143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (2024)

Written By Ema Hidlebaugh

Old me always thought that morning affirmations were a bit ..lame and woo-woo, but I've always been a bit dark and twisty, so ignore old me :)

Fast forward to now - ten years of sobriety, lots of self-work, an ADHD diagnosis and a whole heap of therapy later - and I couldn't function without affirmations.

Don't get me wrong, my default mode is still dark and twisty, but now I use little mental health tricks (morning affirmations, self-care, boundaries, etc.) to be the best version of myself (...most days).

My negative thoughts will probably always be a little louder than my positive thoughts, so daily affirmations are a great way to reset my mindset and start the day off on the right foot.

Here are some of my favorite affirmations that have helped me, even on my bad-bad days.

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143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (1)

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What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a saying or mantra that you repeat to yourself to inspire positive changes and heal negative thought patterns.

Types of Affirmations

Affirmations generally fall into one of these four camps:

1) Grounding reminder affirmations

Reminder affirmations can be incredibly powerful, especially for those of us with neural pathways wired on the slightly more negative side.

I use reminder affirmations on days when my negative self-talk is running rampant, and I have a pit in my stomach for no apparent reason.

These can include:

  • Self-worth reminders - My brain always assumes the worst, so sometimes a simple reminder is all I need to make it feel like a completely new day (e.g. I am a good person, I am loved, etc.)

  • Core value reminders - Reminder affirmations can also help us move closer to our core values during times of distress (e.g. I release resentment and instead send love and peace)

  • Fallback mantras - No matter how much self-work I do or how many healthy coping mechanisms I have, my mind always seems to go blank when I'm in the thick of it. Being able to recall a mantra that I can fall back on during those times is so much more realistic for me than having the mental clarity to think up the "right thing" (e.g. when you don't know what to do, do nothing)

2) Manifestation affirmations

Affirmations don't have to be true facts, they can be purely aspirational instead.

These could include:

  • Personal goals stated as if you have already completed them (e.g. I run an 8-minute mile)

  • Ideals that you strive for (e.g. I am an exceptional Mum)

  • Abundance-based statements (e.g. money flows to me easily)

3) Confidence-boosting catchphrases

If a particular affirmation appeals to you, consider trying it out as your very own catchphrase/mantra you can regularly repeat to yourself when needed.

Two of my favourite confidence-boosting catchphrase examples are from classic movies:

  • "To infinity and beyond!" - Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story

  • "Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it's bobsled time!" - The Jamaican bobsled team in Cool Runnings

4) Asking for help

For people with religious beliefs, these sorts of affirmations would be prayers, but asking for help isn't limited to religion.

Whether you have a defined higher power or not, asking for help in an affirmation can be both humbling and empowering (e.g. <optional: insert name of higher power>, give me strength)

How can you have a higher power if you’re not religious..?

I’m not religious, but nowadays, I am very spiritual.

That wasn’t always the case, though, so when I was encouraged to choose a higher power to lean on as part of my 12-step recovery program, I had a lot of resistance to it.

I eventually settled on the "spirit of the universe" (which I define as a combination of nature - beautiful sunsets, good energy, coincidences, de ja vu, that warm feeling when you meet someone and feel like you already know them)

Another higher power that is commonly used in place of a traditional religious figure is your best self or a future version of yourself. I like this idea of searching inward for wisdom.

Go with whatever you feel drawn to, or skip it completely; affirmations help lots of people with or without a higher power.

Tips for Positive morning affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (2)

1) Keep it realistic

If you're anything like me, overly positive statements or generalized affirmations might be a bit too much.

I'll take realistic affirmations and neutral sayings over toxic positive thinking any day because they feel much more authentic and actually help ground me.

Mindset coach Faith Mariah calls them bridge thoughts - something to bridge the gap between overly positive words and your negative beliefs.

2) Start slowly

My MO is usually to go all out when I start a new habit: be amazing at it for a few days, feel overwhelmed, get burnt out, and never do it again.

Don't be like me :)

You don't need to start saying 143 affirmations every single morning; try one or two when you remember - and build it up from there.

3) Make them your own

Someone else's list of affirmations will never be 100% right for what you need on any particular day, so here are three tips to personalize your affirmations:

Create your own list of morning affirmations that speak to you from a variety of sources. I just use my phone notes app, but there are all sorts of fancy ways to save them.

Tweak the wording of affirmations to suit you and your situation better. Personally, I remove religious references and overly harsh tones.

Skip any that you don't feel aligned with that day - some days an affirmation that I usually love suddenly sounds super dumb or cheesy.

Don't force it; skip that affirmation for a while, or remove it from your list of affirmations if it no longer aligns. For instance, I removed a lot of diet culture-related affirmations as I got more into undieting.

4) Tie it to an activity you do every day

Meshing a new habit onto one that's already ingrained in you is a great way to build it into your routine.

Here are some ideas for how to add affirmations to your morning routine:

  • Say a few affirmations in your head as you brush your teeth

  • Say affirmations out loud as you do your makeup in front of the mirror

  • Make it part of your morning coffee routine.

Whatever works for you - go for it.

5) Use your phone

Keeping a list of affirmations on your phone works really well, as you can check them off once you've said them, and it's a central spot to add any new affirmations that you come across.

Another trick that works well for me is to set up recurring reminders on my phone for affirmations.

I can get a bit desensitized to affirmations if I see them too often, so this keeps them fresh and gamifies the process for me (which is often a great way to make anything more appealing to an ADHD brain)

6) Make them visible

A cheap but effective way to keep your favourite affirmations front and centre is to write them on sticky notes and put them up in places where you'll see them throughout your day, e.g. inside your wardrobe, inside of your bathroom cabinet, etc.

7) Try an affirmation walk

I walk twenty minutes back from my daughter's daycare every morning, and it's my favourite way to inject some positive energy into my day with some affirmations.

It keeps my ADHD brain focused on the present moment and makes the walk go faster.

You can do your affirmation walk however you want, but this is how I do it:

  • I pick an affirmation from the list on my phone

  • I repeat the affirmation in my head, saying one syllable per step.

  • I keep repeating as many times as I need (sometimes I feel a bit of an energy shift, sometimes I just get bored of it)

8) Use the prayer bead method

If there's an affirmation that you really want to be intentional about and focus on, you could use prayer beads.

Having a way to measure how many times you've said your affirmation can keep your mind focused and get you into a more meditative and open state.

You don't have to use specific prayer beads - the main point is to have something tangible to count each affirmation, and a start and end point that you can feel.

You could move pebbles from one pot to another or tie a ribbon bow on a normal beaded necklace.

Whatever you use, make sure it feels nice for you to handle ...more so if you're a sensory dork like me.

If you want to wear the beads and always have them handy, make sure they are visually appealing to you and flexible enough to wear with multiple outfits.

Mine are clear beads with a white tassel, so they go with anything.

9) Say them out loud on days you really need them

As I said, most days, I say my affirmations in my head, but on bad days when I really need to lean on the power of affirmations, I put my hand over my heart and say them out loud.

10) The power of morning affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to start your day off on a positive note, but if it doesn't make sense for your morning routine, affirmations are simple steps that you can use throughout the rest of the day too.

11) First or third person?

Most of my affirmations are said in the first person, but if I'm still getting my head around something, it can be easier to read it in the third person.

As always, choose whichever way feels best to you.

Crediting sources

As a writer, giving fair credit to sources is really important to me.

Unfortunately, I started this list over a decade before I decided to write this post, and I have tweaked affirmations over the years, so I was not able to find the original author for most affirmations.

I have included credit for affirmations wherever possible, but please reach out if you're able to identify an original source that I've missed.

Much appreciated - Ema

Inspirations for my morning affirmations include:

  • Brene Brown - I'm a super fan of everything she does

  • 12-step recovery literature & sayings

  • Language of Letting Go - Although I've only listed Melody Beattie as the author in cases where I could find confirmation that they are her words, I believe that the majority of the affirmations starting with "Today..." are from her book or app.Rereading these affirmations today, I can remember not believing so many of them when I first read them. Seeing how they gently and lovingly rewired my brain over the years is so comforting. I highly recommend the book or app for anyone struggling with relationships or feeling the need to control things or other people. The app is a great option for those of us with ADHD as you get daily reminders (hear more about my late diagnoses ADHD, or check out some fun ADHD memes)

  • Insight Timer app - I’ve drawn inspiration from several wonderful talks and meditations over the years

  • The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying - I hesitated to read or recommend this book after learning of the controversy about the author. The teachings in this book have been such a comfort and inspiration to me that I’m clinging to the hope that the rumour about the majority of the writing being done by a ghostwriter is true. It was especially helpful during my Mum’s illness and after she passed.

  • Calling in the one - this was a beautiful workbook that my therapist recommended when I was single. It was powerful and gave me the right frame of mind to have a happy and healthy relationship.

  • Tiktok - I know oldies like me love to hate Tiktok, but it’s been so much more than “silly dances” for me. I love how people say poo-poo to other social media's faux perfectionism and generously create really real content. I’ve heard loads of beautiful affirmations on there.

Morning affirmations broken down by category

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (3)

Friendly reminders

  • This is my personal list of affirmations - some won't be relevant to you, and that's ok; just take what you want and leave the rest.

  • Content warning 1 - I started collecting affirmations during my recovery from drinking so there are mentions of sobriety & 12-step recovery. I included this not because I think it's the best or only way to get sober - but just because it's how I got sober, so that's the only experience I know. If mention of AA could be triggering or upsetting, please put your well-being first and check out another list of affirmations.

  • Content warning 2 - I have included body-positive affirmations that align with my personal goals of undieting, intuitive eating and HAES.

  • Inaccurate quotes - I have adapted these affirmations over the last decade, so even when I've listed a source, it is very likely that these quotes are inaccurate and should not be relied upon as a reliable reference.

→ Short affirmations

→ Affirmations for the home

→ Body positive affirmations

→ Money affirmations

Business affirmations

→ Manifesting affirmations

→ Affirmations for self love

→ Affirmations for personal growth

→ Affirmations to let go of controlling behaviour

→ Relationship Affirmations

→ Affirmations for bad days

Short morning affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (4)

Short and sweet morning affirmations are a quick and simple way to have a good day, are easy to remember, and inspire a more positive attitude.

  • I can do hard things

  • I am calm

  • I am patient

  • I am worthy

  • I am enough

  • I am peaceful

  • I am a good person

  • I am loved

  • I am safe

  • I am kind to myself

  • I am everything I need

  • I deserve happiness

  • I am allowed to feel good

  • Rest is productive

Morning affirmations for the home

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (5)

Our home and how we speak to ourselves about our living environment has a huge impact on our well being.

Social media highlight reels bombard us with constant images of perfection, and everyone else seems to be able to “have and do it all”

…so it's easy to look at our messy homes and beat ourselves up for it.

Here are some of my favourite affirmations for the home:

I sent these next affirmations out to my email list and was really moved by the sheer amount of people who reached out to say they needed to hear them - in fact, it's what inspired me to write this post:

  • I don’t suck because my home is messy.

  • I'm doing the best I can with the resources available to me at the moment.

  • I deserve to rest & relax even if my to-do list isn’t “done”.

  • I am worthy of love and respect even if I'm unproductive.

  • My home only needs to make sense to me. I don’t have to do things the same way I always have or how other people do them.

  • My home exists solely to look after me, but I do not exist solely to look after my home

If you’d like some more kind and validating encouragement about looking after your home, check out these beautiful quotes from KC Davis

Body positive self-talk affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (6)

After years of toxic diet culture, I really need the positive direction of these body-positive affirmations.

If I recall correctly, I learned most of these in a Facebook group run by Dr Maggie Landes.

She's no longer active in this field, but her podcasts are still available and very informative.

  • I eat food that makes my body feel good

  • My body is my coach, and I always listen to my coach

  • I deserve to eat

  • I do not have to earn food

  • My body is healthy and strong

  • I feed my body with healthy foods and thoughts

  • My body is an instrument, not an ornament

  • My body does not define me

  • I love taking dance breaks

  • Stretches make my body feel good

  • [When feeling under the weather] My body is healing

Money affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (7)

I started adding money affirmations to my list after reading You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero.

They give a big list of money affirmations in the book, and I believe that most of these are there.

My money mindset started improving almost immediately, and my finances were not far behind.

  • My income is constantly increasing

  • I prosper wherever I turn

  • Money is constantly flowing to us

  • Money supports my happiness

  • Money flows to me effortlessly

  • We have plenty of money to live the life we want

  • Growing wealth is easy

  • The more money I have, the more I can help others

Find more money tips here

Business affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (8)

Since I started my own business, I've added business affirmations to my daily rotation too.

Inspiration for business affirmations from a variety of sources, including my business mentor - Faith Mariah, and copywriting queen - Kate Doster.

With a long background in the public sector, selling was a completely foreign concept to me and was surprisingly emotional.

These business affirmations boost my confidence, empower me to charge what I’m worth, and help me stay aligned with my values.

  • I know what to do

  • My time is now

  • People want to hear from me

  • I am not afraid of failure, I'm afraid of not trying

  • I was born for this

  • This gets to be easy

  • I make making money fun

  • I make money in my sleep

  • <business name> makes $<income amount> a month

  • I step out of my comfort zone to achieve my goals

  • I am attracting customers and clients who know my worth and can afford to pay for the value I offer

  • I make people’s lives easier

  • I have enough time to do everything I want to

  • All of my energy will be reciprocated

  • This is working

  • I’m playing a long game, I don’t need to see instant results

  • I make passive income every day in different ways

  • I do not waste time worrying about unknowns

  • I always find a solution

  • I am not available for sickness

  • People love buying from me

  • I make a meaningful contribution to the world

Read more about how much money I make from blogging here

Manifestation morning affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (9)

If you’re in the mood to dream BIG, these are the affirmations for you:

  • I am open and receptive to all of the abundance in the universe. Thank you, life!

  • I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me

  • Show me how good it gets

  • I trust the universe to bring me what I need

  • The success I seek is also seeking me. I release any blocks that are standing between us.

  • I attract opportunities into my life

  • I am surrounded by love everywhere

  • I am a magnet for my dreams and goals

  • I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance that the universe has in store for me

Read 80 personal goal examples

Morning affirmations for self-love

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (10)

  • My goal is absolute loving, joyous, nurturing self-acceptance

  • I am the best version of myself I can be today

  • I love and accept myself

  • Real love starts with me

  • I give myself permission to slow down

  • I am confident and secure in who I am

  • Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that does not change the truth that I am brave and worthy of love and belonging

  • Today, I will do my best, then let it go. Please help me stop criticizing myself so I can start appreciating how far I’ve come - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • My needs are important and valid

  • I am worthy just because I’m alive

  • If I'm too much for you, go find less - Tiktok creator Elyse Myers

  • I’m just as important as everyone else

  • Today, I will open myself to the love that is coming to me from the Universe. I will accept it and enjoy it when it comes.

  • Today, help me be aware of and release any self-defeating beliefs I have about being unlovable. Help me begin, today, to tell myself that I am lovable. Help me practice this belief until it gets into my core and manifests itself in my relationships - Codependent No More, by Melody Beattie (Book)

Morning affirmations for personal growth

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (11)

  • I improve my spiritual, physical, emotional and creative health by at least 1% every day

  • My courage is contagious - Rising Strong by Brene Brown

  • Vulnerability- the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome - is the only path to more love, belonging and joy - Rising Strong by Brene Brown

  • It’s not that I think less of myself; it’s that I think of myself less

  • Please give me the courage and strength to see things clearly

  • I just need to do the next right thing

  • My external reality is a direct reflection of my internal state

  • Ghosts of the person you used to be are so proud of who you are, they live on inside you applauding you for living on despite your scars - Nikita Gill

  • Today, I will let go of my need for approval and my need to be liked. I will replace them with a need to like and approve of myself. I will enjoy the surprise I find when I do this. The people who count, including myself, will respect me when I am true to myself - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • When I focus on what’s good today, I have a good day, and when I focus on what’s bad, I have a bad day. If I focus on a problem, the problem increases; if I focus on the answer, the answer increases - Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book

  • Today, I will begin acting in my best interests. I will do this with the understanding that, on occasion, my choices will not please everyone around me. I will do this with the understanding that asking if a thing is good for me will ultimately help me take true responsibility for my life and my choices - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Today, I will ask for help if I need it—from people and my Higher Power. I will not be a victim, helplessly waiting to be rescued. I will make my request for help specific, to the point, and I will leave room for the person to choose whether or not to help me. I will not be a martyr any longer by refusing to get the help I deserve in life—the help that makes life simpler. Please help me let go of my need to do everything alone. Help me use the vast Universe and resources available to me - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

Morning affirmations to let go of controlling behaviour

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (12)

Sometimes affirmations aren’t quite so pink and fluffy …sometimes they’re friendly reminders to not be a dick :)

My lack of self-worth often presented itself as controlling behaviour, perfectionism, overstepping boundaries and being unable to accept things and people as they were.

I had strict expectations for everyone and everything in my life and felt personally victimized if things didn't go how I wanted them to.

Super fun to be around, hey😏

Over the years, these affirmations have helped me let go of control, accept I don't have all the answers, and meet people where they are (I revisit them often because I'll always have an inner control freak I need to simmer down).

  • I don’t know what’s best for others

  • I let go of control and expectations

  • Perfectionism is the furthest thing in the world from badassery

  • I am releasing all expectations that are draining me of my energy and happiness. I am loved. I am worthy and I am enough

  • Humility is the lack of need to be seen as superior

  • Acceptance is not submission; It's the acknowledgement of the facts of a situation and then deciding what you're going to do about it

  • Here again, we are presented with the temptation to overmanage things, and sometimes this results in rebuffs and other consequences which are hard to take - Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions

  • I must keep my magic magnifying mind on my acceptance and off of my expectations, for my serenity is directly proportional to my level of acceptance. When I remember this, I can see I’ve never had it so good - Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book

  • Please help me let go of my need to be someone other than who I am today. Help me dive fully into the present moment. I will accept and surrender to my present moments—the difficult ones and the easy ones, trusting the whole process. I will stop trying to control the process; instead, I will relax and let myself experience it - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Today, I will wait, if waiting is the action I need in order to take care of myself. I will know that I am taking a positive, forceful action by waiting until the time is right. Please help me let go of my fear, urgency, and panic. Help me learn the art of waiting until the time is right. Help me learn timing - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • We must give up trying to figure out other people. What they do is their journey, not ours. When we let their actions take up residence in our minds, we interrupt our own journey. What we carry in our minds either nurtures or tires us. We can either be refreshed or smothered by our thoughts. It’s easy to forget that we can discard any thoughts we don’t want. Our thoughts are not in charge of us; we are in charge of them. Learning to quiet our minds and go within will help us understand our personal journey and help us be willing to let others have theirs.

  • Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, It is because I find some person, place, thing, situation - Some fact of my life - that's unacceptable to me, And I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in the world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; Unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world, as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes - Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book

  • Perhaps the best thing of all for me is to remember that my serenity is inversely proportional to my expectations. The higher my expectations, the lower my serenity. I can watch my serenity level rise when I discard my expectations. But then my “rights” try to move in, and they too can force my serenity level down. I have to discard my “rights” as well as my expectations by asking myself, how important is it, really? How important is it compared to my serenity, my emotional sobriety? And when I place more value on my serenity and emotional sobriety than on anything else, I can maintain them at a higher level - at least for the time being - Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book

  • For years, I thought that the worst thing that could happen to me would be to be an alcoholic. Today I find it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. This proves that I don’t know what’s good for me. And if I don’t know what’s good for me, then I don’t know what’s good or bad for anyone. So I’m better off if I don’t give advice, don’t figure I know what’s best, and just accept life on life’s terms today. Before AA, I judged myself by my intentions, while the world was judging me by my actions - Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book

I want to add a bit of context here as it may be quite confusing for people who are not familiar with recovery to hear that anyone would be “grateful” for being an alcoholic.

This comes from the train of thought that we develop addictive behaviours as a coping mechanism for the emotional pain that we are already feeling.In my case, I can certainly relate to that.

For me, the process of getting sober was about so much more than stopping drinking.

The twelve steps helped me see that some of the ways I treated myself and others were wrong and gave me an instruction manual on how to live a happier, healthier life.

If my drinking had not gotten out of control to the point that it did, I probably would have gone my whole life still living in that emotional pain - completely unaware that I myself was the cause of it.

So, in that respect, I am very grateful that I had a drinking problem and was able to get the help that I needed for that and my thinking problem.

Relationship morning affirmations

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (13)

  • I trust people to let me know their feelings

  • My heart is open to love

  • Grace is sometimes treating people the opposite of what they deserve

  • I adore spending time with <insert name>

  • Today I will trust that <insert name> has my best interests at heart. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they're doing their best.

  • Everyone has opinions about other people; only people with small minds share them.

  • I do things that make other people and myself happy

  • My love for <insert name> grows stronger every day

  • Please come into my heart and help me be emotionally present in the relationships that I choose to be in

  • Today, I will let go of my notions that it is somehow good or desirable to be indirect. Instead, I will strive for honesty, directness, and clarity in my communication. I will let directness in my relationships begin with me - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Please help me be kind and forgiving towards myself for past relationship mistakes. Everything happened exactly how it was supposed to so that I could be where I am today. Help me let go of resentments towards myself and show myself love and understanding.

  • I am an exceptional wife and mother

A quick "self-help guru gossip" sidebar because I'm pretty sure that last one was a Rachel Hollis quote from back in the day when I used to watch her morning live streams - unironically.

There's been a LOT of problematic behaviour since then, not to mention Dave Hollis' tragic OD.

Catching up on the Hollis Uncensored Subreddit subreddit is a bad habit when I can't sleep 👀

The public unravelling of several self-help gurus in recent times is a good reminder for me that no one has all their sh*t together and that there is no one way to do things.

That's why I always try to come from the angle of "this is what works for me, on GOOD days, BUT I still struggle too" instead of "this is the only way to do things, I'm perfect, and you HAVE to do it this way too, or else".

…If I ever get preachy, you let me know!

  • Please come into my heart and show me how to best be of service to <insert name> today and shower them in love and light

  • I forgive anyone and everyone who has ever harmed me at any time and under any circ*mstances

  • Today, I will remember that my best relationships have low points. If the low point is the norm, I may want to consider the desirability of the relationship. If the low point is a temporary cycle, I will practice understanding for myself and the other person. Help me remember that the help and support I want and need does not come in the form of only one person. Help me be open to healthy options for taking care of myself if my normal support system is not available.

  • I will look out for the four horsem*n of relationships and take action to improve if I see these behaviours in myself: criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling - Gottman Institute

  • Today, help me let go of my need to control outcomes by influencing the beliefs of others. I will concentrate on accepting myself, rather than trying to prove something about myself. If I catch myself in the codependent trap of trying to emphasize something about myself to another, I will ask myself if I need to convince myself of that point - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Dear relationship me, I have many unhealthy patterns that I revert to when I fall in love. Please work hard to break these patterns. Do not lose yourself in the relationship. Make and cherish time for yourself, your friends and your interests. Journal. Do not control. Take breathers. Do not make your partner your higher power - you already have one. Speak your truth, even if you are scared that they will stop loving you. Love yourself, you cannot properly give and receive love unless you do. You are loved, loving and lovable. You are enough. I love you. Love, single me.

Affirmations for bad days

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (14)

Even in our most turbulent times, there is a space for gentle self-compassion and hope.

These are the sorts of affirmations that I seek out on a "when needs must" basis, so I don't usually say them every day but turn to them during times of emotional distress.

Nowadays, I always try to find the source of my discomfort.The simple step of identifying whether I'm feeling rejected, jealous, sad, etc., is a big step towards feeling better and knowing which affirmation to use.

  • I don't take things personally

  • I release resentment and instead send love and peace

  • Everything is happening exactly as it should

  • Today, I will refuse to feel shame from myself or others for feeling my feelings

  • I don’t concentrate on how other people treat me, I focus on how I treat other people and how I treat myself

  • I let go of these feelings of jealousy and fill that space with grace, dignity, love, humility and acceptance

  • Impatience - Sometimes, we get what we want right away. At other times, we wonder if our desires will ever be fulfilled. We will be fulfilled in the best way possible and as quickly as possible. But some things take time. Sometimes, we have lessons to learn first, lessons that prepare us so we can accept the good we deserve. Things are being worked out in us, and in others. Blocks in us are being removed. A solid foundation is being laid. Be patient. Relax and trust. Let go. Then, let go some more. Good things are planned for us. We will receive them at the first available moment. We will have all our heart longs for. Relax and trust - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Today, I will work on a change of heart if hard-heartedness, defensiveness, guilt, or bitterness are present. I will become willing to let go of those feelings and have them replaced by the healing energy of love - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • I recognize when I’m feeling angry, and I accept that feeling without shame or blame. I recognize when I’m feeling hurt, and I accept those feelings without attempting to punish the source of my pain - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Taking care of my emotions means I allow myself to stay with the feeling until it’s time to release it and go on to the next one. I recognize that sometimes my feelings can help point me toward reality, but sometimes my feelings are deceptive. They are important, but I do not have to let them control me. I can feel, and think too. I talk to people about my feelings when that’s appropriate and safe. I reach out for help or guidance if I get stuck in a particular emotion. I’m open to the lessons my emotions may be trying to teach me. After I feel, accept, and release the feeling, I ask myself what it is I want or need to do to take care of myself - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Today, I will take care of myself emotionally. I will be open to, and accepting of, the emotional part of myself and other people. I will strive for balance by combining emotions with reason, but I will not allow intellect to push the emotional part of myself away - Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beattie (Book or app)

  • Feeling depressed can mean needing a “deep rest” from the character we are trying to play. Stress, anxiety and depression can be symptoms of trying to live for others.

  • Most emotions are responses to perception - what I think is true about a given situation. If my perception is false, then my emotional response to it will be false too. So, I will check my perceptions and, beyond that, check the truthfulness of my paradigm - what I believe. Just because I believe something firmly does not make it true. I will be willing to reexamine what I believe. The more I live in the truth, the more my emotions will help me see clearly.


In conclusion, any journey of self-discovery and healing is a deeply personal one, so your affirmations need to be as well.

Morning affirmations offer us a moment of pause, a breath of intention, and a step towards new ways of thinking.

To anyone reading this, know that your journey is unique and valid and that it's okay to have days when affirmations seem out of reach or don't resonate.

On those days, remember that just surviving is a victory in itself.

Change is possible, and our past does not dictate our future.

Keep exploring, adjusting, and finding those kind words that make your day feel a little lighter.

Whilst we're on the topic of being ridiculously lovely to ourselves, check out these 120 self-care ideas

If you enjoyed these affirmations, don’t forget to pin or bookmark this to remember to come back:

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (15)

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (16)

143 Positive Morning Affirmations (Great for bad days) — Minimize My Mess (2024)


Do morning affirmations work? ›

What's more, affirmations have been used to successfully treat people with low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health conditions. [3] And they have been shown to stimulate the areas in our brains that make us more likely to effect positive changes in regard to our health.

What are positive affirmations for productivity? ›

Positive affirmations for productivity:

I am efficient with my time and capable of achieving my goals for today. I tackle challenging tasks that come my way with ease. I deserve to defend time for deep work on my important priorities. Taking small steps every day is helping me achieve big goals.

How do you start positive affirmations? ›

Start your short positive affirmation with the words, “I am…” “I can…” or “I will…” followed by a present tense statement, says Bathgate. It's best to keep it simple so the statement is something you can easily remember and turn to when you're stressed or need motivation.

Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

"I am capable of creating a life that I love and am passionate about." "I am surrounded by love and support from friends and family." The most powerful positive affirmation is “ Everyday I am getting better and better”. It is very general but applicable to many areas in your life.

What happens if you say affirmations everyday? ›

This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won't change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to adapt to new situations.

What can I say to attract money? ›

20 money affirmations
  • I am in control of my financial wellness.
  • My net worth is not my self-worth.
  • I am at peace with my portfolio.
  • I believe I have all the money I need.
  • My money goes to what I value.
  • I deserve the money that I earn.
  • I am a great giver of financial gifts.
  • My money works hard for me.

What are the positive affirmations to start the work day? ›

I have confidence in myself. I am at ease speaking in the presence of coworkers.” “I will ask for help when I encounter problems on the job.” “I am rewarded in multiple ways when I perform my job to the best of my abilities.”

Why are positive affirmations powerful? ›

Positive affirmations, though, help you disrupt negative thinking habits and build a new route in your brain for positive thoughts. Eventually, positive thought patterns appear, and your good thoughts affect your actions. This could help you learn new skills, succeed at work, or improve relationships.

How many affirmations should I say a day? ›

Practice affirming yourself every day

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

Why 21 days for affirmations? ›

The practice of writing affirmations for 21 days is rooted in the psychological theory that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.

Do positive affirmations really work? ›

As inherently positive statements, affirmations are designed to encourage an optimistic mindset. And optimism in itself is a powerful thing. In terms of reducing negative thoughts, affirmations have been shown to help with the tendency to linger on negative experiences (Wiesenfeld et al., 2001).

How many affirmations should I say in the morning? ›

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

How many days does it take for affirmations to work? ›

On average, it takes affirmations 22 days to work. However, it could take up to 66 days or longer to reach their full benefits. To reduce the time frame, listen to affirmations throughout sleep using audio. It influences your subconscious mind faster and speeds up the likelihood of your affirmations working.

Do positive affirmations actually work? ›

Positive affirmations are more effective when they're future-oriented rather than thinking about the past. Positive affirmations won't work if you don't act and put in your best effort. These phrases boost motivation and self-esteem , but you must be the one to follow through.

Do affirmations work scientifically? ›

Modern scientific research suggests a strong connection between the mind and body. Although practicing self-affirmation can't completely eliminate pain, it can change the way the brain perceives it, reducing unpleasant and uncomfortable physical sensations.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.