run a half-marathon this year and have a solid baseline fitness level.

What are real relationship goals? ›

These may include goals like loving each other unconditionally, trusting each other fully, having some interests in common (and some that are different), and having a common vision for the future. If you are looking for ways to strengthen your relationship, you might consider trying some of the tips listed above.

How do you write a SMART goal for healthy relationships? ›

To write a smart goal for a healthy relationship, ensure it identifies what you and your partner want. Also, qualify your goal and make sure you can work on them. While you set huge goals, they are doable and realistic to achieve.

What is an example of a SMART goal for building relationships at work? ›

Here are my SMART goals to build and nurture professional relationships with those new target profiles: Within 2 months (TIME), I will attend - physically / virtually 5 events per month (SPECIFIC) to meet and discuss with individuals who are struggling to find a job (RELEVANT) and will engage with - at least - 10 of ...

What is a relationship smart goal? ›

S.M.A.R.T. relationship goals provide a framework for individuals to set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals to strengthen their relationship.

What is an example of a friendship goal? ›

For example, if you're already part of a tight-knit group of people, you might set goals to spend more time together. Or, if you just moved to a new city, your goal might be to find new friends with whom to plan activities. These relationship goals work in tandem with other aspects of your life.

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A friendship is forged when two people connect on various things and eventually become a support for each other. A true friend cares, shares, and is always honest. Friendship is one bond that never ceases and lives on even if people are not physically close to each other.

What are 5 SMART goals? ›

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives is a good way to plan the steps to meet the long-term goals in your grant. It helps you take your grant from ideas to action.

What is a bad SMART goal example? ›

Bad goal: “I want to make more time each morning to work on my most important task.” Unclear goal: “I want to spend 2 hours each morning working on my most important task.” SMART goal: “Every day this week, I will work on our new marketing site redesign from 8:30 – 10:30 am without interruption.”

What is realistic in SMART goals? ›

Realistic SMART Goals

A SMART goal must be realistic in that the goal can be realistically achieved given the available resources and time. A SMART goal is likely realistic if you believe that it can be accomplished. Ask yourself: Is the goal realistic and within reach?

What is most romantic saying? ›

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you, so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

What is my goal with dating? ›

The goal of dating is to get to know each other, have fun together, discover similarities, and learn about life expectations, goals, and dreams. Focusing on seeking pleasure instead could cloud judgment. The time to have a talk about your limits is not in the middle of a heated make-out session.

What is a long-term relationship goal? ›

Short-term goals in a relationship may include improving communication, spending quality time together, and resolving conflicts effectively. Long-term goals may involve building trust, fostering mutual growth and development, and creating a shared vision for the future.

How do you answer what are your relationship goals? ›

12 Relationship Goals for a Happier, Stronger, and Improved Relationship
  1. Embrace imperfection. ...
  2. Understand each other. ...
  3. Align on core values and beliefs. ...
  4. Improve communication. ...
  5. Create a judgement-free zone. ...
  6. Emotional management. ...
  7. Be vulnerable. ...
  8. Make each other a priority.
Sep 30, 2020

What is a positive relationship of goal setting? ›

Setting goals with your significant other can be a way to ensure that you are on the same page. It can also be a strategy to plan the future and plan how you will both get there together. Goals can be healthy to use within a relationship, as it generally allows both partners to communicate their needs and preferences.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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