100 Beautiful Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children (2024)

By Aarohi Achwal - Updated: June 19, 2023

100 Beautiful Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children (1)

In this Article

  • Charming Quotes About Loving Your Child
  • Loveable Quotes for a Grown Child From Parents
  • Sweet Parents Love Quotes for Young Children
  • Rhyming Love Quotes From Parents to Children
  • Unconditional Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children
  • Loving Quotes From Stepparents to Children
  • Why Is It Important for Parents to Show Love to Their Children?
  • FAQs

Anyone who has kids or has spent time with kids knows how much joy they bring into the world. But nothing can beat the love parents have for their children! The love parents have for kids is everlasting and deep. This love will never reduce. Children will always be sweet little munchkins for their parents, even when they will grow up to be adults. So, if you have a hard time expressing your love for your sweet little daughter and son, then these quotes can help! Let’s read some love from parents quotes below that can be used by parents for their children.

Charming Quotes About Loving Your Child

100 Beautiful Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children (2)

These ‘loving your son and daughter quotes’ can be used as captions for pictures on social media or in the scrapbook you are creating with the best memories of your children!

  1. Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Bunnies have legs, so they can hop and run. Fish have gills, so they can swim. I have a heart, so I can love you.
  2. As a mother, I make mistakes. I am not perfect. And sometimes I go a little crazy. But all that is okay because, at the end of the day, I know that no one could ever love my baby the way I do.
  3. My baby may not get everything they want in life, but they can be sure that they have a mother that loves them unconditionally, more than anything on earth.
  4. I love my children because they complete my world with laughter and joy, and I wish for nothing more.
  5. My dear children, if you can see yourselves through my eyes then you would see how special you are.
  6. The only love in this universe that is truly unconditional, selfless, and forgiving is parental love.
  7. All I want to see in this whole wide world is for you to grow up happy and healthy.
  8. There is nothing more brilliant in this world than seeing your children grow up to become the best person they can be.
  9. Children need at least one person on this earth who delights in their existence, who thinks that the sun rises and sets on them, and loves them with all their heart.
  10. The greatest and best gift I can give my children is my love, my time, and my attention. Nobody can stop me from loving you.
  11. Raising my children was my choice. Sometimes, I give up things for them but I never regret it. No matter how far they go or how big they get, my life is and will always be for my children. They have not ruined my life; all they have done is give me a new meaning of life.
  12. Everything I thought I would hate about having kids; the screaming, the crying, nothing has made me regret it. I completely love it and it has relaxed me.
  13. I love my babies beyond all reason. They are my joy even when they are filled with wild kid energy.
  14. You could stretch the love I have for you countless times around the world, and when the entire world is covered, you could stretch my love through the galaxy for all eternity.
  15. My feeling of responsibility for the well-being and safety of my babies are so strong that even if an asteroid threatens the existence of life on earth, I would hold myself responsible for my babies’ fates.
  16. I love my children very much. They allow me to be late to every event without having to take the blame.
  17. What is it like to be a parent? It is one of the toughest things you will ever have to do but in exchange, you learn the meaning of true and unconditional love.
  18. The love I have for you is like an invisible and very stretchable elastic band. No matter where or how far you go, we would still be connected.
  19. My love for you is softer than feather and stronger than iron.
  20. Do you see the stars sparkling up in the night sky? I wished on one of those stars and I finally got you!
  21. There are no words to say when I think of how I love you. I love you because you are you.
  22. If I had to choose between loving my children and breathing, I would choose to use my last breath to tell them “I love you very much”.
  23. As soon as my angel was born, I immediately wanted to call my own parents and apologize for everything I ever did to hurt them because I never knew how much they loved me.
  24. Telling my babies how much I love them is not simply a habit. It is a constant reminder to let them know that they are the best thing to have ever happened to me.
  25. There are places in your heart you never knew existed until you love a baby.
  26. A baby will make your days shorter, love stronger, bankroll smaller, clothes shabbier, home happier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
  27. If I could give my baby three things, it would be the strength to follow their passion, the confidence to always know their self-worth, and the ability to know how deeply and truly loved they are.
  28. Without my children my wallet would be full, my house would be clean, but my heart would be very empty and sad.
  29. A child may outgrow your lap, but they will never outgrow the love you have in your heart.
  30. No matter what, I want my babies to know that they were longed for, wished for, prayed for, and they will forever be loved.
  31. Until one becomes a mother, no one can ever understand what it feels like to love someone so profoundly and deeply that you will ache when they ache, rejoice when they rejoice, feel what they feel, even without ever having to speak a word about it.
  32. I love my children so much that they make me feel like I am more than just complete, I am overflowing with love.
  33. You are a miracle and you have grown up to become the most beautiful child.
  34. Children are like tiny rays of sunshine. They light up the darkest days.
  35. There is no love more deep and true than the love I have for you.
  36. My love will be with you every day, even the days you are not with me.
  37. The love of a parent is whole, no matter how many times it is divided.
  38. Love is giving children your undivided time and attention.
  39. Sometimes, the strength of motherhood is greater than the world’s natural laws.
  40. My little one will never have to wonder where to go for love, support, or a hug. Their mother will always be there for them no matter how much they grow up.
  41. A mother’s love is forgiving and patient when all others are forsaking. It will never falter or fail, even though the heart is breaking.
  42. A mother’s love is the perfect fuel to enable a normal human being to do the impossible.
  43. Before my baby was born, I thought I understood the limits of my heart and knew all the boundaries I had in myself. It is extraordinary to have those boundaries thrown out and realize the love I had is inexhaustible.
  44. In my world, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes. Shine on, little angel.
  45. A father’s love is higher than the tallest mountains and a mother’s love is deeper than the deepest seas.
  46. When your days are hard, when your luck seems to fail and when your friends turn against you, know that we are just a phone call away.
  47. My greatest wish is that my children should always know the amount of love I have for them and that they walk through the rest of their lives knowing that I will always be there for them no matter what.
  48. I will be your greatest fan. I will always defend you. I will be your protector. I will be your best friend and I will always be proud of you. I will love you unconditionally and will always be there for you.
  49. A baby is something you will carry inside for nine months, in your arms for a few years, and in your heart until the day you die.
  50. While raising my kids, I have lost my mind but found my soul.

Loveable Quotes for a Grown Child From Parents

Here are some quotes that parents can dedicate to their grown-up children.

  1. My love for you is like an invisible elastic band. No matter how far you go, we are connected.
  2. My love for you could stretch around the world countless times, and when the world is covered, my love could stretch through the galaxy forever, moving on.
  3. If my love for you had a colour, it would be the whole rainbow.
  4. My love for you is taller than the sky and wider than the galaxy.
  5. There’s no biggest number, no farthest star, no end to my love for you.
  6. Even though my lap is too small, my heart will always have enough room for you.
  7. I see the best parts of myself reflected in you, but you’ve made all those qualities even better.
  8. I know you must walk your own path, but let my love be the light to guide you.
  9. It’s a beautiful thing, watching another adult walking around out there in the world with my heart beating inside them.
  10. I love you for the baby you were and the man (or woman) you are today.

100 Beautiful Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children (3)

Sweet Parents Love Quotes for Young Children

Let’s take a look at some sweet quotes for children from parents.

  1. See the stars? I made a wish on one, and I got you.
  2. Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Fish have gills, so they can swim. Bunnies have four legs, so they can run. I have a heart, so I can love you.
  3. There’s no bad thing you could do that would ever change my love.
  4. I love you when I wake up in the morning. I love you all day long. I love you in my dreams at night.
  5. No work is more important than my love for you.
  6. I hug you and kiss you and tell you I love you because it fills me with joy. I’ll hug you and kiss you and tell you I love you some more, so you’ll be full too.
  7. Playing with you is the happiest moment of my day.
  8. You are the best gift I’ve ever received.
  9. There are thousands of children in the world, and I was lucky enough to get you.
  10. There is no love more deep and true than the love I give to you.

Rhyming Love Quotes From Parents to Children

Here are some love quotes from parents to children that are rhyming.

  1. You deserve the best I have to give, and that’s my undying love as long as you shall live.
  2. You may no longer be small or need my help for all, but you’ll always need love from my heart, especially when we are apart.
  3. When I think of how I love you, there are no words to explain. I love you because you are you; it’s that simple and plain.
  4. They say one plus one is two and one plus two is three, but through love, our one plus one is you and one plus two is we.
  5. My love always speaks to your heart as a long-lost counterpart.
  6. From the moment they put you in my arms, it became my life’s work to keep you from harm.
  7. You are ours. We are yours. From the moon to the stars, our love lasts as long as the wind soars.
  8. You may sometimes wonder why I do what I do. Just remember, my child, my every thought is for you.
  9. Your love discovered parts of me I never knew were there, and now my heart is open wide to love, completely exposed and bare.
  10. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, I love you always and everywhere.

Unconditional Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children

Parents’ love is everything to children. Here are some quotes on unconditional love from parents to their children.

  1. I’ve never loved anybody the way I love my children.
  2. Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.
  3. No one prepared me for just how much love I would have for my child.
  4. To my child: I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.
  5. A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world.
  6. In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes. Shine on, my child.
  7. The day you came into my life, I knew what my purpose was. To love and protect you with everything I have.
  8. No matter what, I want my children to know they were wished for, longed for, prayed for and that they are forever loved.
  9. Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Fish have gills, so they can swim. Bunnies have four legs, so they can run. I have a heart, so I can love you.
  10. I love my children beyond all reason. They’re my joy, even when they’re wild with kid energy.

Loving Quotes From Stepparents to Children

The relationship between a stepparent and a child is unique. Here are some quotes that stepparents can use for their children.

  1. I didn’t have to love you; I got to love you. It’s the best choice I’ve ever made.
  2. You may not have my eyes, but you have my love forever.
  3. I “stepped” into my role as your parent. I chose it, and no choice has made me happier.
  4. My love is with you every day, even the days you aren’t with me.
  5. Your love wasn’t given to me at birth. I work every day to earn it.
  6. Being your stepparent is the best gift your mom (or dad) gave to me.
  7. Being your stepparent has been the hardest yet the best thing I’ve done with my life.
  8. It’s love, not DNA, that makes me your mom/dad.
  9. Families aren’t like socks. They don’t have to match. They just have to be warm and cosy.
  10. You aren’t mine by blood. But you’re mine by love.

Why Is It Important for Parents to Show Love to Their Children?

When parents show their love to their children, it helps them to build a warm, loving and affectionate relationship with them, and children also feel safe and secure. This sense of security is called bonding or attachment. When children feel secure with their parents, they are more likely to be happy and confident and be able to handle their conflicts and anger better.


1. What Are the Ways for Parents to Express Love to Their Children?

Parents can show their love towards their children with small gestures, like writing notes and putting them in their lunch, offering praise, giving high fives, and saying kind things about them in front of others.

2. Why Is Parents Love for Their Kids so Strong?

The love of parents for their little ones is unconditional and a source of boundless joy and comfort for children. Parents feel immense pride when they see their children grow and succeed, and no other person can break this bond. This is the reason why parents’ love for their kids is so strong.

To show that you love your kid unconditionally, quotes and sayings are the best. You can use this collection, especially if you have trouble putting your own feelings into words. It will surely be appreciated!

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Amazing Father-Son Quotes that Reveal Love
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100 Beautiful Love Quotes From Parents to Their Children (2024)


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